...Homocysteine and The Cardiovascular System Abstract Cardiovascular disease is considered to be the leading cause of death to date. There are many factors that contribute to cardiovascular disease. Some factors are conventional and straightforward, while others are unconventional and overlooked (Dwivedi, Tripathi, Shukla, Khan, Chauhan, 2011). Homocysteine is an amino acid found in the body that helps to build and maintain tissue. High levels of homocysteine have been linked to endothelial damage to the blood vessels. This damage can lead to plaque formation, thus atherosclerosis can ensue (American Heart Association, 2012). Although there are many causes of hyperhomocysteinemia, research has shown that nutritional replacement has helped to lower the level. Folic acid and B vitamins have shown to decrease homocysteine levels and thus help decrease plaque formation. Patients with high levels of homocysteine are instructed to include folic acid and b vitamins in their diet, restrict methionine, and exercise. Homocysteine is an unconventional risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and can also be used as a risk marker (Milani & Lavi, 2008). Homocysteine and The Cardiovascular System Cardiovascular disease involves all the diseases that affect the heart and vessels. There are many different diseases that affect the cardiovascular system. Atherosclerosis is one of these diseases. Atherosclerosis is characterized by the accumulation of soft, fatty and fibrinous...
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...Background information Cardiovascular system is an organ system that permits blood to be transported throughout the body. The cardiovascular or vascular system is aparting from the heart, blood vessels (vascular) and an amount of 5 liters of blood that is circulating via blood vessels. This type of system (cardiovascular) carry oxygen, nutrients, hormones and cellular waste products all over the body. It has a structure with which use as source of energy the most hard-working-organ of the body-the heart. Heart’s size is about a closed fist. Moreover, as far as the blood vessels (the circulation system) as concerned, there are three major categories of them, including arteries, capillaries and veins. The basic structure and function of the...
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...P4 Cardiovascular system The cardiovascular system is made up of blood vessels and your heart. The heart pumps oxygen and blood around your body allowing you to survive. It transports carbon dioxide which is a waste product from your body to your lungs. When you breathe out, carbon dioxide is removed from your body. Three main functions: Transportation - The system transports blood to most of the bodies tissues. In the blood there is special nutrients and oxygen which help us develop and breathe. Waste is removed and hormones are transported through the body with the help of the liquid. Protection - The cardiovascular system helps to protect the body with the help of the white blood cells. These cells fight pathogens that have entered your body, this is because they could become harmful to your body. Platelets and red blood cells form a scab which seal wounds. The blood carries antibodies that help with immunity. This can include vaccinations that you have already had or something you are fighting off. Regulation - If you have any internal conditions, the cardiovascular system helps maintain it. Blood vessels help keep your body temperature right. They do this by controlling the blood flow to the surface of the skin. When the body overheats, blood vessels near the skin open up which allows blood to let go of its heat. If your body suffers from hypothermia your blood vessels open and close to keep blood flowing. This will help the organs keep going. Your blood...
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...Experiment CardiovasCular system Blood Cardiovascular System: Blood Laszlo Vass, Ed.D. Version 42-0007-02-01 Lab RepoRt assistant This document is not meant to be a substitute for a formal laboratory report. The Lab Report Assistant is simply a summary of the experiment’s questions, diagrams if needed, and data tables that should be addressed in a formal lab report. The intent is to facilitate students’ writing of lab reports by providing this information in an editable file which can be sent to an instructor. Exercise 1: Observing Blood Questions A. What are the components of blood? Plasma, platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells are the components of blood. B. What is the function of red blood cells? Red blood cells carry oxygen to your cells and remove carbon dioxide from your cells. A. C. List the five types of leukocytes and describe the function of each. Neurtophils are white blood cells that attack the infection before other white blood cells. Eosinophils are white blood cells that protect the body by killing and swallowing bacteria. Monocytes help with immune defense and rebuild damaged tissue. Basophils increase in numbers when the body has an infection and accumulate at the site of the infection. They help to increase blood flow and decrease inflammation. Lymphocytes are mostly responsible for helping the body’s immune system. They consist of B and T cells. B cells release antibodies into the body’s fluids and T cells directly attack viruses...
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...Cardiovascular system It consists of the heart and blood vessels (arteries and veins). The heart It is a muscle that functions as an extremely powerful pump to drive blood through the arteries and suck the blood from the veins come. The size of the fist, weighs about 300 grams and pump 5 liters of blood per minute. The heart represents only 0.4% of total body weight but consumes 10% of the oxygen provided by breathing. Arteries These are the vessels that carry blood from the heart to all organs. The transported blood through the arteries carries oxygen to organs and provides essential nutrients for their proper functioning. Veins These are the vessels that carry blood from the organs to the heart. The blood transported through the veins is...
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...Cardiovascular system is transporting system used by the body to export nutrients and oxygen to the body through arteries and remove carbon dioxide by taking it to the lungs through the veins. The walls of capillaries are consist of only one endothelial cell, that is where oxygen and carbon dioxide gets exchanged. The human heart is divided into four chambers; the two upper chambers are called atria and the lower two chambers are called ventricles. The chambers are separated with barriers called septa. The upper chambers are separated with interatrial septum and the lower two ventricles are separated with intraventricular septum. The right side of the heart pumps the deoxygenated blood to the lungs and the left side of the heart pumps the...
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...Before we begin to discuss the effect massage does, or does not have on the cardiovascular system, first I will clearly define both. The cardiovascular system, is an organ system that helps the body to maintain homeostasis, by way of blood circulation and the transport of nutrients, oxygen, hormones, carbon dioxide, and blood cells that flows throughout the body to help fight disease, and stabilizes the normal body functions. Such diseases that I will be discussing, and that are effected by the cardiovascular system are, heart disease, leukemia, cardiac arrest, and congestive heart failure. Massage, on the other hand is the manipulation of the muscle and connective tissue, that helps to enhance function, and helps to aid the healing process...
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...The Cardiovascular System - car-di-o-vas-cu-lar sys-tem also called the circulatory system. This system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood that travels through the blood vessels to all parts of the body, including nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and remove carbon dioxide. The heart works as a pump and it works really hard within the body, it is said to be the hardest working organ in the body, the heart is about the size of a fist and pump over five liters of blood throughout the body every minute that seems like a lot doesn't it, think about a one liter soda well five of those equal five liters, but remember the body just recycle the blood over and over, the heat pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs and oxygenated blood to...
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...2nd Dan Grading theory assignment: To illustrate the human cardiovascular system and to explain how the cardiovascular system works and how this is affected by martial arts. The cardiovascular system composes of blood, the heart, the lungs, veins, arteries and all other blood vessels. Its primary function is to pump oxygenated blood and all its nutrients around the body to the muscles and organs that need it, and in turn transport deoxygenated blood and any waste products, that have been used by the body, back to the lungs to be excreted. The cardiovascular system is also used by the body’s other systems to act as transport via the blood for hormones, water and electrolytes (charged atoms) and it is a thermoregulatory system; relaying information about the body’s core temperature back to the brain. The Blood Blood is a solution that travels around the body in blood vessels. It is made of a mixture of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, plasma, electrolytes, proteins and other molecules essential for the bodily functions. Plasma consists of mostly water, with some glucose and other proteins. Red blood cells are the most abundant cell in the human body. Their function is to carry oxygen, which attaches to hemoglobin in the cell. This oxygen is then transported around the body and offloaded where it is needed most. Carbon dioxide, the waste product of respiration, is transported in the blood, but instead of binding to the red blood cells it is dissolved as a...
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...This study will cover the equine cardiovascular and the musculoskeletal systems in the equine. In which shall be included a discussion on the effects of each system during different levels of exercise. Cardiovascular system The equine cardiovascular system is designed in a particular way, to ensure optimal transport of oxygen from the upper respiratory tract to the rest of the organs and body tissues and to maintain a regular blood pressure (Evans & Rose, 1988) Marlin and Nankervis, in 2002, stated that “the blood vessels form two main circuits known as systemic and pulmonary circulations”. The systemic circulation refers to the blood going from the left hand side of the heart, to all the organs and tissues, and then back to the right hand...
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...suddenly rises, the walls of these vessels passively expand, which stimulates the firing these receptors (Ottesen et. al., 2011). If arterial blood pressure suddenly falls, decreased stretch of the arterial walls lead to a decrease in receptor firing. Baroreceptors are found in the main arteries, the aortic arches and carotid arteries. The addition of different chemicals into the bloodstream causes changes to occur in the heart rate, mean arterial pressure and pulse pressure. These changes are detected by the baroreceptors. Adrenaline and noradrenaline cause similar responses to the cardiovascular system. They have a sympathetic effect, causing an increase in the mean arterial pressure, pulse pressure and heart rate. Conversely, acetylcholine has a parasympathetic effect, the heart rate and blood pressure drops. The aim of the experiment was to see the changes in the cardiovascular parameters of mean arterial pressure, pulse pressure and heart rate, when different chemicals, such as noradrenaline, adrenaline and acetylcholine were injected into the bloodstream and physical stimuli such as vagal stimulation and haemorrhage were performed on the rabbit. Method In this experiment, students were required to perform surgery on an anaesthetised rabbit. First, the rectal thermometer was to be inserted so the anaesthetist...
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...high but was not necessarily sufficient to cause their death, but was it a contributing factor? Sam knew that Lasix was used to treat high blood pressure and that both alcohol and heat will reduce blood pressure, but he was unsure about the mechanism. He decided to go to The University of Houston and talk to Rene Volenbach, a physiologist in the biology department. Renee patiently explained her answer to each of the following questions posed by the detective. Questions: 1. How does the body regulate blood pressure? * The body has certain mechanisms that help it keep a stable blood pressure or change it when needed. It contains sensors that monitor blood pressure within the walls of arteries that send input signals to the cardiovascular center which sends output signals to the heart and blood vessels to adjust accordingly. 2. What were the specific effects of the Lasix, hot water, and alcohol on the couple’s blood pressure? * Alcohol and Lasix medication should not be mixed due to the effects of sudden drop in blood pressure that could get to the point of orthostatic hypotension, which is caused by standing after sitting or lying down for a while. Other effects are feeling dizzy, light-headed, temporary loss of consciousness, and tachycardia. The hot water temperature, wine, and Lasix caused the body temperature to increase, blood pressure to drop, blood flow to decrease, and dehydration. 2. What could...
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...talk, and when in the sitting position the member needs to keep arms and legs steady and relaxed. There were three different conditions they had to go through to measure the electrical activity of their heart. The first condition was the member had to lye down, the second condition was after the subject sits up and breath normally, and the third condition was, after the group member has exercised (jumping up and down) and breathing deeply. Background: The heart consist of four chambers, there is the right and left atrium which are the top two chambers, then there’s the ventricles which are thee bottom two chambers. “The heart is intrinsic, it does not depend on impulses from the nervous system to initiate its contraction (Marieb/Mitchell).” The components of the intrinsic conduction system are the SA node, AV node, bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers. The electrical signal originates in the SA node. “The SA node provides a stimulus for contraction, since it sets the rate of depolarization, the SA node is called the pacemaker (Marieb/Mitchell).” The impulse spreads to the AV node, and he electrical wave is followed by atrial contraction. The AV node is delayed for about .01 seconds, allowing the atria to complete its contraction. The impulse then passes through the AV bundle, right and left bundle of branches, and the Purkinje fibers, resulting in ventricular contraction. “The graphic recording of the electrical changes (depolarization followed by repolarization) occurring...
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...Exchange Systems Radwa Abdallah Professor Yan Xu Fundamentals of Biology II Lab February 20, 2014 Objectives The objectives of the Circulatory System laboratory experiment included observing and learning to identify the structural characteristics, mostly arteries and veins, in the chest cavity of the fetal pig, which would further the understanding of the heart and lungs in most other mammals; another objective was to understand blood pressure and heart rate and the factors that affect it. The objectives of the Gas Exchange laboratory experiment was to observe the respiratory system in the fetal pigs, thus gaining an understanding of the respiratory system in most other mammals; another objective from the portion of the experiment that included measuring the respiratory volumes of humans and understanding the capacity of the human lung. Introduction There are two kinds of circulatory systems, an opened circulatory system and a closed circulatory system. The circulatory system is made up of an internal body fluid that is either hemolymph or blood, a pump system, and a vascular system that is made up of tubular vessels that move fluid from one location to another quickly(Dolphin 377). Hemolymph is the fluid found in the open circulatory system and blood is the fluid found in closed systems. In open circulatory systems the fluid leaves the heart through the arteries and returns through open sinuses rather than veins (379). Closed circulatory systems are found...
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...A venous leg ulcer is a chronic wound as it takes longer than six weeks to heal. It is caused by venous hypertension which is high blood pressure exerted in the veins of the legs which causes damage to the skin. Fluid can leak from the veins and pool under the skin causing swelling and thickening, this then leads to the skin breaking down to form an ulcer. Before a venous ulcer can be treated it is important to rule out peripheral arterial disease being the cause of the ulcer. Symptoms of peripheral arterial disease include pain in limb when exercising or walking, intermittent claudication, skin changes such as hair loss, cold to touch, oedema and ulceration. An arterial leg ulcer is caused by poor blood flow in the arteries and due to the current treatment of venous ulcers which is bandaging. This would reduce blood flow further and cause more damage making the ulcer worse. Having a history of varicose veins and a lack of mobility increases the chance of developing venous leg ulcers . According to SIGN (2010) when assessing a patient for the first time with a venous ulcer it is important to obtain their medical history in case of previous varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis as well as their mobility. Knowing these factors will contribute to managing the patients treatment, care and help with the rate of improvement. The framework model used to assess leg ulcers is the leg ulcer care pathway which is dived up into four stages 1. Patient...
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