...Capstone Academy Pivotal Moments Paper Grading Rubric Student Name: Cohort: Date: Unsatisfactory<84% | Needs Improvement89.5-84% | Satisfactory95.5-90% | Exemplary100-96% | PossiblePoints | StudentPoints | 8.3 points or less | 8.4 – 8.9 points | 9 – 9.5 points | 9.6 - 10 points | 10 | | ContentDoes not cover subject/topic | ContentNurse leader identified. Little coverage of the subject. | ContentNurse leader identified. Describes leadership style of nurse leader. Adequate coverage of the subject. | ContentNurse leader identified. Clearly describes leadership style of nurse leader. Superior coverage of subject. | 10 | | ContentDoes not cover subject/topic | ContentCompares nurse leader’s leadership style to individual leadership style. Little coverage of the subject. | ContentCompares nurse leader’s leadership style to individual leadership style. Adequate coverage of the subject. | ContentCompares nurse leader’s leadership style to individual leadership style. Superior coverage of subject. | 10 | | ContentDoes not cover subject/topic | ContentDescribes career path and challenges met by nurse leader. Little coverage of the subject. | ContentDescribes career path and challenges met by nurse leader. Adequate coverage of the subject. | ContentDescribes career path and challenges met by nurse leader. Superior coverage of subject. | 10 | | ContentDoes not cover subject/topic | ContentDescribes...
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...Introduction An ‘at-risk’ student is a young person at risk, or educationally disadvantaged, if they have been exposed to inadequate or inappropriate educational experiences in the family, school, or community. Many of these students are located in large, mainly urban high schools around the country (Balfanz, 2007). Urban high schools face five common problems: low student engagement, poor prior preparation, low ninth-grade promotion rate, low graduations rates, and isolation from the community (Herlihy & Kemple, 2004). When at-risk students are exposed to such environment everyday, they have a greater probability of dropping out of school (Princiotta & Ryan, 2009) Nationally, 1.3 million members of the public high school class of 2009 failed to graduate with a diploma with the majority of that population being African American, Latino, and Native American (Princiotta & Ryan, 2009). The majority of these populations attend schools in urban high schools in majority cities (Balfanz, 2007). Many schools do not have a system that identifies students who are at-risk of dropping out school, so these students are ignored. And even some schools that have indicators in place, they do not offer adequate assistance to help these students (Princiotta & Ryan, 2009). In urban high schools, difficulty transitioning from middle school to high school can increase dropout rates and reduce on-time graduation (Princiotta & Ryan, 2009). Recent studies show that most ninth graders that...
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...School Communication and Human Relations Essay Mathew Cameron, Bobbi Cerro, Tim Jessessky, Kim Maldonado, Reed Pebbles Grand Canyon University: EDA – 575 December 11, 2013 School Communication and Human Relations Essay In an educational setting, there are certain ideals, philosophies, and concepts that transcend grade levels as well as geographic location. A need for solid communication and quality human relations are two of those ideals. Both are necessary whether you are discussing an elementary, middle, or high school. In order to demonstrate this need, this essay discusses various communication and human relation theories and how those theories apply to and are being implemented in five different school settings. The schools being discussed include the following: * Lincoln County High School located in Panaca Nevada, * Mark L. Fine Elementary School found in Las Vegas, Nevada, * Star Valley High School in Afton, Wyoming, * Mendive Middle School located in Sparks, Nevada, * And Village Meadows Elementary School set in Phoenix, Arizona. One theory that is very apparent to certain staff at Lincoln County High School is the Expectancy Theory. The Expectancy Theory implies that an individual’s behavior and efforts are determined by the perception and desire to gain a reward (Miller & Grush, 1988). Staff at the school tend to take positions or extra duties in order to gain a more favorable station with leadership in the school. On the reverse...
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...Major Assignment 1: The Contextual Observation and Analysis by Jacqueline D. James EDD 7711 CRN 31045 Contextual Issues Affecting Adult and Continuing Education Nova Southeastern University February5, 2012 This assignment focused this writer’s attention toward the practice areas adult basic education and literacy programs at a local state college. It extends beyond five campuses and includes three educational centers. Its flexible course scheduling allows adult learners to attend multiple campuses or center at the same time. Each campus possesses the capability of preparing adult learners for an associate degree. However, core courses for many of its degree or certification programs are restricted to specific campuses. The writer identified the practice area of adult basic education and literacy programs within her department. She gathered relevant data that reflects the college’s contextual setting by providing a (1) description of the educational services; (2) its history, mission, vision, and values; (3) demographic and data; (4) the annual budget or funding; (5) methods or models of program planning and delivery; (6) recruitment and marketing strategies and processes; (7) effectiveness evaluation techniques; (8) and recommendations for improvement in educational services. 2 Introduction This writer identified several...
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...Understanding and Addressing Poverty in an Education Setting In the introduction of her book, Payne explains that her expertise on poverty resulted primarily from being married for over 30 years to her husband, Frank, who grew up in “situational” (or temporary) poverty, but lived for several years with others who were in “generational” (or long-term) poverty. As she spent time with his family and got to know “the many other players in their neighborhood,” her personal observations led her to conclude that there were major differences between those in generational poverty and those in the middle class—the most important of which were not about money (Payne, 2005). These insights were confirmed in her mind after Payne spent six years as a principal in an affluent, Illinois elementary school and was able to further contrast the differences she witnessed between children in poverty, the middle class, and wealth. Some key indictors Payne list, that identify poverty are (2-3): 1. Poverty is relative to the society you live in. 2. Poverty occurs in all races and in all countries. 3. Generational and situational poverty are different. 4. For students to be successful they must understand the hidden rules of class; they must be taught the rules if they are to succeed. 5. Two things help individuals move out of poverty—education and relationships. Hidden Rules Payne describes hidden rules as ”unspoken cues and habits of a group. Distinct cueing systems exist among...
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...A Charter School is a school established to provide students and parents with more choices in the types of educational opportunities and programs that are available within the public school system. The Matanuska-Susitna Borough School Board approves of community-based charter schools. All Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District (MSBSD) Charter School programs are open to student’s applications who reside within the school district. Starting a charter school is truly a community effort. However, the rewards we may find by creating a new educational option for children are well worth the effort. The first question we want to answer is why do we want to start a charter school? As a charter developer, we need to have a clear answer to this question. Matanuska-Susitna Valley residents desire a school that provides a rich and comprehensive educational program for students with talents and potential in dance, instrumental music, vocal music, theatre, and visual art or media arts. This school will provide students and parents with expanded choices in the types of educational opportunities that are available within the public school system to maximize each student’s special talents. Our graduates will increase the quality of their life, the lives of people who surround them, and the respective communities of the Valley. There are many people interested in helping to start our charter school waiting for recruitment. These founders will include parents, teachers, school principals...
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...PRINCE GEORGE'S COMMUNITY COLLEGE Welcome to Psychology 1010 Fall 2015 (Tu/Th, ________ – ______ p.m. / Marlboro Hall – Rm. #1104) (August 25 – December 3) INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Janet E. Barber Psychological & Sociological Sciences and Human Svcs. OFFICE/HOURS: Marlboro Hall –M1104/2057 (Tu/Th, 3:25p - 4:25p) The best way to contact the professor is by email. By appointment: Online Office hours via Bb IM: Thursdays 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm PHONE NUMBERS: Professor: (301) 322-0900 x 4143 Social Sciences Office/Phone No.: Marlboro Hall #2054 (301) 546-0525 EMAIL ADDRESS: BarberAJ@pgcc.edu (24 hour response time) The best way to contact the professor is by email. Note: All credit students (with the exception of Howard Community College students enrolled at Laurel College Center) are required to use Owl Mail for all college communication. Students, please be sure to place PSY1010-LD14, 16 or 17 in the subject line so that your email will not be overlooked, confused with another class section, or mistakenly deleted. Thank you. Monday – Friday your emails and phone messages will be returned within 24 hours. Your weekend...
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...practices that the Career Center have researched and found to be true. Information and sample resumes within this packet are not intended to be taken verbatim. Constructing a teaching resume is an art, not a science. Make your personal resume unique and stand out by making it represent you. The resources this packet highlights are available to all students; take advantage of the Career Center and the services it provides you. What to Expect Teaching Resume Aesthetics, Content & Editing…………..………………………..Page 3 Three necessary components of a great teaching resume are detailed Key Elements of a Successful Teacher Resume……………………………………...Page 4 Mandatory vs. optional elements in a successful teaching resume Poor Teaching Resume Example……………………………………………………..Page 5 Details common mistakes of a teaching resume Transferable Skills & Action Verbs…………………………………………………....Page 6 A comprehensive list of transferable skills and action verbs that have potential in a teaching resume Constructing a Proper Achievement Statement (bullet point)………………………Page 7 Creating a bullet point stress you out? Here is a fool proof way to construct a proper achievement statement. Buzz Words……………………………………………………………………………..Page 7 Answer the question, “What are buzz words and how should they be used in a resume” Teaching Resume Samples...………………………………………………………Pages 8-11 These should not be viewed as a template, yet as examples you can look to for ideas and guidelines. Career Center Teaching...
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...INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, LAHORE CAMPUS CHAPERT 1 Abstract Human Resource is the most important asset for any organization and it is the resource of achieving competitive advantage. Managing human resources is very challenging as compared to managing technology or capital and for its effective management, organization requires effective HRM system. HRM system should be backed up by strong HRM practices. HRM practices refer to organizational activities directed at managing the group of human resources and ensuring that the resources are employed towards the fulfillment of organizational goals. The purpose of this study is to explore contribution of Human Resource Management (HRM) practices including selection, training, career planning, compensation, performance appraisal, job definition and employee participation on perceived employee performance. We describe why human resource management (HRM) decisions are likely to have an important and unique influence on organizational performance. Our hope is that this research forum will help advance research on the link between HRM and organizational performance. We identify key unresolved questions in need of future study and make several suggestions intended to help researchers studying these questions build a more cumulative body of knowledge that will have key implications for body theory and practice. This study comprehensively evaluated the links between systems of High Performance Work Practices and...
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...SociologySOCI 212: Social ProblemsCredit Hours: Three (3)Course Length: Eight (8) WeeksPrerequisite(s): None | Table of Contents | | Evaluation Procedures | Course Description | Grading Scale | Course Scope | Course Outline | Course Objectives | Policies | Course Delivery Method | Academic Services | Course Materials | Selected Bibliography | Table of Contents Course Description (Catalog) | This course examines a diverse sample of social problems facing the United States today, and it identifies how these problems affect and are affected by our institutions and culture. The sociological perspective and key theories will be used to understand the beginnings of the civil society, how problems develop and are defined, and the role of social change (particularly contemporary technological innovation). Key social problems covered will include social stratification/inequality, crime, drug abuse, prostitution, aging, infectious disease, family violence, health care, racial/ethnic conflict, terrorism, etc. Sociological research on social problems will be explored, and social policies to remedy the negative consequences of these issues on society will be discussed. Table...
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...Wednesdays 6:00pm - 10:00pm October 26, 2015 December 18, 2015 Christopher Lloyd earned his MBA with a concentration in Information Systems from California State University Long Beach in 2012. Professor Lloyd teaches as an adjunct professor for courses in management, marketing, business, information systems management, and computer information systems for undergraduate and graduate level courses. His responsibilities include teaching and mentoring undergraduate and graduate students, and attending conferences and symposiums addressing strategic management, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. Professor Lloyd's "learning through application" approach earns him high praise from his students. His genuine interest in their career advancement and personal betterment can be seen in each of his lectures. INSTRUCTOR’S BIOGRAPHY While relatively new to academia, professor Lloyd is no stranger to helping others understand the nuances of effective management. As a principal of his own small business consultancy and digital content generation firm, professor Lloyd has 9 years of experience leveraging his business and digital...
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...Caucus groups, independent groups of Xerox employees dating from the 1960s, play an important role in our diversity story. These caucuses, similar to networking and affinity groups, are instrumental in advocating openness, opportunity and inclusion for the entire Xerox community. They work with management to achieve common business objectives, self-advocacy and to create an environment of inclusion. Six caucus groups currently exist to address the concerns and meet the needs of employees who are African-American, Hispanic, Asian, women, African-American women, gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual. Through executive roundtables, our CEO and other senior leaders meet with diverse teams of Xerox employees, often representing one of our caucus groups. During these informal sessions, participants share their views on Xerox’s work environment and business concerns, and identify actionable items for discussion with Xerox’s senior team. The process ensures that the executive leadership team and the CEO are working together to resABSTRACT. Currently, an increasing number of organizations are attempting to enhance inclusiveness of under represented individuals through proactive efforts to manage their diversity. In this article, we define diversity management against the backdrop of its predecessor, affirmative action. Next, selected examples of organizations that have experienced specific positive bottom line results from diversity management strategies are discussed. The...
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...istockphoto Evaluating Teacher Effectiveness How Teacher Performance Assessments Can Measure and Improve Teaching Linda Darling-Hammond October 2010 w w w.americanprogress.org Evaluating Teacher Effectiveness How Teacher Performance Assessments Can Measure and Improve Teaching Linda Darling-Hammond October 2010 Contents 1 Introduction and Summary 5 Why performance assessments are needed 7 National Board Certification 9 Assessment of beginning teachers 11 Prospects for a national system of Teacher Performance Assessments 12 How performance assessments can help teachers improve their practice 17 Improving preparation through the use of performance assessments 22 Policy recommendations and conclusion Introduction and Summary Parents, practitioners, and policymakers agree that the key to improving public education in America is placing highly skilled and effective teachers in all classrooms. Yet the nation still lacks a practical set of standards and assessments that can guarantee that teachers, particularly new teachers, are well prepared and ready to teach. This report discusses a promising approach to the question of how to measure teacher effectiveness. Specifically, it describes the ways in which assessments of teacher performance for licensing and certification can both reflect and predict teachers’ success with children so that they can not only inform personnel decisions, but also...
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...Capacity Building Series SECRETARIAT SPECIAL EDITION #20 Student Voices Teacher: What happens in your mind when you read a chapter book? Student: I dream of something – like I’m flying or I can be a superhero. In my mind I can be anything I want from those books. Conversation with Grade 2 student Student Identity and Engagement in Elementary Schools Developing awareness, understanding and respect for what matters to students has become critical in education today because “learning can no longer be understood as a one-way exchange where we teach, they learn.” Rather, “it is a reciprocal process that requires teachers to help students learn with understanding” (Willms, Friesen, & Milton, 2009). In the shift from a transmission to a discourse model of education, researchers verify what classroom teachers know intuitively – that ensuring students are listened to and valued and respected for who they are leads to greater student engagement which, in turn, leads to greater student achievement (Cummins, et al., 2005; Flessa et al., 2010; Leithwood, McAdie, Bascia, & Rodrigue, 2006; Willms, Friesen, & Milton, 2009). In their recent work on education reform, Andy Hargreaves and Dennis Shirley (2009) also build on this insight, urging education leaders and policy makers to ensure that students are recognized as “partners in change rather than merely targets of change efforts and services – more involved in their own learning and learning choices, actively consulted about the quality...
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...1/8/2015 Educational Leadership:The Principalship:How Do Principals Really Improve Schools? CONFERENCE COUNTDOWN Houston, Tex. March 2123, 2015 10 02 WEEKS DAYS 07 19 15 HOURS MINUTES SECONDS HOME STORE MEMBERSHIP MY ACCOUNT HELP LOG IN Forgot Password? SEARCH ASCD GO About ASCD Books & Publications Educational Leadership Conferences Professional Development Programs Topics SHARE Print This Page Home Current Issue Archives Buy Contact April 2013 | Volume 70 | Number 7 The Principalship Pages 3440 70th ASCD Annual Conference and Exhibit Show March 21–23, 2015, Houston, Tex. Discover new ideas and practical strategies that deliver real results for students. More How Do Principals Really Improve Schools? Rick DuFour and Mike Mattos Instead of micromanaging teachers, principals should lead efforts to collectively monitor student achievement through professional learning communities. Principals are in a paradoxical position. No Child Left Behind admonished educators to use "scientific, researchbased strategies" to ensure that all students learn. Likewise, Race to the Top requires educators to use "researchbased" school improvement models. Unfortunately, the core strategies of both of these reform initiatives largely ignore this call for practices grounded in research. Principals are being asked to improve student learning by implementing mandated reforms that have consistently...
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