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Chemo To Miracle Mama Research Paper

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Medical Medium Success Stories – How Ruth Phillips Went from Chemo to Miracle Mama!

Instagram ( ) has become such a treasure trove to me lately. I’ve had the opportunity to connect with individuals who struggle with chronic illness AND the people who are absolutely determined to help them heal.

I think I’ve found my tribe. lol!

So, I was scrolling through and found a photo of a pretty pixie of a woman published by Medical Medium ( Once I read her incredible success story about how she healed her chronic illness through dietary and lifestyle changes, I immediately contacted her for an interview.

Lately, I’d been asking the Universe for more proof that …show more content…
The alcohol caused my light to become very clouded. I was unhappy in my life, and my physical issues were getting worse all the time.

Finally, I got to the point where I could no longer ignore them. I became so ill, I couldn’t work anymore. I finally got a doctor to listen to me and discovered I had cancer, that happened to be EBV-positive. (Related to the Epstein-Barr virus.)

FINALLY, I had answers as to why I had been so ill for so long.

The doctors didn’t know what the EBV-positive cancer meant, but I knew in my heart that it was something I needed to research and find a way to cure if I wanted to be cancer free. I underwent 3 rounds of aggressive chemo because I was too sick to fight for anything else.

I decided to stop the chemo with 3 rounds remaining. The tumor had gone from 10cm to 1cm. I was getting sicker and sicker, and I truly believed the chemo would kill me if I didn’t stop at that point. I knew the chemo wouldn’t do anything for the EBV that I believed to be the cause of the cancer.

I quit chemo and went plant-based, then found Medical Medium shortly after.

Question 3: On a scale of 1 to 10, how skeptical were you that dietary and lifestyle changes could do anything to heal your chronic …show more content…
Question 5: How long were you following the Medical Medium 28-Day Cleanse before you noticed results?

I only managed to go 4 days raw before I felt too sick to continue. I was detoxing hard from the chemo.

I decided to follow a modified version of the cleanse and added in some cooked potatoes and vegetables.

By 2 weeks in, I had started the recommended vitamin B12, and I felt a turning point in my health. More energy, less nerve pain, less anxiety, and just a better sense of well-being.

Question 6: What can you do now that you couldn’t before you made these dietary and lifestyle changes?

I work out almost daily without hurting for weeks from one workout! I was also able to have another baby, even though I was told it would be unlikely after the type of chemo I had. Mentally, I’m like a new person! The anxiety only pops up when I go through a round of detox, and it’s far less than it was!

Question 7: There are many people living with chronic illness who simply do not believe that dietary and lifestyle changes can help them heal. What would you say to encourage those who are reluctant to make these

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