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C Perfringens Case Study

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Robin and Dean (1992) studied 42 cases suffered from gastrointestinal disturbances after consumption of meat meal in November, 1990. 32 (76%) attendees reported gastrointestinal illness with incubation period ranged from 1.5-15h. Bacteriological analysis identified C. perfringens in 11 to 12 stool samples from ill persons. They expected that the fault in time and temperature control during the cooling and reheating of the food permitted C. perfringens multiplication in the food.
Wyatt (1992) stated that C. perfringens type A enterotoxin is produced in the intestine after ingestion of contaminated food by these organisms. The toxin is a protein in nature and causes fluid accumulation in the small intestine but the exact mode of action is not …show more content…
perfringens is an extracellular bacterium that can produce powerful cytotoxins that lyse cell wall and connective tissue; after reaching intestine, the organisms grow rapidly in the host tissue, and produce various toxins and enzymes that cause serious destruction of the host tissues.
Olsen et al. (2000) reported that documented C. perfringens food poisoning cases in USA between 1993-1997 ranged from 255-1011, which may be lower than the true occurrence as C. perfringens is not a notifiable disease.
Radostits et al. (2000) said that C. perfringens is normally inhabits the gastrointestinal tract of human and animal; under certain conditions, the organism proliferate rapidly in the intestine and produce lethal quantities of exotoxin causing severe tissue damage and tissue necrosis.
FDA (2001) reported that C. perfringens is called "the cafeteria germ" because many outbreaks result from ingestion of prepared food left for long periods in steam tables or at room temperature. Bacteria destroyed by cooking, but some heat resistant toxin-producing spores may survive. Diarrhea with gases pains may appear 8 to 24 hours after eating; usually last about 1 day, but less severe symptoms may persist for 1 to 2

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