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Case Study: Partnership With Children

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Partnership with Children is a non-profit organization that partners with high-risk communities and public schools in New York City. Partnership with Children (PWC) works with schools like P.S. 165 Ida Posner to ensure that students are receiving the social, emotional, and cognitive functioning skills that students need to succeed (Partnership with Children, 2017). P.S.165 is an elementary school in Brownsville, Brooklyn (District 23) where many of the students and families have suffered traumas like poverty, hunger, abuse, and lack of resources. PWC serves the students, families, and community of Brownsville by providing resources and support from Social Workers that are placed in P.S. 165. Some of the services that PWC offers is individual …show more content…
P.S.165 originally held grades Pre-K through 8th grade, in efforts to improve the quality of learning, it now holds grades 3k through 5th grade. When children enter the school, they are welcomed by security, teachers, and PWC staff. The School is painted colors that consist of blue and yellow, with art on some of the walls painted by students. The inside of the school is reflective of the positive feeling that they want to create for their students. However, there is overcrowding in most of the classrooms which can be problematic for students and teachers. P.S. 165 is currently undergoing changes within the school that are helping to provide a more efficient classroom space. The Partnership with Children classroom is filled with drawings, toys, books, and snacks for students. The room is located on the third floor and is one of the biggest classrooms in the school. Outside the door there are four steps that students must take before knocking on PWC door. These steps are among many of the structures that suggest to the children that they can follow directions and access the help they …show more content…
PWC social workers value and prioritize their students among the needs of the school, which can sometimes be problematic with school staff. To help implement change for the students, it is essential to have the support of the parents, teachers, and school staff. Unfortunately, sometimes the values of PWC social workers and those of the teachers are not aligned. PWC clients are mostly students with high risk behaviors, victims of child abuse/neglect, and trauma victims. Since Brownsville is a low-income community, most students are experiencing poverty as a trauma. Some students are incapable of learning due to varying circumstances, such as students who haven’t eaten a meal all week to students who are in temporary housing and are experiencing homelessness. Teachers are interested in the academic growth of the student, however sometimes it is impossible for students to succeed academically, when they are struggling emotionally and

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