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Case Study Summer Olympics


Submitted By elatham
Words 2259
Pages 10
London 2012 Olympic Games Case Study
Synopsis of Strategic Issues and Problems:
For the 2012 London Olympic Games there are a number of important organizations involved. Understanding who they are and what role they play is important to understanding the responsibility relationships and the fiscal relationships related to the Games. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is the parent non-profit organization responsible for selecting the host city, establishing contractual guidelines, and managing the copyrights, trademarks and other assets of the Games. The London Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games (LOCOG) is entrusted with the responsibility of managing the 2012 Games. The Olympic Delivery Authority is the 2012 Games authority responsible for providing the infrastructure for these games. This includes the stadia, venues, transportation infrastructure, and the housing complex to feed and house the athletes, officials, and staff. Paul Williamson, Head of Ticketing for the 2012 London Games, works for the LOCOG. His challenge is to establish a pricing plan for the Games’ tickets and ensuring the venues are filled with fans to enjoy the summer Olympic Games. This is no small challenge.
In order to understand the scope and magnitude of the ticketing responsibilities, it is important to understand the Games’ revenue sources and the magnitude of those sources. Five (5) primary revenue sources will exist from the London Games. They are television broadcast rights; international sponsorship of the Games; ticketing for the Games; domestic sponsorship for the Games; and licensing rights. Table 1 depicts the revenue source, the organization responsible for that revenue source, the revenue generated at the 2000 Sydney Games, the projected revenues for the 2012 London Games, and the estimated LOCOG share of that London revenue. It should be noted that

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