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Chapter 21 Summary


Submitted By sambam625
Words 1767
Pages 8
Samantha Kozar
Chapter 21 Summary
ACCT 305-001
Spring 2013

The Leasing Environment Most companies and businesses today lease several different types of things especially businesses in the agriculture and construction sectors. A lease is a contractual agreement between two people; a lessor and a lessee. A lessor is one who owns the property, while a lessee is given rights to use their property for a time period. Lessors come in different types of categories such as banks, captive leasing companies and independents. The largest of the lessors are banks. They have low-cost funds and are more aggressive in the market. This allows them the advantage of being able to purchase cheaper assets than their competitors. Captive Leasing Companies are firms whose purpose is to perform leasing operations for a different parent company. They have an advantage over banks. This advantage is that they have a point of sale in finding leasing patrons allowing them to quickly form a lease arrangement. Their main focus is on their company’s products. The last type of lessor is independents. They do not have advantages like banks and captive leasing companies. Over the past years their market shares have dropped because of banks being more aggressive. They do not have the advantages like the other two lessor categories. They’re good at developing innovative contracts for leases. They work with companies that do not have captive finance companies to handle their leases for them. They only have about 23 percent of the new business on the market while banks hold 47% and captive companies hold about 26%.

The Advantages of Leases There are six main advantages to leasing when deciding whether to own property or to lease. The first advantage is 100% financing at a fixed rate. The reason this is an advantage is because a lessee doesn’t have to worry about inflation and

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