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Cannabis Oil Research Paper

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Have you heard the term cannabis? Of course, you must have heard cannabis as the source of drugs and weed. The cannabis plant is the hub for the production of drugs. Cannabis plant is first steamed and further distillation of the flowers and upper leaves gives us cannabis essential oil. Cannabis and hemp are the plants that are used as herbs in various parts of the world. But the term cannabis oil is very vital to all mankind. Cannabis essential oil is very volatile oil and little amounts of oil are used in various aspects of life. It has many uses like as aromatherapy oils or the treatment of cancer. But due to the rampant use of the cannabis plant as drugs, it is limited to certain regions like France and Europe. Import export of this product …show more content…
We all work in a hostile environment and this leads to cat race among the workers. This is for certain a way to imbibe stress and anxiety in the mind. Cannabis oil is the one stop solution to all stress ways. This oil can be massaged or used as aromatherapy oils in the spas. This will alleviate the mind and induces the pleasure hormones to be active in the body.

* Insomnia

Your boss might even give competition to Hitler and his principles. Or, you might be having troubles at college. Whatever the problem is, sleeplessness is the only result. You might become the night owl in no time. No sleep and lots of over thinking leads to evildoing. The body also needs some rest, which this stress won't let you have. Try Cannabis oil in the next spa session. It will relieve your pressure points and give you a peaceful sleep. Do use cannabis oil and sleep like a baby.

* Cure for cancer

Most important use of cannabis oil is in the treatment of cancer. Cannabis oil has been the key element in the cure for cancerous cells. Cannabinoid compound present in the cannabis plant reacts with the THC in the body to stop the malicious growth of cancer cells in the body. Due to the controlled growth of cells, the tumor size gradually reduces and leads to a cancer free

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