...Edition Global Edition Fred David Please note this is not a comprehensive source for studying Please note this is not a comprehensive source for studying Ch 6 -1 Ch 6 -2 Strategy Analysis & Choice “Whether it’s broke or not, fix it – make it better. Not just products, but the whole company if necessary.” – Bill Saporito “Life is full of lousy options.” – General P.X. Kelley Please note this is not a comprehensive source for studying Ch 6 -3 1 Strategy Analysis & Choice Subjective decisions based on objective information Generating alternative strategies Selecting strategies to pursue Best alternative course of action to achieve mission & objectives Derived from vision, mission, objectives, external audit, and internal audit Please note this is not a comprehensive source for studying Ch 6 -4 Strategy Analysis & Choice Generating Alternatives – Participation in generating alternative strategies should be as broad as possible Please note this is not a comprehensive source for studying Ch 6 -5 Comprehensive StrategyFormulation Framework Stage 1 - Input Stage EFE Matrix IFE matrix CPM Stage 2 - Matching Stage SWOT SPACE matrix BCG matrix IE Matrix Grand strategy matrix Stage 3 - Decision Stage QSPM Please note this is not a comprehensive source for studying Ch 6 -6 2 Strategy-Formulation Framework External Factor Evaluation Matrix (EFE) Stage 1: The Input Stage Internal Factor Evaluation ...
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...ECO 305 WK 1 HOMEWORK CH 2 To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/eco-305-wk-1-homework-ch-2/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM ECO 305 WK 1 HOMEWORK CH 2 ECO 305 WK 1 Homework Ch 2 - 12(a-b),13(a-c),14 Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of ECO 305 WK 1 Homework Ch 2 in order to ace their studies. ECO 305 WK 1 HOMEWORK CH 2 To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/eco-305-wk-1-homework-ch-2/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM ECO 305 WK 1 HOMEWORK CH 2 ECO 305 WK 1 Homework Ch 2 - 12(a-b),13(a-c),14 Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of ECO 305 WK 1 Homework Ch 2 in order to ace their studies. ECO 305 WK 1 HOMEWORK CH 2 To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/eco-305-wk-1-homework-ch-2/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM ECO 305 WK 1 HOMEWORK CH 2 ECO 305 WK 1 Homework Ch 2 - 12(a-b),13(a-c),14 Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of ECO 305 WK 1 Homework Ch 2 in order to ace their studies. ECO 305 WK 1 HOMEWORK CH 2 To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/eco-305-wk-1-homework-ch-2/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM ECO 305 WK 1 HOMEWORK CH 2 ECO 305 WK 1 Homework Ch 2 - 12(a-b),13(a-c),14 Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of...
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...Module 2 9/19/15-10/16/15 Announcements: * Please bring your homework to class ready to turn in, stapled and labeled properly. * Make a note of any difficulties you have while doing your homework so that you can ask about them in class. Tuesday, Sept. 22 & Wednesday, Sept. 23 | HW Due | Ch. 4a Homework 1. Reading notes on Chapter 4. 2. Practice Problems: 11-17, pp. 99-104. | Tests/Quizzes | Quiz: Dalton’s Atomic Theory (see page 89) | Topic in Class | Structure of the Atom | Lab | Very Small Particles, Part I (pp. 108-109) | Thursday, Sept. 24 & Friday, Sept. 25 | HW Due | Ch. 4b Hw 1. Problems 59-69, p. 113. | Tests/Quizzes | None | Topic in Class | Radioactive Decay, Light Particles and Waves | Lab | Very Small Particles, Part II (pp. 108-109) | Tuesday, Sept. 29 & Wednesday, Sept. 30 | HW Due | Ch. 5a Hw 1. Chapter 5 Notes. 2. Practice Problems: 1-6, pp. 121-124; 18-23, pp. 139-141. | Tests/Quizzes | Quiz: Atomic Structure | Topic in Class | The Bohr Model, Electron Configuration | Lab | None | Thursday, Oct. 1 & Friday, Oct. 2 | HW Due | Ch. 5b Hw 1. Problems 65-82, p. 147. | Tests/Quizzes | None | Topic in Class | Test Review | Lab | TBA | Tuesday, Oct. 6 & Wednesday, Oct. 7 | HW Due | Test Review 1. Complete Study Guide. | Tests/Quizzes | Test One | Topic in Class | None | Lab | None | Thursday, Oct. 8 & Friday, Oct. 9 | HW Due | Ch. 6a Hw ...
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...OUTLINE Fall 2014 COURSE: Acct 111 Financial Accounting I SECTION: SD01 & SD02 CREDIT VALUE: 3 PREREQUISITE: None CLASS Sept 2, 2014 – December 12, 2014 SCHEDULE SD02 – 9:30 – 11 am SD01 – 12:30 – 2 pm Wednesday & Friday LOCATION: SD 02 Rm 6-226 CCC SD 01 Rm 6-344 CCC INSTRUCTOR: Darlene Lowe, CMA, MBA CONTACT Use the email function through blackboard learn. OFFICE: 5-225 H OFFICE HOURS: SD02: 11:00 – 11:30 am Wednesday/Friday and by appointment SD01: 2:00 – 2:30 pm Wednesday/Friday and by appointment TEXT: Accounting Principles Volume 1, Sixth Canadian Edition by Weygandt, Kieso, Kimmel, Trenholm, Kinnear andBarlow. John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. 2013 ACCOUNTING STUDENTS – purchase volumes 1 & 2 that are packaged together, ISBN 9781119005414. You require both books for ACCT 111 and ACCT 161 and this will save you considerable money. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, INSURANCE, GOLF & HUMAN RESOURCES STUDENTS – only purchase volume 1, the stand alone book ISBN 9781119009290. You are only required to take one financial accounting course so only one textbook is needed. Note that this course uses Wiley Plus, which is an online tool where you prepare online assignments. I will send you an email with the correct URL to register in. Please...
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...University of North Texas ACCT 4400 (3 hours): Auditing - Professional Responsibilities Summer II 2012 Section 001 - Section Time Place 001 MTWR 10:00am -11:50am BLB 255 Instructor: Jay Baker, MSFS, MBA,CPA,CFP Email: Best way to contact me – EMAIL ME ONLY at Keith.Baker@unt.edu Phone: 940.369.8156 Office and Office Hours: BLB 387C - Tue. & Wed. 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Required Materials: 1. Auditing & Assurance Services: A Systematic Approach. Messier, Glover, and Prawitt. 8th ed. 2012. Prerequisites: ACCT 3120 and ACCT 4100; BLAW 3430; must have a 2.5 GPA in all ACCT 3000 and ACCT 4000 courses taken at UNT or their equivalent taken at other colleges and universities to take this course. ACCT 4400 may not be taken more than twice whether at UNT or at another college or university. Class Website: A class website will be established and maintained throughout the course on Blackboard (go to http://www.unt.edu/ and click the link at the top for “Blackboard”). Course materials such as notes will be available on Blackboard. You are responsible for anything that I note through Blackboard emails and announcements. Course Description: Introduction to auditing and the professional responsibilities of a career in any specialty of the accounting profession. Topics include the legal and ethical responsibilities of accountants; professional auditing standards; the audit risk model; the acquisition, evaluation and documentation of audit evidence; reports on the results of the audit engagement...
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...PREL 2338 - “Intro to PR” - Sec. 001 Instructor: Dr. Shelley Wigley Class Hours: M/W/F - 11 – 11:50 a.m. Class Location: UH 121 Office Hours: T & TH, 9:30-11 a.m.; & by appointment Office Location: FAB 416 Phone: (817) 272-2163 E-mail: shelley.wigley@uta.edu Faculty Profile: https://www.uta.edu/mentis/profile/?2559 Required Text: Wilcox & Cameron (2011). Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics (10th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon — available at the campus bookstore. Supplementary readings posted on Blackboard will be assigned at the discretion of the instructor. Required Supplies: You will need access to a computer with Internet access in order to be successful in this course. You also will need to familiarize yourself with the tips for taking quizzes via Blackboard (see attached tip sheet). To ensure success: before taking each quiz make sure to clear your Internet browsing history, and DO NOT close your browser for any reason once you have started your quiz. Course Description: Introduction to Public Relations is the foundation course for all other departmental work in public relations. The course provides a broad overview of public relations including the history of the field, theories of persuasion and communication, legal and ethical considerations, and the current state of affairs as well as the future of the practice. The goal of this course is to provide students with a broad understanding of PR concepts and principles...
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...|[pic] |Syllabus | | |College of Social Sciences | | |PSY/315 Version 2 | | |Statistical Reasoning in Psychology | Copyright © 2010, 2009, 2006 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This is an introductory course in applied statistics, with particular emphasis in psychology. Both descriptive and inferential statistics are included. In addition, this course provides the basic statistical background and understanding needed. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently...
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...SCHOOL OF URBAN & REGIONAL PLANNING SURP 841: Real Estate Decision Making Fall 2011 COURSE OUTLINE Instructor: Office: E-mail: Telephone: John S. Andrew, Ph.D., M CIP, RPP Robert Sutherland Hall, Room 525 john.andrew@queensu.ca 613-533-6000 ext. 75756 Session Time: Mondays, 11:30 am - 2:20 pm Session Room: Robert Sutherland Hall, Room 554 Overview of the Course The course is an introduction to the concepts, principles and analytical methods involved in making the broad variety of key investment decisions regarding commercial real estate. It is designed to supplement, rather than replace SURP 844: Real Estate Project Planning. Therefore, the emphasis of this course is on commercial real estate investment rather than development. However, some elements of the latter will inevitably be addressed. The focus will be on fullyoperational income-generating properties, primarily large in scale. The main asset types of office, industrial, retail and multi-unit residential will be discussed (and possibly a few more specialized types). Another emphasis of the course will be on the micro level – the evaluation of the investment merits of individual properties (or at least individual transactions). Less attention will be paid to the macro level i.e. portfolio management. To the extent possible, the course content (including readings, cases and assignments) will be Canadian (although it is recognized that real estate investment is increasingly a global endeavor). This is primarily...
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...|[pic] |Syllabus | | |School of Business | | |ACC/230 (11/05/2012 – 01/20/2013) | | |Financial Reporting: Peeking Under the Financial Hood | Copyright © 2009, 2007 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description In this course, students will learn to analyze financial statements and methods used to value companies. Financial reports help managers choose between business paths. They also help investors and analysts evaluate the financial health of companies. This course is a practical means of discovering how financial data are generated and their limitations; techniques for analyzing the flow of business funds; and methods for selecting and interpreting financial ratios. It also presents analytical tools for predicting and testing assumptions about a firm’s performance. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website...
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...to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Aron, A., Aron, E. N., & Coups, E. (2009). Statistics for psychology (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. All electronic materials are available on the student website. Note: All required tasks are highlighted with individual assignments in dark red text and team...
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...systems and organs that allow it to work, and grow. We will study the skeletal system, the skin and muscles, food and digestion, circulation, respiration and excretion. 1. What must I know and be able to do at the end of the third bimestrial? ¬ Ch. 1 Bones, Muscles, and the Skin 1. Identify the functions of the skeletal system, the muscular system and the skin. 1. Compare and contrast movable and unmovable joints, and types of muscles. 1. Explain how skin protects the body from disease. ¬ Ch. 2 Food and Digestion 1 Identify the importance of each type of nutrient. 2 Explain the relationship between diet and health. 3 Identify the organs of the digestive system and what takes place in each. ¬ Ch. 3 Circulation 1 Compare and contrast arteries, veins and capillaries. 2 Identify the functions of the pulmonary and systemic circulation system. 3 Identify the parts and functions of blood, and give examples of diseases. 4 Describe the functions of the lymphatic system, and explain how lymph organs help fight infections. ➢ Ch.4 Respiration and Excretion 1. Describe functions of the respiratory system and what happens during gas exchange and breathing. 2. Identify the structures that air passes through as it travels to the lungs, harmful chemicals contained in tobacco smoke, and the structures and functions...
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...Participation Participate in class discussion 3 of 7 days with at least 2 substantive posts on each of the three days. 2 Discussion Questions Respond to weekly discussion questions. DQ1:Wed DQ2:Sat 2 Nongraded Activities and Preparation Complete the Equation Editor tutorial and Virtual ChemLab Tutorial located on your student website. Individual Text Exercises, Part I Resources: Equation Editor tutorial Prepare written answers to the following assignments from Introductory Chemistry: • Exercise 20 in Ch. 1 • Exercise 120 in Ch. 2 • Exercise 112 in Ch. 3 • Exercise 120 in Ch. 4 • Exercise 100 in Ch. 5 • Exercise 126 in Ch. 6 • Exercise 116 in Ch. 7 • Exercise 100 in Ch. 8 Submit the assignment, as directed by your facilitator. Friday 5 Individual Virtual ChemLab Assignment 2-4 Access and view the Virtual ChemLab Tutorial, located on the student website. Complete 2-4: Precipitation Reactions from Virtual ChemLab: General Chemistry Laboratories, located on the student website. Note. To complete the assignment, the Virtual ChemLab software must be installed on your computer and must be used in conjunction with Virtual ChemLab: General Chemistry Laboratories. Installation requirements and instructions may be found in the workbook and on the accompanying CD. Once the software is installed, an electronic workbook may be found corresponding with your workbook, which contains preset lab assignments that match the workbook assignments. Use these preset...
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...Entrepreneurship Part 1: The Entrepreneurial Manager Spring, 2011 授課教師: 郭瑞祥 Andy Guo (台大工商管理學系/商研所教授) Room:Room 813, building 2, Management school Email : rsguo@ntu.edu.tw Website:guo.ba.ntu.edu.tw Course Descriptions This course is about The Entrepreneurial Manager (TEM), and it is designed to focus on the Entrepreneur as a manager and the processes and techniques he or she uses to manage. In practice this means that in every case there is a person who must make some decisions and take the necessary actions to implement those decisions. There is a very important role in the course for analytical tools and conceptual frameworks, but they are to be applied only to the extent that they help the manager make good decisions and develop realistic action plans that can be implemented and communicated to employees and investors. The Entrepreneurial Manager Course is structured in three modules: • • • Introduction: What is an entrepreneurial manager? Fundamentals for the entrepreneurial manager Managing the growing venture Reference Book • 「Finding Fertile Ground」 ,by Scott Shane,Wharton School Publishing Grading Policy • • • Class participation 22% Case reports and group presentation 48% Mid-term exam 30% 1 Course Topics Overview Date Subject Innovation and Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurial manager + guest speech Opportunity identification Business model and strategy Access source of financing +guest speech Entrepreneurial team and management (1) Entrepreneurial team...
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...FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Fall 2012 Yvonne Hinson Work: 704-365-4710 Home: 704-765-9782 Cell: 336-407-0161 Email: hinsonyl@wfu.edu Course Description and Requirements The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the concepts, vocabulary and uses of Financial Accounting. As we proceed, we will adopt several different points of view. ← We will take the perspective of preparers of financial information. Preparers include accountants who work for companies that must produce Financial Statements on a regular basis and file them with the various regulatory authorities, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). These accountants may include the Chief Financial Officer, who, along with the Chief Executive Officer, is responsible for the Financial Statements. We will learn procedures and rules about how financial events are recognized and disclosed. ← We will take the perspective of independent auditors and regulators, who oversee the financial information that companies disseminate. Independent auditors work for an accounting firm and are hired to audit financial statements before these reports are filed with the SEC. Audit firms include PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG, Ernst and Young, and Deloitte and Touche (which collectively are called the “Big 4”) and a host of smaller, regional firms. All firms with stock that is traded on an exchange, such as the New York Stock Exchange, must have their statements audited by an independent audit firm...
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...|[pic] |Course Syllabus | | |College of Natural Sciences | | |CHM/110 Version 3 | | |Introductory Chemistry | Copyright © 2010, 2007 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course will examine the basic principles of chemistry conceptually and specifically. The course will apply chemical concepts to address relevant issues ranging from atomic structure and chemical reactions to organic and biological chemistry. The course topics include matter and energy, chemical bonding, intermolecular forces, chemical equilibrium, and nuclear, organic, and biological chemistry. Students will apply these concepts using practical examples, facilitated discussions, and experiments conducted through a virtual laboratory. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document...
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