...Término de contrato de trabajo Sepa cuáles son las condiciones y procedimientos para poner fin a un contrato de trabajo. Las cosas han estado mal en la fábrica de Don Fernando. Las bajas ventas están causando grandes números rojos, y para salir a flote va a tener que reducir, es decir, despedir personal. Pero, ¿cómo hacerlo? ¿Qué causas legales puede invocar para eso, y qué documentos debe gestionar? ¿Y corresponde pagar indemnización a los trabajadores que despedirá? ¿Cuáles son las causales legales para poner término a un contrato de trabajo? Muerte del trabajador. Mutuo acuerdo entre las partes. Renuncia voluntaria. Vencimiento del plazo convenido en el contrato. Fin del trabajo o servicio que originó el contrato. Caso fortuito o fuerza mayor. Conducta indebida de carácter grave, que debe ser comprobada. Por ejemplo, falta de probidad del trabajador, acoso sexual o conducta inmoral. Negociaciones que ejecute el trabajador dentro del negocio y que aparecen como prohibidas en el contrato. Que el trabajador no acuda a sus labores sin causa justificada durante dos días seguidos, o dos lunes en el mes, o un total de tres días en el mes. Abandono del trabajo por parte del trabajador. Actos, omisiones o imprudencias que afecten el funcionamiento del establecimiento, la seguridad o la actividad de los trabajadores. Daño material causado intencionalmente en las instalaciones, maquinarias, herramientas, útiles de trabajo, productos o mercaderías. Incumplimiento grave de las obligaciones...
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...que una mala fe por parte del actor quien en pleno conocimiento de que se le pagaron cada uno de los haberes reclamados, vuelve a requerir su pago y además en la misma confesión judicial reconoce que la empresa nunca falto al pago de haberes, siendo así vendrá a su conocimiento que todas las pretensiones no pueden tener asidero. De la contestación a la demanda y Audiencia Preliminar En la contestación a la demanda se establece claramente que la terminación de las relaciones laborales fue ante la autoridad competente Inspector de Trabajo con la comparecencia de las partes mediante Acta de Finiquito haciendo constar todos los rubros pormenorizados a que tenía derecho acogiéndonos al Art. 169 numeral 6 del Código de Trabajo que determina el caso fortuito o fuerza mayor (plagas de campo) por parte de AGROCALIDAD,...
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...Nokia is a mobile technology manufacturer headquartered in Espoo, Finland with 2010 revenue of $43Billion. A pioneer in manufacturing mobile phones and the GSM technology, Nokia’s profitability has been on the decline in recent years. A reduction of market share in N. America of 35% in March 2008 to 8.1% in April 2010 highlights Nokia’s decline. This led its Board of Directors to replace its CEO with Stephen Elop. Find below a SWOT analysis description and summary document on Nokia. Strengths Nokia has a lot of strengths going in its favor. It is the worldwide leader in mobile phone sales and in 1987 introduced one of the world’s first handheld phones while being a key developer of GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications). GSM is used predominantly as the cellular phone protocol worldwide except in North America which uses CDMA (Code division multiple access). Nokia has an international research capability that creates specific phone models to certain regions. This increases their value of the mobile phones as the customers are given a product that is tailored to their specific needs. Apart from the Mobile Phone segment, Nokia also owns NAVTEQ, which is a provider of Geographic Information Systems and Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and a lot of other mobile phone technology providers. Nokia recently hired Stephen Elop as its CEO. This move is a positive one as Stephen Elop brings with him a diverse telecommunications career and also networking connections with Microsoft...
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...What’s a mobile phone virus? A mobile phone virus or mobile malware - malicious mobile software - is a computer virus specifically adapted for the mobile phone environment and designed to spread from one vulnerable phone to another. A virus is a program code that replicates by being copied to another program. Viruses can be transmitted as attachments to an email or in a download file. Some viruses take effect as soon as their code is executed; other viruses can lie dormant. A virus that replicates by resending itself as an email attachment or as a part of a network message is known as a worm. Viruses can range from benign to quite harmful; they can erase data from the infected phone or send fake messages purporting to be from the phones owner. How prevalent are mobile phone viruses? The current security risk from mobile phone viruses and worms is low. Until many more smart phones or PDAs are in use, and users of these phones are regularly exchanging executable files, the risk will remain low. The mobile industry takes the threat of viruses very seriously and is continually monitoring its networks and working to protect users from any future risk from mobile phone viruses. There are also some simple measures that individual users can implement to protect themselves. What can I do to protect my phone? The following tips can help prevent problems with viruses on your phone: 1. Switch to Bluetooth hidden mode. If your phone has Bluetooth capability, ensure...
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...Carissa Acuna TR 3:05-5:35 Information at Your Fingertips Although people may think they are too expensive, smartphones are beneficial to the world because they offer so many opportunities in such a little device. I like to think of it as “information at your fingertips”. More and more services are being made available on smartphones. From accessing maps and directions, to unlimited Internet and overall keeping you entertained. Smartphones can do things a lot more quickly than your standard mobile phone. This means you and all your business is always one step ahead of what is going on. Before smartphones came along, mobile phones were only made to make and receive calls, but now these devices have taken on new and better standards, also newer functions and features. The most fundamental component of the smartphone is that it is available with Internet. It’s like using your phone as a mini laptop, browsing websites, downloading music, uploading files and much more. You can even sit at home or in a café and do all your work there on your smartphone instead of being cramped up in your office all day. And besides all that, you know how everybody just loves Facebook nowadays. Just tap your cute little smartphone on the Facebook app, and in seconds you can check out what everyone is doing at that exact moment. Smartphones are supported by Microsoft Windows Software, which can access information faster than your ordinary computer. The Internet on my phone is so convenient...
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...Grow the number of people using nokia devices.•Transform the devices people use.• Build new businesses• Our business and people’s expectations for mobile devices and services arechanging. Nokia’s promise is to help people feel close to what matters tothem. About the Company Nokia- Connecting People ! Nokia Corporation (NYSE: NOK) is one of the world's largesttelecommunications equipment manufacturers. With headquarters inKeilaniemi of Espoo, Finland, this Finnish telecommunications company is best known today for its leading range of mobile phones. Nokia also produces mobile phone infrastructure and other telecommunicationsequipment for applications such as traditional voice telephony, ISDN, broadband access, professional mobile radio, voice over IP, wireless LANand a line of satellite receivers. Nokia provides mobile communication equipment for every major marketand protocol, including GSM, CDMA, and WCDMA. Nokia was established in 1865 as a wood-pulp mill by Fredrik Idestam onthe banks of Nokia rapids. Finnish Rubber Works established its factories inthe beginning of 20th century nearby and began using Nokia as its brand.Shortly after World War I Finnish Rubber Works acquired Nokia wood millsas well as Finnish Cable Works, a producer of telephone and telegraphcables. All three companies were merged as Nokia Corporation in 1967. Thename Nokia originated from the river which flowed through the town of thesame name (Nokia).In the 1970s Nokia became more involved in the telecommunicationsindustry...
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...University Business School, for all their assistance. I would like to thank my parents for love and support bestowed on me. Thank you for your blessings. Also I would like to thank my friends for staying by me during the difficult parts of life. Thanks for help and love irrespective of the situations. I would also like to thank all my respondents for taking out time from their busy lives to help me with my research. Last but not the least, I would like to thank God for all. Thank You!! Nikunj Daga 3 ABSTRACT _________________________________________________________________________________________________ This research studies the marketing strategies of Nokia, a high technology company in a developing country India. The study attempts to check the role of marketing activities in success of Nokia...
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...Batch 2 Term 6th Management Control System Activity – Project Report On Nokia Strategies Adopted By Nokia In Order To Achieve Its Goals Submitted to: Submitted by: Prof. Aniruddha Durafe Rajkamal Paroha Anshuman Singh Parihar INDEX * Introduction to Nokia * History of Nokia * Mission & Vision * Goals & Objective * Organizational Culture * Management Control System in Nokia * Nokia Product Mix * Strategy Formulation * Strategy Adopted by Nokia to achieve its goals * Strategy Goal Introduction to Nokia Nokia is a multinational corporation engaged in the manufacturing of mobile phones devices, in converging internet and communication industries, having about 132,000 employees working worldwide. The organization is the World’s largest mobile manufacturing company and is operational is 150 different countries having an approximate global annual sales revenue of € 42 billion and operating profit of € 2 billion in the preceding year 2010. The organization has a market share of about 28.9% as of the preceding year 2010 and is still the market leader in the world of mobile phones. Nokia Corporation has a history of 146 years and it wasn't the way it is today, it took Nokia decades to reach at this point. The first Nokia century began with Fredrik Idestam's paper mill on the banks of the Nokianvirta...
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...Distribution channel structure Nokia understood that from big businesses to every day consumers they needed to offer a variety of packages to choose from. In having these different options people don’t have to immediately go with the most expensive phone with the highest rates attached to them. People are able to pick and choose if they want internet, 4g, 3g, Bluetooth capability, voicemail and a hodgepodge of other options. This variety allows customers to buy the phones they are looking for and not spend money on extra functions that they may never use based on Geographic World region – Asia Country – India Cities – Reach out maximum places Demographic Age – All age group Gender – Male, Female Income – All income groups Occupation – Every sector Religion – Irrespective of religion Psychographic Social class – All class of people Lifestyles – Urban, rural, and even far villages Behavioral Benefits – Quality Loyalty status – Strong Nokia has mainly targeted: Target Market for the Nokia Mobile Phone is between 20-50 years. Who wants to use something different. Teenagers and Business Class People. Targeting Strategy Business to Customer Nokia has a huge market; almost 5 billion people own a mobile phone in the world, and Nokia has about a third of all handsets sold. Nokias biggest customer group at the moment would have to be young people. It shows it Nokias ads, they are very colorful, fun and show connectivity. Today’s youth wants connectivity and social media in...
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...VisionMobile Mobile Megatrends 2011 how telecoms business is transforming in the software era. updated 8 March 2011 Copyright VisionMobile 2011 Knowledge. Passion. Innovation. Andreas Constantinou Michael Vakulenko Matos Kapetanakis (c) VisionMobile 2011 Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0) You are free to Share or Remix any part of this work as long as you attribute this work to VisionMobile (www.visionmobile.com). Copyright VisionMobile 2011 VisionMobile research Distilling market noise into market sense Research competitive analysis, commissioned research, company due diligence Developer Economics 2010: Everything on mobile development Training open source economics, Android commercials, mobile industry dynamics Market maps Competitive landscape maps of the mobile industry Strategy definition strategy design, ecosystem positioning, product definition Active Idle Screen Who will own the screen? Open Source Chessboard business impacts of mobile open source, the competitive landscape and how to design your company strategy Mobile Industry Atlas, 3rd ed. 1,100+ companies, 69 market sectors Mobile Megatrends series Top-100 analyst blog GPLv2 vs GPLv3 White Paper The Android Game Plan the commercial mechanics behind Android and how Google runs the show 4,000+ subscribers 20,000+ monthly uniques 90% mobile industry insiders 100 million club tracking...
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...Nokia SWOT analysis (Barney, 1991). Internal analysis (Resource-based model) Strengths – Having the advanced technology over the competitors in the mobile phone industry – Decentralized company structure, innovative and creative employees and Charismatic strong leader, such as: Jorma Ollila. – The market leadership in the mobile industry. – Strong brand name and company image in the global market – Has its own manufacture and network. – Product innovation. – Economy of scale Weaknesses – Complacency and arrogance. – Few customized, operator-specific handsets. – Few alliances, company sticks to its standing in the market, do not want to cooperate with the operators. External analysis (Environmental models of competitive advantage) Opportunities – The emerging market in developing countries, such as China, India – The emerging market for high-end mobile phone such as business user phone. Threats – Facing more new competitors, especially from Asia. – Stronger buyer power from the network operators. – Lost market share – The market becomes saturatedong competition in mobile industry OPPORTUNITIES LG: its...
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...Intro In August 2006, Vertu, a maker of premium mobile phones and a subsidiary of Nokia, the world's largest mobile phone maker, announced that it was unable to meet the demand for its luxury phones and would increase its production capacity in the near future. The mobile phones, or personal communication instruments, as they were referred to in the company's communications, were priced between US$ 4,900 and US$ 50,000 (as of 2006). The phones were handcrafted with high quality components including precious stones. The more expensive models were made of platinum Vertu had invested considerable money as well as time in conceptualizing and creating its range of luxury phones. These extremely expensive phones were primarily targeted at young and successful businessmen. Vertu realized early that mobile phones, far from being just a communication device, would also come to reflect the personality of their owners. While the Vertu phones evoked a good response, some analysts doubted whether the interest would be sustained. As the product proved successful, the number of imitators was expected to grow quickly. And sure enough, companies like Mobiado3 and mainstream players like Motorola4, Samsung5, and LG6 launched high-end mobile models in the mid-2000s. Even as Vertu phones won praise for their design and build, they were criticized for being technological laggards. However, company officials did not see this as a drawback, explaining that a typical Vertu customer did not...
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...ian town of Forchheim was getting beat up by rival General Electric Co. and that shareholders were nag- ging Siemens to dump its medical equipment unit. Everyone’s job was on the line. The negotiations were tough. But Kleinfeld won over workers, hanging around the factory asking detailed questions. He answered e-mails from employee reps almost immediately, even late at night, recalls Werner Mönius, chairman of the work- ers council in Erlangen, Germany, home base of Siemens Medical Solutions Division. “He was able to motivate people to pull together,” says Mönius. The workers signed off on Kleinfeld’s plan, which helped cut the time it took to build a $100,000-plus diagnostic scanner from six weeks to one. Siemens Medical is now Siemens’s most profitable business. And that cocky young boss? This month Klein- feld, now 47, becomes chief executive of Munich- based Siemens, a $100 billion behemoth that oper- ates in 190 countries and makes subways, light bulbs, power plants, auto parts, automatic mail-sorting equipment, and more. With 430,000 employees and 12 major divisions, Siemens is the rock of Germany Inc., which still needs to learn how to survive and thrive in a world where heavily taxed, slow-moving European companies operate at a disadvantage. If Siemens can reach new levels of profitability, maybe the rest of Corporate Germany has a chance, too. Siemens Chief Executive Heinrich von Pierer and the company’s supervisory board, which includes such corporate luminaries as Deutsche...
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...first article shows that the Nokia Company had to stop almost 10,000 of their staff to decrease the cost by the end of 2013. To support the transition period, Nokia plans to increase its operating model to reduce expenses significantly devices and services, which reduce the number of employees and the factory area if the company want to stay competitive in the market for the long term. This situation shows the rationale for the change. The Nokia Chief Executive is taking the director image which is based on an image of management as control and of change outcomes as being achievable. The chief executive holds that if the company wants to remain competitive, they need to close the facility in Ulm, Germany; Burnaby, Canada and manufacturing plants in Salo, Finland, with their research and development (R & D) in Salo will continue. For the second article, the rationale for the change present when the Naim Indah Corp Bhd (Nicorp) has entered into an unincorporated joint-venture agreement with Keloil Sdn Bhd for the purpose of carrying out business in the oil and gas industry. Which of the external and internal pressures are referred to? Are there additional pressures not specifically considered in this chapter? The Nokia article is related with external pressure, which is the market decline pressure. The declining markets for products and services place organizations under pressure to remain relevant. These situations occur because the Nokia Company resource base is decrease...
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...1) Nokia History: Nokia has been the top selling smartphone manufacturer for a very long time. At the end of 2012, it became the second largest mobile phone maker in the world. Nokia was one of the first mobile phone manufacturers and brought products with different features and price ranges for different parts of the worlds. Nokia used its own Symbian Operating system in the handsets. Downfall: Nokia failed to improve itself with the changes in the trends in the Mobile phone industry. In the recent years, Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Android powered devices started to capture market share from Nokia. Samsung’s Android smartphone surpassed the Highest Selling Mobile phones record of Nokia in 2012. In public’s opinion, Nokia’s Symbian powered handsets are of no match against the Android and iOS powered devices. Nokia which had more than 50% of market share in the last decade, has only 3.2% market share in the whole world. Nokia failed to follow the market trends and that is why its demand became this low. Acquisition: In 2011, Nokia replaced its Symbian Operating system with Microsoft’s newly introduced Windows Phone OS. These new devices only made average sales all around the world and were not very impressive. In September 2013, Nokia was Acquired by Microsoft for $7.17 Billion. Return: In February 2014, Nokia announced its new range of mobile phones which is powered by Android which is the leading OS around the world. Nokia is a very trusted and reliable brand and...
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