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Business Research: Word of Mouth


Submitted By hacktester3
Words 367
Pages 2
This research is the study of the factors that affect people to provide word-of-mouth on Oishi Grand. There are 4 factors that we think it will affect people to provide word-of-mouth on Oishi Grand, these 4 factors are 1.Food quality 2.Service quality 3. Perceived price and 4. Brand image. Our main research question is Does food quality, service quality, perceived price, and brand image affect people to provide word-of-mouth on Oishi Grand? Moreover, we try to find the factor that has the biggest impact.
We conduct the survey by using questionnaire as the tool to collect information. We collect information from 210 Assumption University’s students. Then we use SAS program to analyst the data. We try to separate people into many groups to see the relationship easier. We think that people who are Japanese lover, Novelty seeker, have an experience on Oishi Grand and Buffet lover will perceived different on Oishi Grand’s food quality, service quality, brand image and perceived price.
According to our hypothesis testing, Food quality, service quality and perceived price affect people to provide word-of-mouth on Oishi Grand, Perceived price generate the biggest impact. Moreover, people perceived food quality, service quality, perceived price and brand image of Oishi Grand as high. People who are buffet lover and non-buffet lover have no different frequency to go to Oishi Grand. Most of people will go to Oishi Grand during weekend afternoon (04.00pm. to 10.00 pm.)
From the research, Oishi Grand should focus on their food quality, service quality and perceive price. If Oishi Grand wants people to provide Word-of-mouth, the easiest way is reduce the price or use the promotion. The promotion during the weekday 11.00 am – 03.00 pm is the suggestion way to increase more customers. Customer who has experience on Oishi Grand will perceive food quality, perceived price and brand image different from the one who not has an experience. Oishi Grand should maintain its position because customer perceived Oishi Grand as high. Oishi Grand should attract new customers because non-customer perceived Oishi Grand brand image different from moderate-customers and heavy-customers.

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