...Donna Dubinsky and Apple Computer Case questions 1. Why was Dubinsky initially so successful at Apple? * The organizational structure for apply and the distribution division was simply and clean * She claimed that having a good supervisor as mentor is precious, and guided her career path * With her ways of doing and managing phrased by her subordinates, Dubinsky was able to equip herself not only the position powers but also reputation and personal power * In terms of work evaluation, she maintained good relationships with all dealers, a critical factor in the industry. * Employees of distribution group took pride in their system’s efficiency and simplicity. It is very critical for the employees to agree and feel good about what they do. 2. Why did she respond the way she did to the JIT proposal? Two parts, emotional and rational * The distribution division was doing excellent, as they never caused a delay in product delivery, also maintain good relationships with dealers. All of a sudden, the top management suggested a proposal that was almost mandatory. * It is very offensive that other people step into her domain and try to break what her team has created. * The rationale behind the proposal was not in favor to apple’s good in a long term. As off the shelf business got to have inventory, and also room for faulty and returned product. 3. What do you think she should have done differently? Be specific. * Instead...
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...CISM 4136 A- Global Information Resource Management Case Questions Carol V. Brown, D.W. DeHayes, J.A. Hoffer, W.E. Martin,&. W.C. Perkins, Managing Information Technology, Seventh Edition, 2012, Prentice Hall. Case Study 1 - Midsouth Chamber of Commerce (A): The Role of the Operating Manager in Information Systems 1. Identify the key players in the case and describe their respective roles. Are these the right roles? What roles in particular should be modified? How might such role modifications be accomplished? 2. Focus on the role of the software vendor- Unitrak Software Corporation. Was it an appropriate role? Did Unitrak act responsibly? 3. How much is Kovecki to blame for this situation? 4. One of the recurring themes of this book is the importance of information systems politics. To what extent does IS politics explain the situation that has developed at the Midsouth Chamber of Commerce? 5. The case involves what appears to be a fairly routine use of information technology to support a service organization. Yet the Midsouth Chamber of Commerce encountered major problems in bringing up its new system. Is there a lesson here for organizations seeking to adopt new information technology? What is it? 6. What should Lassiter do now? Case Study 11-1- Vendor-Managed Inventory at NIBCO 1. What was the catalyst for NIBCO to develop a VMI program, and why was it able to respond? 2. Describe what types of transactions are involved in NIBCO's VMI program...
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...Unit 3 Case Study 5454 unread replies.5454 replies. Bellow you will find a clinical case study. The case study starts with a description of a patients’ medical history, followed by discussion question/s. First, you have to analyze the medical history of the patient. As you read the patient’s information: * Highlight any risk factors that might exist, existing medical conditions, present signs and symptoms or complains that the patient is suffering from. * Analyze the results of any diagnostic tests that were performed. Diagnostic tests include, physical exams, blood test, radiologic tests (x-ray, CT scans, etc.), and other functional tests. * Relate the medical treatment used to the underlying pathology. * Propose clinical management plan for the patient’s condition, and possible prognosis. You are encouraged to discuss the cases with other students and in groups, however, each student should submit the analysis of the case study in their own words through discussions. Students should submit their case study through the “Discussion” link AND the “Turnitin Dropbox” link for that case study available on the course’s main page. If you fail to submit your case study through both links your case study will not be graded. Turnitin is an automated system which instructors can use to quickly and easily compare each student's assignment with billions of web sites, as well as an enormous database of student papers that grows with each submission.Accordingly, you...
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...Case Study Question 1 What is a Case Study? “A case study is an observational method that provides a description of an individual” (Cozby & Bates, 2012). The sample size in a case study usually only consists of a single person or organization, but by design only studies one single social phenomenon. They typically use field-related research to produce qualitative data and help to prepare for future qualitative research. Question 2 What are Some Reasons for Using a Case Study Approach? Case studies are useable within the social sciences to help explain rare circumstances or behaviors. In the world of music, the ability to name correctly and consistently an audible pitch without relating it to any other pitches is an extremely coveted talent. One case study by Lucinda Pearl Boggs (1907) provided qualitative data on a participant known as Miss C. Disinukes, who possessed the gift of perfect pitch. Boggs discovered that Miss Disinukes began learning about music at an extremely young age, and that she had very talented, musical grandparents. This research sparked further quantitative research to test whether having early musical education aids in the development of perfect pitch. Question 3 What are Some Advantages and Disadvantages of Using this Approach? Like pilot studies, case studies are very helpful in exploring a topic on a smaller scale initially and beginning a larger product using the data gathered in the case study. For example, a researcher may be studying...
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...How to do a Case Study There are common steps that most approaches recommend be followed in tackling a case study. Beforehand (usually a week before), you will get: 1. the case study, 2. (often) some guiding questions that will need to be answered, and 3. (sometimes) some reading assignments that have some relevance to the case subject. Your work in completing the case can be divided up into three components: 1. what you do to prepare before the class discussion, 2. what takes place in the class discussion of the case, and 3. anything required after the class discussion has taken place. For maximum effectiveness, it is essential that you do all three components. Here are the subcomponents, in order. We will discuss them in more detail shortly. 1. Before the class discussion: 1. Read the reading assignments (if any) 2. Use the Short Cycle Process to familiarize yourself with the case. 3. Use the Long Cycle Process to analyze the case 4. Usually there will be group meetings to discuss your ideas. 5. Write up the case (if required) 2. In the class discussion: 6. Someone will start the discussion, usually at the prompting of the Instructor. 7. Listen carefully and take notes. Pay close attention to assumptions. Insist that they are clearly stated. 8. Take part in the discussion. Your contribution is important, and is likely a part of your evaluation for the course. ...
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...GCE Media Studies Advanced Subsidiary GCE Unit G322: Key Media Concepts (Television Drama) Mark Scheme for June 2011 Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations OCR (Oxford Cambridge and RSA) is a leading UK awarding body, providing a wide range of qualifications to meet the needs of pupils of all ages and abilities. OCR qualifications include AS/A Levels, Diplomas, GCSEs, OCR Nationals, Functional Skills, Key Skills, Entry Level qualifications, NVQs and vocational qualifications in areas such as IT, business, languages, teaching/training, administration and secretarial skills. It is also responsible for developing new specifications to meet national requirements and the needs of students and teachers. OCR is a not-for-profit organisation; any surplus made is invested back into the establishment to help towards the development of qualifications and support which keep pace with the changing needs of today’s society. This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and students, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which marks were awarded by Examiners. It does not indicate the details of the discussions which took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking commenced. All Examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in candidates’ scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills demonstrated. Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the published question papers and...
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...Lesson 2 Case Study Your Name MS510: Human Resources Management Professor Louis Lopez January 27, 2015 Affirmative Action Plan Goals Evidence of Discrimination Introduce material here… Start the first sentence with the purpose statement followed by your introduction. Please post case studies in Turnitin Assignment Drop Box as a MS Word document. Remember, each case study must have the heading listed below and must be answered according to instructions; each heading is worth a percentage of each case grade. This is how I want your paper turned in. The introduction is generally one paragraph. The easiest way to explain this section is to think of it like an abstract or introduction. This section, if written properly, can actually act as the abstract for this paper. It will, in a sense, set up the rest of the paper, which is the review of the case, analysis, recommendations, and the summary and conclusions sections. If there is a second paragraph, it will look like this. An interesting APA fact is that there is only one space after the period. This is difficult for many to get used to and takes practice. The paper should be written in third person narrative. I do not want to see you writing in the first person. Note: I have bolded the required headings that must be present in the paper and please keep bolded. Answer the following questions by applying the concepts learned in Chapter 1. Also, conduct literature reviews on the subject of discussion and use to support...
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...Relevant facts Company specialized in cable and small-bore pipelaying technology Started as a technical division to a major utility Competitive edge gained by its “mole” excavating tools 21 emplyess and over €4,000,000 Electrical and gas bills provide the core of business Questions 1. Analyze the problem presented by the client. Can Alan's problems be re-presented as opportunities? Alan’s problems can be presented as opportunites due to the lack o interest in his work team. He could do something to motivate the team (extra pay, bonus or bigger salaries) so the team can start working on the new action plan Questions 2. Formalise four objetives to protect Make a meeting with all the emplyees, have a motivational talk and see others opinions about the new plan. Explain how the business can grow with new technologies and explain that the company is not going to grow unless the employees chip in their part too. Start researching for information that could lead to new contracts Formalize all new incoming plans. Questions Consider what problems might emerge in reconciling the clients objectives with your own as a consulting team. There could be several problems with the clients objective, the first and foremost that we can think of is a situation where a client asks Exconom to do a job that our employers are not trained to complete, making the consulting team look unprepared. Major problems to solve Bad attitude around the work team The...
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...Qualitative researchers focus on the study of social phenomena and on giving voice to the feelings and perceptions of the participants under study. This is based on the belief that knowledge is derived from the social setting and that understanding social knowledge is a legitimate scientific process. The following are the key characteristics of qualitative research: • Studies are carried out in a naturalistic setting. • Researchers ask broad research questions designed to explore, interpret, or understand the social context. • Participants are selected through nonrandom methods based on whether the individuals have information vital to the questions being asked. • Data collection techniques involve observation and interviewing that bring the researcher in close contact with the participants. • The researcher is likely to take an interactive role where she or he gets to know the participants and the social context in which they live. • Hypotheses are formed afterthe researcher begins data collection and are modified throughout the study as new data are collected and analyzed. • The study reports data in narrative form. How does Rayna’s study fit into the description provided for qualitative research? At this point, you might want to reflect on why Rayna would want to choose a qualitative study to examine her questions. Steps in Conducting Qualitative Research Qualitative researchers use scientific methods to answer their research questions, although the steps...
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...decided that she would like to help those who want to take the CPA exam pass on their first try as well. And so she developed a business and marketing plan, convened with various professors to create a comprehensive curriculum, and opened her firm's doors. Instead of the normal review route of using books, software, or online courses, she provided a full service 6 week, 3-6 hours a day review regimen for her clients that include one hour live lectures from various professors, discussions about test taking skills and organizational skills to digest information faster, provided audiotapes that the clients can listen to at home or in their cars, executed timed mini tests as well as practice essay questions, one on one bi weekly client meeting to see how they've progressed and for them to ask questions, and a direct line to her via e mail for any queries the clients may have. She Even guaranteed a repeat course if any of them failed. All of this she offered for 1100. Her passing rates are quite high, although most of her students are second takers. But now she is having problems about her impact on the market, which she currently has 10% of, thanks to her primary competitor NTC, whose long standing reputation and variety of review courses offers attracts tons of people....
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...Results I need the questions answered for the parts emporium case study. www.coursehero.com/.../7103887-I-need-the-questions-answered-for-th... I need assistance with the following case study. Short answer form is fine. Read the case study Parts Emporium 10-1 and thoroughly answer the questions at the ... [DOC] Case Assignment Consider the case study "Parts Emporium" at the ... site.iugaza.edu.ps/iismail/files/Case-Assignment.docx Case Assignment, Consider the case study "Parts Emporium" at the end of chapter 12: inventory management. Due Date, To be submitted by Sunday, 1/4/2012. Free Case Parts Emporium Essays 1 - 30 Anti Essays www.antiessays.com/topics/case-parts-emporium/0 Get access to Case Parts Emporium Essays only from Anti Essays. Listed Results 1 - 30. Get studying today and get the grades you want. Only at. Free Essays on Parts Emporium Case Study 31 - 60 Anti Essays www.antiessays.com/topics/parts-emporium-case-study/30 Get access to Parts Emporium Case Study Essays only from Anti Essays. Listed Results 31 - 60. Get studying today and get the grades you want. Only at. ALLIS CHALMERS, CASE items in Equipment Parts Emporium store ... stores.ebay.com.my › eBay Stores Buy Equipment Parts Emporium, ALLIS CHALMERS items on eBay. Find a huge selection of CASE, CATERPILLAR, CLEVELAND items and get what you want ... My life in a blog: Parts Emporium, Operations Case = pain akilliano.blogspot.com/2006/.../parts-emporium-operations-case-pain.ht... Sep 19...
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...UNIT OUTLINE Read this document to learn essential details about your unit. It will also help you to get started with your studies. BMA604 Consumer Decision Making Semester 2, 2015 THIS UNIT IS BEING OFFERED IN: HOBART & BY DISTANCE Taught by: Professor Aron O’Cass (Unit Coordinator) CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B BMA604, Consumer Decision Making 2 Contents Contact Details ........................................................................................................................................ 2 Unit Description ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Prior Knowledge &/or Skills OR Pre-Requisite Unit(s) ............................................................................ 3 Enrolment in the Unit ............................................................................................................................. 3 When does the unit commence? ............................................................................................................ 3 University of Tasmania Graduate Quality Statement ............................................................................. 3 Intended Learning Outcomes for BMA604 ............................................................................................. 4 Learning Expectations and Teaching Strategies/Approach ........................................................
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...Case Study Title Date Course Instructor Introduction An introduction is used to let the reader know: • The main entity or entities involved • The major question or issue being analyzed Introductions for case studies in this course should be one paragraph in length. Background This is a brief overview of the main problems or questions involved. Historical information can be used as long as it has a direct bearing on the items being analyzed. Provide enough description that a reader that is unfamiliar with the case will understand the context of your analysis. For this course, background information should be two to three paragraphs in length, maximum. Discussion The discussion includes an analysis of each problem or question. The analysis can include: • The problem or question and its impact on the main entities involved. • How the problem or question is linked to the topics we have discussed or read to this point. • How the problem or question is linked to best practices in industry. • A solution or multiple solutions and an evaluation of those solutions. In this course the case studies will have at least one major problem or question. There may be secondary problems or questions but there will be, at most, one or two secondary issues. Use as much space as necessary to provide a rational analysis but if there are more than four or five paragraphs for a given question the analysis needs to be reviewed and made more concise. ...
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...|Understanding the supply chain |1 |Definitions of supply chain and its |Read Chapter 1 and answer the | | | | |characteristics |discussion questions | | |Supply Chain Performance: Achieving |2 |How to achieve strategic fit and scope through |Read Chapter 2 and answer the | | |Strategic Fit and Scope | |supply chain management |discussion questions | | |Supply Chain Drivers and Obstacles |3 |Deeper understanding of the elements of supply |Read Chapter 3 and answer the | | | | |chain performance |discussion questions | | |Designing distribution network and |4 |Significance of network design and the |Read Chapter 4 and answer the | | |introduction to linear programming | |available tool |discussion questions | | |Network design in a supply chain |5 |Supply chain network design in detail |Read Chapter 5 and answer the | |...
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... Assignment 3 / Group Assignment Taylor’s Business Foundation Programme Introduction To Marketing / BUS0313 September Semester 2013 Assignment 3 / Group Assignment (25%): Students are required to work in a group of 3 to 4 members. Students will be allocated one case study to analyse and attempt. The case study comprised of a few questions. Students are strongly encouraged to exhaust relevant syllabus taught and guided throughout the semester to attempt all the questions. Choose either one of the following case study to attempt, please refer to the attachments for the detail of case study. Case study 1: Abou Shakra Restaurant: Creating Customer Value The Old-Fashioned Way Questions: 1. Describe Abou Shakra in terms of the value it provides for customers. (20 marks) 2. Do you think Abou Shakra should develop a high-growth expansion strategy? Why or why not? (20 marks) 3. Should Abou Shakra spend more on advertising than is currently expended? (20 marks) 4. Suggest TWO (2) other methods by which Abou Shakra can provide value to its customers. (40 marks) Or Case study 2: Mavi Jeans: Jeans That Fit Questions: 1. Indicate and explain FIVE (5) factors contributed to the success of Mavi Jeans? (20 marks) 2. How would you define the company’s target market? What is the current positioning strategy? Briefly explain...
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