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Cardiovascular Disease Research Paper

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Today’s society has made it possible for people to have a more comfortable and appealing lifestyle. But does it really make your body healthy? One of the most common issues regarding health in this generation is on cardiovascular health. Can you consider yourself having a healthy heart?

What is Cardiovascular Disease?
Any disease that involves the heart and the different blood vessels in the body can be termed under cardiovascular diseases. There are several problems that can be attributed to having cardiovascular disease and somehow, these kinds of diseases increase in risk factors, especially when one ages.

Cardiovascular disease starts when a plugging of the vessels begins, which in turn makes the passageways become narrower or sometimes, …show more content…
There are several cardiovascular disease types that can happen to a person. Some of the following are listed below:

Heart failure – this type of cardiovascular disease happens when the heart fails to pump blood well. It doesn’t mean a complete failure but the different parts of the body don’t get enough oxygen from the blood being pumped. This disease is also known as congestive heart failure.

Arrhythmia – this type of cardiovascular disease happens when there is an irregular rhythm in the beating of the heart. It can be characterized by either too fast, to slow or irregular intervals in beating. Pumping of blood is generally affected when the heart does not beat in a regular, normal manner.

Heart valve issues – this type of cardiovascular disease is characterized by problems in the opening of the heart valves, especially when they don’t open enough called stenosis, or when there is a leak when they don’t close well, called regurgitation. Also, when the valves tend to go back to the upper chamber, it’s called prolapsed. These conditions affect the flow of blood within the heart.

What are the different cardiovascular disease …show more content…
Examinations on the blood pressure, fatty deposits, circulation of blood, heart rhythms, blood flow, and alike can be done in order to see if there are issues or problems occurring within the body that can directly involve the heart. Sometimes, swelling can also be checked instantly within the feet and legs since it’s a direct sign of having heart failure. A simple application of pressure on the lower leg bone can be done by the doctor and if there is a dent afterwards, then it can be a sign of the presence of edema or

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