...Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a career in cosmetology? Becoming a licensed cosmetologist opens up many exciting opportunities in the beauty industry, not to mention is a great option if you enjoy helping others feel and look their best. If you live in the Wallingford, CT area, consider earning your cosmetology license from Academy Di Capelli, the area’s leading full-service cosmetology school and salon. Academy Di Capelli’s cosmetology degree program offers students the best education possible in all things beauty. From barbering, makeup application, facials, nail care, and more, you can be sure you’ll receive the most thorough cosmetology education at Academy Di Capelli. Their cosmetology license courses have been rated...
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...Successful Hiring Procedures “I am convinced that nothing we do is more important than hiring and developing people. At the end of the day you bet on people, not on strategies.” – Lawrence Bossidy, GE Hiring and developing the right people are part of the most important bases for the present and future success of any company. Each employee contributes to the development, innovation and implementation of any value, belief, behavior, philosophy and attitude inside and outside of a company. In the following paper I will discuss the importance of HR, talent management and their relationship in the successful hiring process, considering the arguments of Peter Capelli the author of the article HR for Neophytes. A. Peter Capelli states that managers are more and more likely to take management into their own hands instead of rely on the HR functions; but is this an effective practice? To define the importance of talent management is necessary to describe it as the primary driver for organizational success. Broadly defined, talent management is the implementation of integrated strategies or systems designed to increase workplace productivity by developing improved processes for attracting, developing, retaining and utilizing people with the required skills and aptitude to meet current and future business needs1. The responsibility for talent management is shared thought out all the organization from the CEO to the frontline managers, and their communication. The...
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...patient-centred process that ensures continuity of care, optimizes health, minimizes adverse events, and ensures that the young person attains his/her maximum potential. It starts with preparing a service user to leave a child-centred health care setting and ends when that person is received in, and properly engaged with, the adult provider” (Singh and Tuomainen, 2015, p.358). A shared management model as an acting continuum of care would address the very apparent lack of communication that currently plagues the transition from CYMHS and AMHS. Capelli et al., suggest a shared management model was implemented to address the service gap in transitional care. It is characterized by a flexible, collaborative approach whereby youth and adult providers from hospitals and communities work together with youth and families to develop individualized transitional care plans that promote coordination and continuity of care between CYMHS and AMHS. Capelli...
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...Leadership In the changing business environment, leaders of all organisations may face unprecedented uncertainty, especially the technology advancement and changes among the employees. To survive and succeed, leaders should have some necessary attributes. Meanwhile, some changes for leadership skills have to be made to confront the challenges. Two reports( Ladkin & Weber 2011; Cappelli et al. 2010) and a reflection (Useem 2010) discuss current business leadership issues in a global business environment . While in the article “Leadership Issues and Challenges in the Tourism Industry: A Hong Kong Perspective”, which focuses on Hong Kong business leaders, the author Ladkin & Weber have a different overall position compared to the other two articles: “Leadership lessons from India” by Cappelli et al. and “Four Lessons in Adaptive Leadership” by Useem. These two articles are more concerned with interactions between manager and employees. All three texts will be compared and contrasted in this review according to business leaders themselves, their attributes to employees and concepts of mission and vison. All the authors highlight the necessary attributes needed by leaders and adaptive leadership. Useem focuses on four attributes ‘Meet the troops, make decisions, focus on mission, convey strategic intent’ (P.75). He emphasizes the link between the leaders and the subordinates. Similarly, Cappelli et al. highlight ‘transformational’ (P.93) leadership style in India, in which...
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...sola e ce l’ho… beh, la musica al mattino un buongiorno necessario. Le note di The Scientist continuano a riecheggiare nella stanza, e io me le godo stando sdraiata a rimirare la mia immagine riflessa nello specchio sopra il mio letto… Un’altra delle tante fissazioni che avevo qualche anno fa, in piena fase adolescenziale e che è stata soddisfatta con il mio andarsene fuori di casa. Sembrano tempi lontani, quasi quanto la seconda me appesa al soffitto (diciamocelo: il mio appartamento ha delle stanze spaziose… ma che dico, enormi! grandi quasi un campo da basket e con un’altezza da far girare la testa), eppure quei tempi lontani sono databili come 4 anni fa. Mi rimiro ancora un attimo, cominciando la solita solfa del “i miei capelli, guarda che capelli! Oggi dovrò ingaggiare un’altra lotta per sistemarli”, “un fantasma, in confronto, sembrerebbe abbronzato ”, “guarda che occhiaie!” e poi, scostando un po’ il lenzuolo, mi metto a sedere, incrociando le gambe e stiracchiando le braccia, per poi appoggiarle sul letto, dietro di me, per mantenere l’equilibrio, per rilassarmi ancora un po’, per crogiolarmi nel tepore del post-dormita. Alzarsi dal letto non mi è mai risultato facile, soprattutto quando il tempo non è dei migliori: mi giro verso le ampie vetrate e constato che son leggermente rigate di pioggia poi, guardando più in là, noto che grossi nuvoloni grigi e neri sovrastano la città che si è già messa in moto da qualche ora. Mi vien da sbuffare perché questo tempo mi deprime...
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...solito e quanto spesso(giornalmente,settimanalmente,mensilmente,annualmente)? * Detergenti(saponi liquidi e in panetto, doccia schiuma, bagno schiuma, saponi intimi, prodotti per l’igiene dei piedi, sali da bagno, struccanti viso); * Deodoranti e Antitraspiranti( appartengono a questo gruppo tutti i vari tipi di deodorante, che siano spray, in stick, a sfera, in gel, traspiranti o profumanti); * Profumi; * Prodotti per il trucco(rossetto, lucidalabbra, fondotinta, burro cacao, mascara, ombretto, fard, cipria, eyeliner, correttori, creme colorate, smalti, solventi); * Coloranti per capelli; * Prodotti trattamento per viso e corpo(idratanti, nutrienti, anti età, contorno occhi, le maschere, le lozioni tonificanti, i depigmentati, i prodotti per le impurità della pelle, gli oli e gel per il corpo, i depilatori, i rassodanti, gli esfolianti); * Prodotti per capelli e cuoio capelluto(shampoo, dopo shampoo, balsamo, gel, schiume, lacche, maschere, gommine, mousse strutturanti, fissatori); * Prodotti per la barba(schiume da barba, dopobarba, emulsioni prebarba); * Prodotti per l’igiene orale(dentifrici,deodoranti per l’alito,collutori); * Solari 2)Avete delle aziende di cosmesi predilette?! 2a)Se si, quali sono(indicare preferenza da 1 a 5)? * L’OCCITANE En Provence * The Body Shop * M.A.C. * L’OREAL * Vichy * Collistar * Bioetyc Uomo * Nuxe *...
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...Name: Camille Lewis Email: camille87@hotmail.com Subject: SHRM Question: Discuss the significance of integration to the definition of SHRM.Using examples from the course critically examine the concepts and practice of integration. If one is to ask a civil engineer, what are the key components in the construction of a building? His response will be a strong foundation. Therefore to effectively discuss the above proposal a proper foundation should be laid, that foundation in this case is a comprehensive definition of SHRM. According to Walker 1992 SHRM is the means of aligning the management of human resources with the strategic content of the business. Many critics of the discipline propose that the subject matter offers little in empirical data to add the term strategic to the HR function, however according to Watson and Watson 1999 HR management is essentially Strategic .Firstly HR management must consider the whole organization, whereas line or functional managers focuses on departmental performance. HR management looks at long term functional on immediate or short term performance. Therefore Fombrun et al (1984) postulated that if any organization is to function effectively there are three core elements to be considered, they are the organisation’s mission and strategy, organizational structure, finally human...
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...Dysfunctional Families: The Expectations and Realities Many readers of Cinderella and Snow White have never realized how dysfunctional the families are in these childhood fairytales. Over the years many of these stories have been revised and retold to children. Although these versions are more children appropriate, the originals contain cases of extreme dysfunctional families. Fairytales such as Cinderella and Snow White are prime examples of such. In the original Grimm’s versions of these two tales, one would definitely agree that they contain more gore and violence than the Walt Disney spin offs of the stories. Spin offs such as Ella Enchanted and the three A Cinderella Stories are more common in today’s society. But what most people don’t realize as they read these stories is that they are promoting the idea that all step mothers are evil and will make their step children the slave or maid of the house. These stories are extremely influential to children of young ages and tell children that dysfunctional families are okay in this society. In the Grimm’s tale of Cinderella, her stepmother is extremely verbally abusive towards her. When the stepmother and her two daughters move into Cinderella and her father’s home, she questions him as to why that useless creature (referring to his daughter, Cinderella) has the best room in the house, sends her to the kitchen, and claims her as the maid of the house. (Grimm 1) the stepmother in this story is one of the most common that young...
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...Successful organizations know that to win in today’s competitive marketplace they must attract, develop, and retain talented and productive employees. The resource-based view of the organization emphasizes, in the words of Capelli and Crocker-Heifer (1996), that ‘distinctive human resource practices help to create unique competencies that differentiate products and services and, in turn, drive competitiveness’. Therefore, winning organizations get their competitive edge from a Performance Management System (PMS) that helps them hire talented people, place them in the right position, align their individual performance with the organization’s vision and strategic objectives, appraise them, develop their abilities, and reward performance commensurate with contributions to the organization’s success. However, organizations need to understand some of the human resource practices in order to maximize the benefits, such as Performance PMS. With reference to orthodox and radical criticisms, this essay will argue the extent to which PMS is more superior to performance appraisal in managing performance in a modern organization. Performance management is a systematic process for improving organizational performance by developing the performance of individuals and teams. It is a means of getting better results by understanding and managing performance within an agreed framework of planned goals, standards, and competency requirements. (Armstrong 2009). The essential components or parts...
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...customers having a good time while flying. They carefully select their employees using interviews that involve creative activities and or even asking the recruits to wear tutus. Their training program with karaoke and amusing challenges is designed to socialize the new recruits into Southwest’s fun-loving culture. According to its Web site, its cultural values are “A Warrior Spirit, A Servant’s Heart, A Fun-Luving Attitude.”22 “Southwest’s whole business model is built on a particular approach to managing employees. It’s a big bet they are making that they can swallow AirTran… This is a very different approach, taking thousands of AirTran employees, dumping them into the system and hoping it works. It’s a pretty risky move,” says Peter Capelli, a Wharton management professor in 2010. Cappelli adds that airline mergers are always difficult because integration has to take place while a carrier continues to carry out complex operations. Thousands of employees can’t easily be put through an orientation program in the merger’s short time frame and the information systems supporting the complex operations of two airlines can’t be easily changed.23 In November 2011, Southwest Airlines’ more than 6,000 pilots and AirTran Airways’ 1,700 pilots overwhelmingly approved a plan to combine the seniority lists of the two carriers, with five out of six pilots voting in favor.24 The personnel systems have to be modified to reflect the new seniority and pay systems. The disparate cultures...
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...The Buck Stops Here: Not a Handout, a Hand Up Sharon Nakken Kaplan University CM220: College Composition ll Thousands of welfare investigators across the nation report that only about 2% - 3% of welfare cases involve fraud (Barron, 2012). That is such a small percentage. Could fraud on that small scale really be significant? After closer examination, the significance becomes much clearer. If 2% - 3% of welfare cases are fraudulent, that means between 785,000 to 1.2 million families are receiving welfare illegally (Barron, 2012). That ends up costing taxpayers between 9.0 – 13.5 billion dollars each year (Barron, 2012). That small percentage turns into a very large number of dollars spent annually on welfare recipients who should not be receiving these benefits (Barron, 2012). The welfare system in America today is once again in need of reform. Conditions such as mandatory drug testing, entry into an educational program, and strict time limits need to be placed on individuals who wish to receive welfare. In 2007 The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation reported that 20% of families receiving welfare claimed to have used illegal drugs at least once in the last year, while 5% said they had an ongoing drug habit (Vitter, 2011). Some who oppose the random drug testing requirement say that it does nothing more than single out the poor and underprivileged. Deputy legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union, Vanita Gupta claims “Mandatory drug testing of those receiving...
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...razza, soprattutto quando si può contare su un cervello ben funzionante a meno che non si sia diventati pazzi! La scienza ha stabilito che tra un nero ed un bianco non esistono vere differenze, ma per la verità la cosa non era mai stata messa in discussione. Ciò non toglie, però, che molti si sentano perfettamente a proprio agio parlando con un negro, pur non essendo affatto razzisti. Probabilmente, la mancanza di abitudine a convivere con gente di altre razze fa di questi scherzi, ma il futuro sembra riservarci una società sempre più cosmopolita. Il tema sul razzismo Dovremo quindi abituarci, in un modo o nell'altro, a considerare il colore della pelle delle persone con la medesima naturalezza con cui ne osserviamo il colore dei capelli. Non poche mamme vedono male un bambino di colore nella stessa classe del loro figliolo, quasi nessun genitore sarebbe disposto ad avallare un matrimonio misto, mentre molti maschi di razza bianca dimostrano delle prostitute (e perfino i transessuali) di colore. Penso non sia il razzismo, inteso nel senso puro del...
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...Global Talent Management Recent developments in management- and academic literature and application of the ING. Talent, from Greek talanton; Latin talenta; a unit of weight or money. Amsterdam Business School Course: Author: Date: Business Studies Seminar, Final Assignment (Paper) Bekir Gündelik #10481745 23-10-2013 1 Introduction The term “talent” dates back to the ancient world (from Greek talanton; Latin talenta) where it was used to denote a unit of weight or money (Talent, n.d.-a; Tansley, 2011). Subsequently, the meaning of talent underwent a considerable change, standing for an inclination, disposition, will, or desire by the 13th century (Talent, n.d.-a). In the 14th century, talent then adopted the meaning of a special natural ability or aptitude, which was probably based on figurative interpretations of the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14–30) (Talent, n.d.-a). The subtext of this parable conveys that talents—whether they are interpreted as monetary units or natural abilities—are valuable and should not be wasted, and this moral still applies today. This paper set out to identify current developments in global talent management and leadership and the current position of ING Bank (ING) as an employer and facilitator of global talent management programs and leadership programs. The next generation of global talent management practices and solutions will largely be driven by economic evolution, demographic changes, and technology advancements. These factors...
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...Honour Norman Period 4 AP Lit 03/09/14 Ms. Capelli April Fool’s I had carefully placed the fake insect toy inside my parents toilet and retreated away quickly, anticipating a shriek or a holler coming from the bathroom when one of them tried to go to the bathroom. I sat in my room and waited and glanced around my room and felt very happy about the day, it was April Fool’s and I had already managed to prank them a couple times. Finally, after what seemed to be forever, I heard my father walk into the bathroom and yell and run out. I laughed and laughed and believed that if I lifted up my shirt there would be a new set of abs on my stomach from all the giggling that occurred. About an hour later, my father and stepmother came in, I thought they were here to play a prank on me, but they sat me down on the bed and looked very serious. Believing this was all a big joke, I pretended to be all serious too, then my dad said, “You know your mom had a gun in the house”. That’s when I realized it wasn’t an April Fool’s joke anymore and this was real. That one sentence rang in my ears for months, because on March 31st, 2010, my bestfriend and mother committed suicide leaving behind only a note explaining how the depression took over and there was no other way out. April Fool’s day was cut short and growing up happened all in one hour it seemed. From this experience, however, I have gained appreciation, knowledge, and mostly strength. The most important thing I believe I have...
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...The Benefits of Offering Tuition Reimbursement to Employees Trina Heyrman XCOM/285 November 16, 2013 Professor Elisa Rowell When it comes to the many benefits a company could provide for their employees, there are three important ones in the minds of those employees. These are insurance, vacation time, and flexibility. Most employees do not realize that there is another, more potentially life changing benefit that could be offered. This option is of course, tuition reimbursement. Companies that offer tuition reimbursement find themselves with unique opportunities, ones they might otherwise never have had a chance to take advantage of. Companies that offer tuition reimbursement can do things like require employees who take advantage of the opportunity to stay with the company for a certain amount of time, thus giving the company a potentially loyal and likely permanent employee on staff, who has been trained properly for the duties his or her job will entail. A company can also require employees to maintain a high GPA, to ensure only the best work comes from our employees. In order to keep the usage of this benefit restricted to people whose degrees will help the company, the reimbursement can be set for only employees pursuing a business and communications degree. When a company offers its employees tuition reimbursement, it makes the employee more likely to be loyal to the company, which in turn can have an effect on the chances industrial espionage will take place...
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