...The Sims 2 Cheat Codes Misc. Codes Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter the following: |Cheat |Effect | |boolProp guob (True/False) |Set to false to remove shadows on objects | | |inside house | |boolprop objectShadows (True/False) |Set to false to remove removes shadows on | | |objects outside house | |boolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode (True/False) |Set to true to show lot information | |boolprop carsCompact (True/False) |Set to true and cars will have more detail| | |in neighborhood | |boolprop lotTerrainPaints (True/False) |Set to false to remove floorpainting on | | |lot | |boolprop lotWater (True/False) |Set to false to remove removes water | | |(ponds) from lots | |boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps (True/False) ...
Words: 788 - Pages: 4
... Cheating: * Any attempt to give or obtain assistance in a formal academic exercise (like an examination) without due acknowledgment. * dishonesty and breaking the rules. Reasons of cheating 1. Performance concerns * Need to excel at any cost 2. External pressures * Academic * Semester workload too heavy * Others’ cheating puts me at disadvantage * Professor/text did not adequately explain material * Too many tests on one day * Nonacademic * Pressure from parents * Job leaves no time for study * Illness prevents adequate preparation * GPA for athletic qualification * Financial aid depends on GPA * Good grades needed for job or graduate school 3. Unfair professors * Overly harsh grading * Unfair tests designed to fail students * Unreasonable workload in course 4. Lack of effort * Did not attend class * Did not study, do reading, etc. 5. Adherence to other loyalties * Helping a friend * Loyalty to a group (fraternity) 6. All’s fair in love and academia 7. Opportunity * Unexpected opportunity arose * Instructor left room during exam * Instructor wasn’t watching carefully * Other students didn’t cover their paper 8. Campus ethos * Others do it * No one ever really gets punished/caught Some ways of cheating 1. Copying Homework ...
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...The following paper will be discussing the 4 main steps to ensure that the ICD codes are accurate. This paper will also be discussing the four steps that are necessary to establish the proper ICD-9-CM code. There are many ways that this paper will explain what is right to do and gives you a good source through a book that you can just gather all your information from. Step-by Step Medical Code Book by Buck is such an incredible book to get your sources from. ICD-9-CM code means International Classification of Disease, 9th edition. This is a standardized classification of disease, injuries and causes of death, by etiology and anatomic localization and anatomic localization and codified into a 6 digit number. When given any of these symptom assigned number’s this allows many clinicians and many involved people that have the same common language with in the medical field. The ICD-9-CM has been used in this country since 1973 for morbidity applications. This will help continue the hospital or anyone dealing with medical to be organized and just improve more and more. There are 8 steps to follow to have an accurate coding system. We are going to discuss the top 4 that are important. First one is to identify the main term in the diagnostic statements meaning you would to make sure that you have the correct code. Always do a double check when finding the correct code. The second step to an accurate code is you would need to locate the main term in the Alphabetic index. The Index...
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...Consumer Information FCC Notice This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If interference generated by this unit is suspected, call Brink’s Customer Care at 1-800-445-0872. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: ♦ Re-orient the radio/television antenna; ♦ Move the television or receiver away from the unit. ♦ Plug the unit and the TV/radio receiver into different outlets, i.e. not on the same circuit breaker. ♦ Contact Brinks Home Security or an experienced TV/Radio technician for additional suggestions. ♦ Review additional instructions on www.mybrinks.com. This equipment complies with FCC Rules, Part 68. On the outside of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, the FCC Registration Number and Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for this equipment. If requested...
Words: 10912 - Pages: 44
...collected. * Many respondents presented more than one thought or feeling. In some cases they described a sentence to capture the imagery in the pictures. * In such cases all individual thoughts and feelings were captured for coding process * Coding Scheme: - The coding scheme that was obtained is as below (in alphabetical order). Please observe the ads you would find how the below codes were developed. SNo | Code | 1 | Adventure sports | 2 | Business | 3 | Celebrity testimonial | 4 | Dance | 5 | Do’s and Don’ts | 6 | Fashion | 7 | Food | 8 | Festivales | 9 | Food | 10 | Handicrafts | 11 | History | 12 | Hospitality | 13 | Nature | 14 | Natural Landscape | 15 | Monuments | 16 | Music | 17 | People | 18 | Public Awareness | 19 | Religion | 20 | Shopping | 21 | Spirituality | 22 | Sports | 23 | Wellness | 24 | Wildfire | * Theme generation: - Seven themes were identified based on the coding schemes. The list of themes are as below Sno | Code | Theme | No of Ads | 1 | Fashion | Culture(that broadly describes the codes presented in previous column. | 15 | 2 | Festivals | | | 3 | Dance | | | 4 | Food | | | 5 | Handicrafts | | | 6 | Hospitality | | | 7 | Music | | | 8 | People | | | 9 | Religion | | | | | Flora | 9 | 10 | Nature | | | 11 | Natural Landscape | | | 12 | Wildlife | | | | | | | 13...
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...The World Health Organization established the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) to standardize medical records. ICD-10 is an update that reflects changing needs in medicine. The code offers increased detail and flexibility. However, implementing the code presents medical establishments with several challenges. The biggest challenge is finding common ground between the two frameworks. How ICD-10 Impacts Healthcare A presentation published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services explains that the World Health Organization created ICD-9 in 1979 to reflect current medical advances and establish universal coding procedures. [1] The system outlines the diagnoses, procedures and terminology used by caregivers. Medical organizations...
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... ICD-9 has approximately 13,000 codes that are V.S. ICD-10 has about 68,000 codes and are 3 3 to 5 digits. to 7 digits long. ICD-9 first digit is either E or V or numeric ICD-10 first digit is alpha; 2nd and 3rd are numeric; 4th thru 7th are either ICD-9 lacks detail...
Words: 720 - Pages: 3
...Shelly reviewed the updates made to the Carrier Form Codes. • The Carrier Services and Agent Reporting Agreement were updated effective June 15, 2015 to allow the settlement of carrier form codes. • Based on carrier request and ARC approval, ARC will update our form code table in alignment with the carrier’s form code range to prevent transaction errors and duplicate usage in IAR. • Testing may need to be performed. • Carriers should initiate their requests through ARC’s Carrier Help Desk or Shelly Younger. The preference would be to begin with Shelly Younger. • ORION is a multi-year project which will modernize the current settlement system. Work will occur in five phases. • Phase I – Foundation for Travel Agency, Carrier and Credit...
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...“Environmental Sci-Math Camp” (February 16, 2013) Theme: “Utilizing our Scientific and Mathematical Competencies for an Environment-Friendly Community” Registration:……………………………………………………………………………… 6:00-7:00 Program:……………………………………………………………………………………. 7:00-8:00 * Prayer Lester Marcaida * National Anthem Remo De3lovino and Jeffrey Lonceras * Exercise (Bear Dance) SAST,YES-O, and Math Club * Yell Campers * Opening Remarks Mr. Casipit and Mrs. Rossel Garcia. Flag, Poster and Slogan Making:………………………………………………….. 8:00-9:00 * 1 participant/group Ice Breaker:………………………………………………………………………………… 9:00-9:30 * Rubber Band/Head Count Scrapped Art and Logo Making:…………………………………………………. 9:30-10:30 * 1 participant/group Word Puzzle, Rubik’s Cube, Sudoku:……………………………………….. 10:30-12:00 * 1 participant/group Tagis Talino:…………………………………………………………………………… 10:30-12:00 * 4 participant/group Lunch (Command Bracelet and Trivia):……………………………………….12:00-1:00 Ice Breaker:………………………………………………………………………………….1:00-1;30 * Ingatan si Mother Egg/Head Count Obstacle Race:………………………………………………………………………………1:30-2:30 Energizer:……………………………………………………………………………………...
Words: 850 - Pages: 4
... Strayer University Code of conduct in a business is extremely important. It sets boundaries in a work environment that keeps ethical behavior regulated. The Cheesecake Factory is one organization that has a code of conduct in place that is detrimental to the success of its business. Some of those key aspects are Compliance with the law, Non-Solicitation and Non-Raid and Non-Disparage Issues. These codes that are put in place uphold ethical behavior and also protects the organization itself. Compliance with the law is extremely important. This code states: “We expect staff members to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws,regulations, rules and regulatory orders at all times. Neither a supervisor nor any other staffmember has the authority to direct another staff member to break any law or to conducthim/herself in a manner that is counter to the Code of Ethics”. The Cheesecake factory put this code in effect to make sure that their employees hold up their duties as law abiding citizens. In this they also stated that they do not tolerate sexual harraasement or drugs, which is very important now a days with everything going on. This should and I’m sure it is a basic code of conduct whether it be a business or a school. When we are jobs giving service to the world we must keep in mind that our responsibilities to law and order do not change. The Non-Solicitation code of conduct ensures that customers have a comfortable no...
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...window.NREUM||(NREUM={});NREUM.info = {"beacon":"bam.nr-data.net","errorBeacon":"bam.nr-data.net","licenseKey":"5c680aaa66","applicationID":"3969032","transactionName":"YFVaZEpRXURTARYKXVkffF9MflZDcQ0MF0BYXFRVSh9gXkYHTTBbQ1V8VUxRWltB","queueTime":0,"applicationTime":22,"ttGuid":"929511F7D923232","agent":"js-agent.newrelic.com/nr-768.min.js"}window.NREUM||(NREUM={}),__nr_require=function(e,n,t){function r(t){if(!n[t]){var o=n[t]={exports:{}};e[t][0].call(o.exports,function(n){var o=e[t][1][n];return r(o||n)},o,o.exports)}return n[t].exports}if("function"==typeof __nr_require)return __nr_require;for(var o=0;op;p++)u[p].apply(s,t);return s}function a(e,n){f[e]=c(e).concat(n)}function c(e){return f[e]||[]}function u(){return t(n)}var f={};return{on:a,emit:n,create:u,listeners:c,_events:f}}function r(){return{}}var o="nr@context",i=e("gos");n.exports=t()},{gos:"7eSDFh"}],ee:[function(e,n){n.exports=e("QJf3ax")},{}],3:[function(e,n){function t(e){return function(){r(e,[(new Date).getTime()].concat(i(arguments)))}}var r=e("handle"),o=e(1),i=e(2);"undefined"==typeof window.newrelic&&(newrelic=window.NREUM);var a=["setPageViewName","addPageAction","setCustomAttribute","finished","addToTrace","inlineHit","noticeError"];o(a,function(e,n){window.NREUM[n]=t("api-"+n)}),n.exports=window.NREUM},{1:12,2:13,handle:"D5DuLP"}],gos:[function(e,n){n.exports=e("7eSDFh")},{}],"7eSDFh":[function(e,n){function t(e,n,t){if(r.call(e,n))return e[n];var o=t();if(Object.defineProperty&&Object.keys)try{return...
Words: 1521 - Pages: 7
...Balaji Courier Express (BCE) Round -1 • A training course structured around theory, group exercises and a simulation, where you will be running and operating a realistic business situation. • We will represent typical operational processes in a service business. • We will exaggerate the reality of operational business, helping you to identify common symptoms of inefficiency. • We will teach you a selection of the powerful tools that we use in Lean Six Sigma. • Do not adapt the process you have been instructed to perform. • Exercise is split in Round 1 and Round 2. • No procedural changes are allowed until Round 2, when you will be briefed on what you can do. • In Round 1, we will establish a baseline for process performance. • By all means ask questions for clarification, but you may not always get an answer. Sound familiar? • Spell out your assumptions. • Refer respective computers for related data. • You may find yourself confused and frustrated with the process. We hope you do! It will act as an incentive to change and improve the business! • [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic][pic] You are all employees of Balaji Courier Express. Established in year 2000, BCE has central Hub is at Aurangabad (Corporate Office) and three Regional offices are at Nagpur, Solapur, Mumbai. BCE’s spread is through 5 area offices namely Thane, Pune, Dhule, Beed and Kolhapur. Also, each taluka place has got a zonal office (400 outlets). ...
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...Alphabetic index’s which provides an index’s of disease descriptions in alphabetical list of terms and their corresponding codes. The alphabetic index’s consists of parts which are: indexes of disease & injury, external causes of injury, table of drugs, table of neoplasms & chemicals. The tabular list is a structured list of codes divided into chapters based on conditions & body systems. Tabular list consists of categories, subcategories and codes and when many times a specified code is not available for a condition then it is put through tabular list for the code to be specified. Tabular list descriptions are listed in more than one manner as well as made up of 21 chapters of disease, description and their codes. The first part Alphabetic index’s use and purpose is to organize the list of indexes of disease descriptions in alphabetical list of terms and their corresponding codes plus helps the medical staff member better locate the description matching the code. However tabular list is a category of codes which allows the medical staff to better identify or locate the right code to fit the description or term of condition. First I would like to list all the financial loses Of ICD-10 which are accurate payment for new procedures, rejected claims & fraudulent claims. Cause of error, longer time to figure how to translate term to right code as also...
Words: 451 - Pages: 2
...recently purchased a small outpatient clinic that is approximately 50 miles from the hospital. Currently about 20-30 patients are seen daily by one provider at the clinic. The hospital does have a contract with several different businesses to provide care for workers injured at work. So let’s analyze my current staff: * 3 coders who take care of the hospital coding (1 of these coders does the coding for the outpatient clinic attached directly to the hospital as well) * 1 front office employee- this employee answers phones, takes care of patient paperwork, filing, etc. * 1 employee at the outpatient clinic that handles billing, coding, front office duties, and is attending college as well to get her RHIT certification A2. a. Code look-up software: This is software that is put into place to help coders...
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...incidences a numerical (sometimes alphanumeric) value that is universal across insurance companies to collect payment for services rendered. Inpatient Coder- An inpatient coder is an individual that initiates requests for payments and reimbursement for procedures performed on a patient during a hospital stay on behalf of the medical facility. Inpatient Coders will deal more with ICD-9(10) or Diagnosis Codes than with CPT Procedure Codes. Inpatient coding could be considered to be more complex than outpatient coding because of the vast possibilities of different diseases, encounters and procedures. Outpatient Coder- An outpatient coder is an indiviual that initiates requests for payments for procedures performed either in a doctor's office or hospital outpatient department. Any procedure performed that does not require for the patient to stay more than 24 hours is considered outpatient. Outpatient coders typically deal more with CPT Procedure codes versus ICD 9(10) Diagnosis Codes. Outpatient coders that operate within doctor's offices are usually exposed to the same codes on a regular basis which is why many inpatient coders start off in an outpatient setting. Front Office Clerk The front office clerk is a job title that can differ in many different office settings. In this particular scenario, the front office clerk is responsible for basic clerical duties as well as processing health record requests and filing. In this position the clerk should be able to be HIPAA compliant...
Words: 2216 - Pages: 9