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Casual Dress Code

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“Researchers have proposed that organizational culture is often the context in which the meaning of a symbol is “enacted,” because culture defines the shared frame of reference that typifies organizations and guides members’ perceptions and behavior” (Pratt, Rafaeli, 1997, p. 864). The aforementioned citation establishes this module four case assignment in a profound manner. As this assignment will contend to respond to several questions regarding organizational dress codes, as it relates to the perception of an organization along with other issues. Accordingly, this assignment will commence by examining whether or not all organizations should initiate a standard in which all of their employees dress up in business casual.
Business Casual …show more content…
For instance, while it may seem absurd it certainly would not be feasible for a firefighter to perform their duties in business casual dress. Of course, for a human resource (HR) professional I would absolutely agree that a business casual dress code is absolutely suitable in the world of HR operations, but not, necessarily so for those individuals that serve in a public service related capacity. Therefore, the type of occupation along with the conditions and environment relevant to that specific occupation, would need to be considered by management. When, they are contemplating whether or not a business casual dress code would be the standard for their own particular organization. Nevertheless, the next topic of interest is to examine the condition that if employees start dressing down, would such actions necessarily alter the perception of the entire …show more content…
For some professions wearing uniforms is not only necessary but it expresses to the public the proud long standing history and tradition of the organization, in particular the various branches of the United States of the Armed Forces come to mind. Although this may true, certain laws and stipulations as previously indicated does not openly dictate that employees slip on uniforms. Whereas, employers are within the right to authorize the wear of uniforms by their employees. While, employers could direct their employees to wear uniforms, employers are required to supply their employees in some cases with certain elements of the uniform such as personal protective equipment (PPE). Again, we see that the wear of a uniform is situational dependent. Nevertheless, we arrive to the last aspect of interest for this study that will take into account tattoos and

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