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Che Guevara Research Paper

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He is viewed as both a hero and a villain, but what exactly is the accurate story behind Ernesto

Che Guevara, and his impact within the Cuban Revolution? For background knowledge, Guevara

arrived in Mexico City in early September 1954, upon being there for some time, he eventually

met Fidel and Raul Castro. The brothers whom proposed for Che to join them in their 26th of

July Movement, a plot to overthrow Fulgencio Batista, dictator or Cuba. He agreed; and by

November that same year, a total of 82 rebels boarded a yacht named the Granma, with a set

course to the Cuban island. The voyage had ended on December 2nd, the rebels began making

way on Cuban soil, where the Cuban Revolution would officially begin, in help of Ernesto …show more content…

the attack was seen as suicidal; the rebels were outnumbered 300 to 2,700, yet that was not an

issue in Guevara's eye. Utilizing guerrilla tactics, he saw three major aspects in taking Santa

Clara effectively: keeping the large enemy forces together, getting rid of their armored train, and

gathering the support of the t Guevara eventually did all three of these; the day before the real engagement between both

sides, the local residents, heavily in favor of the insurgents, set up barricades and other

obstacles which would serve good use to fend off tanks, and other hostile mobilized vehicles.

The armored train, transported supplies and other resources for Basita troops, was also stopped

in it's place, in help by the populace, who managed to destroy railroad tracks. In spite of these

two factors, along with Che's planning, the insurgent soldiers managed to suffer minimal

casualties due to Bastia's lack of vehicular support, and retrieved the supplies that was in the

train to use to their benefit; Guevara's troops had successfully taken that region of Santa Clara,

and proceeded onward. They had caught themselves in a deadly skirmish at Santa …show more content…
The next morning, the remnants of Bastia's soldiers surrendered, and the battle

was officially won.

Che Guevara resigned from all positions of the Cuban Government and citizenship of the country

in 1965, and ultimately left all public life in order to start a revolution of his own. Che first started

organizing a force in Congo, yet the people there took little interest in his ideals of a revolution,

and left shortly after. He had finally decided to travel to Bolivia, but wouldn't want to get into a

situation right away, so he entered while incognito. He ditched his disguise, and began starting

his own revolution, his first place to look was those of the same ideals of him, he gave the offer

to Bolivian Communists, but they unfortunately wanted nothing to do with him do to his relation

with Cuba. Guevara only had about 16 other revolutionaries to his side, and decided to work with

just that, until the Bolivian Government was informed of his presence, and began pursuing him

and his rebels. Bolivian Army Rangers soon located Che, he put up a fight, but did not succeed

in the end, and was captured. After refusal to comply with interrogation, the order to kill

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