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Patriotism: Fear Is More Powerful Than Freedom

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From the birth of the twentieth century to modern America, there have been various calamities by terrorists on American soil and on American’s living abroad. From September 16, 1920 to December 2, 2015, there have been many acts of terrorism by national and individual organizations, which have consequently persuaded Americans to believe that fear is more powerful than freedom, but have inspired other Americans to unite and fight the freedom for every individual. In spite of the atrocious terrorist attacks, the ideal of patriotism allows Americans to become resilient in the presence of fear.
A few aspects of the ideal of Patriotism, which contributes to freedom, can still be applied to modern day America, in which American citizens feel the need to seek …show more content…
The Empire of Japan which slyly planned a secretive attack on the American Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941, destroyed multiple fleets, civilians, and left many casualties injured. The Navy and other civilians embraced American Patriotism by aiding those who were injured and comforting the relatives of those who lost their lives. People who were living near Pearl Harbor immediately took shelter underground when they heard the bombs and firearms, which instigated a sense of fear in the American’s towards the Empire of Japan. In contrast to the fear generated in the nation by the various bombings and shooting that took place at Pearl Harbor, American’s felt that the need to protect their freedom was necessary. Consequently, the American’s took efforts to sacrifice their priorities in their lifestyle and create a plan of action to pay tribute to those who lost their lives during the surprise attack by the Empire of Japan. For instance, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United Stated, stated in sorrow, “A Date Which Will Live in Infamy,” to

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