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Cardiogenic Shock Case Study

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1. John is exhibiting Cardiogenic Shock because of the given signs and symptoms with and because of patient history of extensive myocardial infarction.
Signs and Symptoms Rationale
Decreased level of consciousness due to decreased blood flow to the brain
Pale because decrease of blood flow
Sweating due to sympathetic compensatory response
Cool peripherally due to reduction of cardiac output

2. Pathophysiology of Right-sided heart failure and left-sided heart failure.
Right-ventricular failure

Right-sided heart failure means that the right side of the heart is not pumping blood to the lungs as well as normal. This usually occurs as a result of left-sided heart failure. When the left side of your heart fails, the pressure increases in the …show more content…
Activity and exercise- Given current evidence, patients should be encouraged to stay as active as possible, including sexual activity and a moderate exercise regimen. Given the threat of complications related to increased myocardial oxygen demand in the face of isometric exercise, patients are usually counseled to avoid lifting a significant weight (eg, >20 lb) or performing exercises that cause a patient to strain (eg, performing a Valsalva maneuver).
c. Medications- Patients should be taught the name of each drug and its purpose, dosage, frequency, and significant side effects. The goals of education and counseling are to assist patients in compliance with the therapeutic regimen, to maintain clinical stability and function, and to improve quality of life. These goals are best achieved when the patient and family are knowledgeable about every aspect of the condition and treatment and are active participants in the plan of care.
d. Compliance of therapeutic plan of care- Strategies to enhance patient compliance must therefore be an integral part of the overall management plan. These strategies not only must include the patient but also must integrate the roles of physicians, nurses, other healthcare providers, and healthcare organizations into the plan to ultimately improve patient outcomes.
e. Hospital Discharge and Outpatient Heart Failure Management

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