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Changelog Ios


Submitted By shrey365
Words 570
Pages 3
changelog ios.txt iOS 4 Software Update This update contains over 100 new features, including the following: • Multitasking support for third-party apps* - Multitasking user interface to quickly move between apps - Support for audio apps to play in the background - VoIP apps can receive and maintain calls in the background or when device is asleep - Apps can monitor location and take action while running in the background - Alerts and messages can be pushed to apps using push and local notifications - Apps can complete tasks in the background • Folders to better organize and access apps • Home screen Wallpaper* • Mail improvements - Unified inbox to view emails from all accounts in one place - Fast inbox switching to quickly switch between different email accounts - Threaded messages to view multiple emails from the same conversation - Attachments can be opened with compatible thirdparty apps - Search results can now be filed or deleted - Option to select size of photo attachments - Messages in the Outbox can be edited or deleted • Support for iBooks and iBookstore (available from the App Store) • Photo and Camera improvements - 5x digital zoom when taking a photo** - Tap to focus during video recording** - Ability to sync Faces from iPhoto - Geo-tagged photos appear on a map in Photos • Ability to create and edit playlists on device • Calendar invitations can be sent and accepted wirelessly with supported CalDAV servers • Support for MobileMe calendar sharing • Suggestions and recent searches appear during a web search • Searchable SMS/MMS messages** • Spotlight search can be continued on web and Wikipedia • Enhanced location privacy - New Location Services icon in the status bar - Indication of which apps have requested your location in the last 24 hours - Location Services can be toggled on or off for individual apps • Automatic spellcheck • Support for Bluetooth

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...likely created through convection within the liquid iron core. The meager magnetosphere is buried within Jupiter's much larger magnetic field and would show only as a local perturbation of the field lines. The satellite has a thin oxygen atmosphere that includes O, O2, and possibly O3, which is ozone. Ganymede's discovery is credited to Galileo Galilei, who was the first to observe it on January 7, 1610. Astronomer Simon Marius soon suggested the satellite’s name, for the mythological Ganymede, cupbearer of the Greek gods and Zeus's lover. On January 7, 1610, Galileo Galilei observed what he believed were three stars near Jupiter, including what turned out to be Ganymede, Calisto, and one body that turned out to be the combined light from Io and Europa; the next night he noticed that they had moved. On January 13, he saw all four at once for the first time, but had seen each of the moons before this date at least once. By January 15, Galileo came to the conclusion that the stars were actually bodies orbiting...

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