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The Outsiders Book Report

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The Outsiders Notes


Ponyboy Curtis - He is fourteen year old greaser and the story is told from is point of view. Ponyboy is the smartest kid in his gang. Ponyboy lives with his older brothers Sodapop and Darry.

Darrel Curtis - He is Ponyboy’s oldest brother in the book he is known as Darry. Darry is a twenty year old greaser who is raising Ponyboy because their parents died in a car crash.

Sodapop Curtis - He is Ponyboy’s middle brother that has the good look and charm.

Two-Bit Mathews - Two-Bit is a greaser that is always starting fights with the soc’s.

Steve Randle - Steve is Sodapop’s best friend who is also a greaser. Steve sees Ponyboy as Sodapop’s annoying little brother.

Dallas Winston - He is the toughest greaser.

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