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Cervical Cancer Research Paper

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Signs and Symptoms
Causes and Risk Factors
Tests and Diagnosis
Treatments and Medications
Precuation and SelfCare
End Lines

Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer refers to the malignant neoplasm of the cervix or cervix uteri, the inferior portion of the female reproductive system. It is the second largest cause of death due to cancer in the world and this malignancy take away about 0.3 million women’s life each year mostly in Indian subcontinent, Latin America and Africa. Almost 90% cases of cervical cancer are caused by Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The recent advancement of diagnostic and treatment success along with social awareness reduces the incidence of cervical cancer.

Signs and Symptoms
Cervical …show more content…
But this cancer is less common in the United States due to the routine use of Pap smear, a diagnostic tool for cancer of cervix.
A usually cervical cancer begins in the cells on the superficial part of the cervix. This superficial part consists of two types of cell: squamous and columnar. About two thirds of all cervical cancers are from squamous cells. This malignant cancer typically develops very slowly. It usually begins as a precancerous condition referred as dysplasia. Pap smear may detect this precancerous condition and is almost 100% treatable. It can take years for development of cancer in the cervix from precancerous condition. HPV (human papilloma virus) is the main causative pathogen for all types of cervical cancers. Sexual intercourse mainly spreads this killer virus. Sexual habits and forms of a woman’s life can increase the risk for cervical cancer includes having sex at an early age, having multiple sexual partners or having multiple partners or partners who participate in high-risk sexual activities. The common risk factor of cervical cancer includes
 Lack of HPV vaccination
 Very weak immune …show more content…
Unusual pathological variant includes adenosquamous carcinoma, neuroendocrine tumour, small cell carcinoma, villoglandular adenocarcinoma, glassy cell carcinoma. Melanoma and lymphoma are non-carcinoma malignancy of cervix.

Tests and Diagnosis
Early stage of cervical cancer or precancerous condition of the cervix usually cannot be seen with the naked eye. Detection of cancer is depends on special diagnostic tests and tools such

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