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Centralized Government: Well-Established Democracy In Europe

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The lack of centralized government can easily lead to political, social, and economic changes, which then lead to people having to look for other sources of protection or stability. Deep- rooted social and political challenges or changes have formed and shaped the economy. Political systems decisions can easily impact the economic activities of the people under that certain rule. What form or combination of political institutions is required to enhance economic growth? Political institutions affect economic performance regardless of any preconditions or stages of economic development. In other words, a new democracy tends to perform as well as a a Medieval Kingdom in Europe, or well-established democracy in today's world. The political institutions run similarly. The Vikings posed as a large threat to the safety and well being of many of the people that lived in Europe during that time period. Rulers began to realize how more difficultly challenging it was to defend their subjects as organized governments were torn apart. Therefore, people then had to turn to aristocrats and nobles to protect them. Finding a powerful lord became very important because the lord offered protection in return for …show more content…
When these lords finally wanted men to fight for them, they granted each vassal a piece of land that supported his family and the vassal pertaining to him. In the Early Middle Ages, wealth was primarily based on how much land you owned and it was the best gift ever possible for a lord to give a vassal. Also, in the feudal society, the loyalty to one’s lord was the ultimate virtue. Society can easily be changed by that because they don't really have a choice of what the political chooses, they're just forced to follow and obey whatever they say. This obviously causes many revolts against political leaders if the people don't agree with rules or regulations they must

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