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Chapter Notes


Submitted By nmruzzi
Words 1380
Pages 6
Vertical Reports= Control, Lateral Reports= Coordination. Formal, informal, periodic, internal, external, analytical, inform.
Reports travel upward and are objective and usually are for a limited audience.
The Problem Solving Process 1. Recognize/Define The Problem- problem statement/purpose approach or null hypothesis approach and limit the scope of the problem. 2. Select a Method of Solution- Find research from either primary, secondary or both. 3. Collect/organize data and document sources-avoid too small samples, biased, too much info, not representative, gathering not enough info 4. Arrive at answer

(2) Secondary Research- information that has already been reported by others
Primary Research- Firsthand data such as observational studies, experimental research (taking 2 equal samples and adding a variable to 1.), Normative Studies (surveys, questionnaires,) or Sampling (not taking 100% of population).
All research needs to be valid and reliable.
(3) Secondary: Don’t collect too much secondary data. Be concise. Read articles rapidly, from memory list main points, review the article to double check. Use either direct quotation or paraphrasing.
Primary: Surveys should be easy to follow, logical sequence, appealing, single answer, provide all of the above in MC, avoid threating questions.
Mail- Inexpensive, reach wide #, allows anonymity---could get low response rate, not good for detailed info
Personal Interviews-in depth, personal contact----very time consuming
Telephone/Email-inexpensive, rapid response, personal contact.—must be short, might exclude respondents without phones
(4) Evaluate for usefulness, reduce the useful info through organization of notes and data analyisis, combine like info into tables, charts, graphs, etc, and then report the rest in written form.

Do not: make results conform to a prediction or desire, hope for spectacular

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