...[pic] Tiêu Đề Mẫu : Việc Làm Thêm - Việc Làm Thêm Sinh Viên – Làm Thêm Tại Nhà – Việc Làm Thêm Cho Mọi Người - Việc Làm Online – Việc Làm Bán Thời Gian – Việc Làm Tự Do – Làm Thêm Ngoài Giờ - Vừa Làm Vừa Học – Kinh Doanh Tự Do – Kinh Doanh Online – Làm Thêm Thu Nhập Cao – Làm Thêm Cho Nhân Viên Văn Phòng – Làm Thêm Cho Sinh Viên – Việc Làm Ngoài Giờ…………… Thông Tin Tuyển Dụng ( Mẫu 1 ) CÔNG TY TNHH TÂM TẦM TÀI THÔNG TIN TUYỂN DỤNG Tuyển CTV Đăng Tin Quảng Cáo • Công việc: Đăng tin quảng cáo sản phẩm (nhân sâm, máy tính, điện thoại), tour du lịch ... lên các website hoặc diễn đàn, nội dung và hình thức trình bày, danh sách website đã có sẵn (sẽ nhận được khi làm việc ); Điều kiện: Nam/nữ Tuổi từ 18 trở lên; Thời Gian Làm Việc 2giờ/ngày - Có thể làm bất cứ thời gian nào trong ngày, tự thu xếp thời gian làm tại nhà (không cần có mặt tại Công ty); Địa điểm làm việc: Toàn Quốc, ưu tiên tại TP.Hồ Chí Minh; Mức lương :Thỏa Thuận ( theo năng lực làm việc) từ 3tr đến 5tr + nhiều chính sách hoa hồng và thưởng; Yêu cầu với công việc: Có sử dụng điện thoại di động, biết truy cập internet là một lợi thế; Ưu tiên : CHO NHỮNG NGƯỜI CẦN TÌM việc làm thêm - Không cần kinh nghiệm chuyên môn, Không phân biệt ngành nghề, Lương được nhận nhiều lần trong tháng nhận Qua Chuyển Khoản Ngân Hàng hoặc nhận Trực Tiếp tại Công Ty Sẽ Nhận Việc Làm Ngay Sau Khi Phỏng Vấn - Không Thử Việc. CHÚ Ý : Liên Hệ trực tiếp để được cấp mã số phỏng vấn và...
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...your answer with examples or evidence. The cultural and social differences are factors that should be taken into consideration when deaing with issues of trade. Social and cultural differences brings the aspect of trade on a more personal level. Cultures are constantly changing and evolveing but few things stay the same such as lanuage, religion, and values. For a company to stay economically ahead of the curb they need to make sure that thier employees are familiar with international cultures. Empolyees will not only need to understand the culture but they will also need to be able to communicate in order to do business buiness internationally. The rules are duffult and there to protect, and it is the businesses responsiblity to have the proper people in place to understand how these rules affect thier business and the cultures they will be conductiong business. Barriers to entry for theSmart for two EV as it expands into different markets is the economic baarrier the product will face. The product has a lot of great features and well dsigned, however the price of an electric car versus a vechile that runs on gas is much more expensive. The frist model of the smart car did not result in high market sales. For example the US economy today is very unstable and with more consumers being more educated about thier decisions for thier families, in a lot of situations the smart will not be a smart choice. I believe the product would be a great success if it were targeted to a particultr...
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...Pearson Edexcel General Certificate of Education May–June Summer 2016 Examination Timetable – FINAL Home Pearson Edexcel General Certificate of Education May–June Summer 2016 Examination Timetable – FINAL For more information on Edexcel qualifications please visit http://qualifications.pearson.com Notes Pearson Edexcel General Certificate of Education May–June Summer 2016 Examination Timetable – FINAL Home Notes Pearson Edexcel GCE Summer 2016 Examination View by Week Week Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Monday 16 May Monday 23 May Monday 6 June Monday 13 June Monday 20 June Monday 27 June Tuesday 17 May Tuesday 24 May Tuesday 7 June Tuesday 14 June Tuesday 21 June Tuesday 28 June Wednesday 18 May Wednesday 25 May Wednesday 8 June Wednesday 15 June Wednesday 22 June Wednesday 29 June Thursday 19 May Thursday 26 May Thursday 9 June Thursday 16 June Thursday 23 June Thursday 30 June Friday 20 May Day Week 1 Friday 27 May Friday 10 June Friday 17 June Friday 24 June Friday 1 July View by Subject Subject A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Pearson Edexcel General Certificate of Education May–June Summer 2016 Examination Timetable – FINAL Notes Home Notes 1. Conduct of Examinations 2. Key Dates • Each examination must be taken on the day and at the time as shown on the timetable. • The date for the restricted release of results to centres is Wednesday 17 August 2016. • The published...
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...more effective the affirmation is. NETWORKER’S AFFIRMATION 1. My Pr1mera business is now growing and expanding every day. Business is booming. 2. I am meeting new people everyday who want to create their own online business. 3. I am now having a blast teaching and training others how to build their own business. 4. I am creating awareness about Pr1mera and network marketing every day. 5. Every business action I take enhances and expands every area of my life. 6. I now inspire people to pursue personal freedom in every area of their lives. 7. My team is now growing and expanding all around the world every day. 8. I now have 10 qualifying PRIME ACHEIVER each legs and is now growing and expanding in width and depth of each day. 9. My business now spans across the globe. 10. I am now increasing my wealth and abundance rapidly and easily. 11. I am now offering Pr1mera to prospects with courage and confidence. 12. I am now surrounded by people who are ready, willing, and able to receive my products/service and join my business. 13. I am now a powerful, persuasive and charismatic leader. 14. I believe in my company and my products and services. 15. I am helping other people improve their own lives every day. 16. I am so happy and grateful now, that I am lovingly driving my brand new (color), (car/motor model) as a result of my Pr1mera business or something better. 17. I sustain my...
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...GraduateSchool of Business http://www.mba.itb.ac.id INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG MBA Programme GraduateSchool of Business http://www.mba.itb.ac.id MM5002 People in Organization CHEVRON PACIFIC INDONESIA CLASS (X48) FEBRUARY 2013 MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG http://www.sbm.itb.ac.id/mba MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG http://www.sbm.itb.ac.id/mba Contents 1. Vision and Mission of MBA-ITB 2 2. Learning Goals of MBA-ITB 2 3. Learning Outcomes of This Course 3 4. The Course Structure …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 5. The Course Plan 5 6. Lecturer Profile 13 7. Grading 14 8. Students Guidance 15 9. References 15 1. Vision and Mission of MBA-ITB Vision: “To be A World Class Program of Master and Business Administration that Creates Ethical and Entrepreneurial Leaders” Mission: * To educate and develop future leaders in business * To develop sustainable education program for building human resource capacity needed for enhancing industry competitiveness in Indonesia 2. Learning Goals of MBA-ITB In General, The MBA-ITB’s learning goal is to develop students to have the following characteristics : * A Strong competence in business and technology-based management as well as decision making capabilities as demonstrated by business leaders in the world...
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...Essay I am a transfer student from Santa Monica Community College in Los Angeles, California. This is my first semester in Northeastern University and I am currently enrolled in 5 different classes, including English 1111. I am a Chinese who is born and raised in Malaysia, and apparently English is not my first language. I started to learn English since I was 10, and decided to study abroad in United States when I was 20. I have taken a few English classes since I came to the United States, and I have learned a lot from each of my English professors, which increased my current level of confidence and skill in writing. In this semester, I have enrolled 4 different classes such as Managerial Accounting, Personal Skill Development for Business, International Business and Global Social Responsibility, and Business Statistic. All of these classes are related to business studies, which is my major. Among so many different concentrations in business, I have chosen finance because my father has influenced me in many ways since I was young. He is an active trader on the share market with an extensive portfolio. Therefore, he always shares his insights with me and teaches me how to perform technical analysis and fundamental analysis to identify the intrinsic value of a company. Eventually, this makes me have more interest in finance and the stock market. I am confident that I have much to offer and I am geared to learn more in Northeastern University. First of all, the class I am most...
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...September 2013 Day Monday 30th Early AM Later AM Early PM Later PM Early Eve Later Eve Tuesday 1st Revision for Biology GCSE (1) Revision for Mathematics GCSE (1) Revision for English GCSE (1) Wednesday 2nd school school school Revision for History GCSE (1) Thursday 3rd school school school Revision for Religious Studies GCSE (1) Revision for Biology GCSE (1) Revision for Chemistry GCSE (1) Friday 4th school school school Revision for Mathematics GCSE (1) Revision for English GCSE (1) Saturday 5th school school school Revision for History GCSE (1) Sunday 6th school school school Revision for Religious Studies GCSE (1) Revision for Chemistry GCSE (1) October 2013 Day Monday 7th Early AM school Later AM school Early PM school Later PM Early Eve Revision for Biology GCSE (1) Later Eve Revision for Mathematics GCSE (1) Revision for English GCSE (1) Tuesday 8th school school school Revision for History GCSE (1) Wednesday 9th school school school Revision for Religious Studies GCSE (1) Revision for Biology GCSE (1) Revision for Chemistry GCSE (1) Thursday 10th school school school Revision for Mathematics GCSE (1) Revision for English GCSE (1) Friday 11th school school school Revision for History GCSE (1) Saturday 12th school school school Revision for Religious Studies...
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...The Relationship between Principals and Agents in Business BUS311: Business Law I (BNJ1151A) Prof. Samantha Hodapp January 30, 2012 The Relationship between Principals and Agents in Business The relationship between a prinicipal and agent in business can and have been great; benefitting both parties involved while providing the best services or products to the consumer. Many businesses, or prinicipals, use an agent, such as an employee or sales representative, to represent the business when dealing with third-parties, also know as the consumer or client. For the sake of this writing this relationship will be based on the principal (A.O.I.), special agent(s) (sales representatives) and third-parties (clients). A special agent is a person delegated to act only in a particular transaction, under definite instructions, and with specific limits on the scope of his or her authority. (Liuzzo, 2009, pg. 259) An example in this case would be a sales representative who has authority to negotiate the price of a sale to a limit predetermined by the principal. Another example of prinicipal and agent relationships is GNC who argued that the conduct of McCreadies was sufficient to represent they had authority to enter a binding agreement on behalf of O2. McCreadies was hired by O2 to negotiate the terms of the contract and GPN argued that agents are commonly used to negotiate and enter into contracts and that O2 had at no time informed them of any restrictions of McCreadies’ authority...
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...SUITABILITY FOR SMALL BUSINESS ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH COMPETENCY PROFILING I- PERSONAL SKILLS IDENTIFIED THROUGH SELF-REFLECTION (10 Marks) Skills Gained:From Work | From School | From Hobbies:as Computer Games) | Communication skill: As a doctor, I deal with different kinds of people with diverse backgrounds and expectations. I acquire the techniques helping me have more effective and trouble-free communication. | Self-study:This good habit helps me constantly update my knowledge, find effectively relevant info to solve my issues. | Internet surfing: I am quite “addicted” to the Internet but in fact, it not only broadens my knowledge but also engages me in positive social relationships, helps me develop a curious and skeptical attitude, and open my mind to changes. | Time management:Repeated high workload at hospital enables me to manage my time more efficiently to finish my tasks. I often prioritize tasks in order not to miss important jobs. | Research skill:As I did several research work at university, I have research skills including critical thinking, literature review, perform experiments and data analysis. | Music listening:By listening to different types of music over the years, I become more sensitive to others ‘emotions and able to anticipate expectations and reactions of people in normal life. | Planning skill:I usually make a plan before starting a project. I like thinking over all aspects of the task and make a good preparation in order to heighten the...
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...first solely on my inability to repay the loans that I have already incurred for the BA. So, I really did not have much choice but to return to school, so that repayment of said loans will be deferred until after I have completed Graduate school. However, after making my decision based on the preceding facts, I am beginning to realize the importance of obtaining and putting the degree to work. To have my MBA in many cases where landing better employment is concerned will demonstrate a higher level of commitment and achievement too many potential employers’, or to obtaining funding to have my own business. In turn having my MBA will help to open doors that otherwise may not be open at all to those without their MBA. Argument Construction pg 3 When looking into whether or not I should pursue an MBA, there were several different factors that led me to making the decision to go through with it. I was in a position of having to pay back my previous loans that were incurred during the process of obtaining my BA in business and IT. I am a hardcore Type-A personality and I am already working on my own and do not really...
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...Business & Management is a field that has always interested me. With many international and local businesses entering the market in Kazakhstan, I believe it is a growing field that appeals to me. I always wanted to study business since it gives you broad opportunities for work and it's such a valuable part of our modern day society. This subject interests me because I want to work for a firm in the future. Additionally, business is a field with a vast employment variety. You can work in many sectors and gain different experiences and that is what I want to do, try a bit of everything. Also, business is not a static field of study and is constantly changing, which makes it every more interesting. The biggest factor that makes me suitable for the course are my interests, perseverance, determination, and willingness to learn. I am also suitable for this course because it is easy for me to understand concepts related to business and people's behavior due to the fact that I studied IB Economics and IB Psychology at a Higher Level. I am also a recipient of Honor Roll awards in every year of high school as well as a recipient of many individual awards....
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...an MBA Dexter G. Ronquillo MGT/521 18 July 2010 Kate Stowe At present, I am the Detachment Leading Petty Officer in my division. My job involves a lot of planning and deals mostly with administrative side of the house. My division is the one in charge of supporting various squadrons with high priority missions in various locations. As the Detachment LPO, it is my duty to make sure that the equipments we are sending out in different sites will perform according to what they are designed for and will last throughout the entire deployment. In view of the fact that there are only few personnel who can go and perform maintenance on the equipments, plus, there is only limited parts and supplies that goes with it, I have to make sure that all necessary maintenance, scheduled or unscheduled, are conducted prior to shipping the gears. That involves the planning that I mentioned earlier, which is new to me because this is my first time to have such type of responsibility for I am working on a different level in my previous command. I also have to deal with my chain of command more often at this moment because I report to them directly. We always have meetings and conferences. The higher ups are always discussing wide scope of projects, budgets, and a lot of administrative matters. Most of the time, I cannot understand the way their communication goes because of lack of business or administrational background. With this abrupt change in my responsibility...
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...1 Business and Funding American Intercontinental University BUSINESS AND FUNDING 2 Abstract When it comes to business there is always more to learn. This weeks paper will look at a couple very important terms having to do with business management; investment banker, stock market, financial management, and risk financing. The paper will take a brief look at the function and importance of each of these terms and how they apply to business. I will also discuss how I will fund my new business venture, and why I choose that way of funding. There are a variety of ways to fund a business including borrowing from friends and family or even seeking out investors. There is no right or wrong way to fund your business, just what way works best for you and your situation. BUSINESS AND FUNDING 3 Funding a Small Business Venture Previously I discussed the way in which I wanted to run my business. I chose to run my new small business as a sole proprietor. As a sole proprietor I will run my own business and be taxed at a personal income level, and I personally am liable for all business debt (The Ultimate Resource, 2009). I will give you a brief reminder of my situation, I am starting my own small business for a new product I invented, and I believe this product can be used for a wide range of applications. I am very new to the business world and am doing a lot of research...
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...was in high school. I think that I am beyond lucky that I am given the opportunity to study abroad through the University of Redlands. I am interested in studying in Barcelona, Spain. Barcelona is my number one choice and I would be studying with the IES Liberal Arts & Business Program. Barcelona is my top choice for three main reasons; being able to become fluent in Spanish, studying Spanish art and architecture, and for the cultural experience. I have studied Spanish since 1st grade and I am at the point in my life where I am developing a passion for the language and I wish to become fluent in it. I am majoring in Business Administration and minoring in Fine Arts. Becoming fluent in Spanish will allow me to broaden my work horizons not just for the remainder of my college career, but also for the rest of my life. I wish to become an interior designer when I am older so being fluent in another language will allow me to work with more clients. I have always been passionate about art and design. I think that there is no better place to study these two things than in Barcelona. Barcelona is filled with different styles of architecture and art all throughout the city. Through the Liberal Arts & Business Program with IES, I plan to take classes on the architecture and landscape in Barcelona and also an art and design class. These classes will fulfill my CC and CP LAF’s. Since I am majoring in Business Administration, while I am abroad I plan on taking classes in Marketing...
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...Demonstrative Communication Erik Hess Business Communication/BCOM275 1/20/2013 Jacqueline Crawford Demonstrative Communication Nonverbal and unwritten communication has a large impact in today’s business environment. How leaders project themselves through body language, tone, rate of speech, and facial expressions to their staff all have just as much importance as the message itself. Being aware of message delivery and how to communicate with coworkers, peer managers, and direct reports in a nonverbal manner can mean the difference between success and failure. I will be reviewing some of my experiences in business communication over the last twenty years as it relates to meetings, presentations, and client interactions. When I meet with staff I am always positioning myself in a leadership role. The message will be different and my delivery style must match the message. I also must plan what type of response I am looking for from the meeting? Do I want the receivers to be upbeat, energized, and engaged? Or, is my message more disciplinary and I am looking for understanding and acknowledgement? When meeting with clients is this a sales call? Or is this a service follow up that seeks to resolve an issue? In all these different situations, I must tailor my non-verbal cues in a way that projects I understand the purpose of the meeting. For example, in a sales meeting that is upbeat and seeking to celebrate success my rate of speech is fast-paced, upbeat, and I am smiling. I engage each member...
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