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Child Development Observation


Submitted By amberrrjay
Words 1433
Pages 6
Amber Jeppesen

Child 68 MW 4:45-6:10pm

October 17th, 2014

Part 1—General Information

The name of the center I observed at was C.L.O.U.D.S Preschool Program at Perdew Elementary School. The address of the center: 13051 Miller Ave. Etiwanda, CA 91739.

The C.L.O.U.D.S Preschool Program has goals for each and every one of its students to succeed in language development, social skills and preacademic training sets. This program does include fees, each different for every student due to the fact that each student has a different learning plan. Students come at different days as well as times.

Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Jarvis were the teachers in the C.L.O.U.D.S Preschool class I observed. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Jarvis work together teaching side by sided. Mrs. Jones is in charge of the A.M. class, while Mrs. Jarvis takes charge of the P.M. class. They offer each other assistance while the other is in charge, making it very convenient for one another.

Other adults that were helping out in the classroom were Instructional Aides, hired by the Etiwanda School District that Perdew Elementary School is under. There are two aides, D’Ann and Julie. Mrs. Jones let me know there is always a parent volunteer in class with the preschoolers. Of the three days I was there observing, there were three different parent volunteers. The Instructional Aides were hands on with the kids, while the parents sat back and helped out with projects the teachers needed help with.

The kid I observed, his name is Ethan and he is four years old.

Ethan has olive colored skin, dark brown mid-length hair and chocolate brown eyes to match. He was a little bigger in size compared to the other preschoolers in class. Each day I observed in the classroom, he wore a striped pattern shirt that had an attached hood, dark jeans and the same pair of shoes.

Part 2—Classroom Activities

a) I observed a total of nine hours. Three hours each day. The schedule of the classroom was the same each day. Class started at 7:45am and began with a tabletop activity. Two of the three days were easy to complete puzzles, and one of the days had preschool aged books. At 8am, Circle time commenced. Circle Time consisted of three preschool songs (Hokey Pokey, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and the Alphabet song), saying good morning to all teachers, adults and classmates, going over the date, all months of the year, the seasons, counting how many days of preschool have gone by and ended with reviewing the letter of the week (the letter of the week was O). At 8:30am, the class took a trip to the restroom for a “potty try.” After “potty try,” they went to the preschool and kindergarten playground. There was a jungle gym with a slide to play, a huge sandbox including tons of sand toys, tricycles and handballs to entertain with. Outside playtime ended at 9am. They lined up by the gate and all the kids knew to empty their shoes if they had sand or woodchips in them. From there they all walked hand in hand back to the classroom. They sat back down at the carpet and waited for an aide to bring around hand sanitizer. At 9:15am, they were sorted into groups for Centers. Each group consisted of five or six kids. There were four centers to be rotated through. The first two being literacy and math oriented and the last two being playtime. Centers ended at 10am. The kids all returned to the carpet and it was story time. During story time, an aide set up snack time for the kids. After story time, was share. All kids bring in an item that coincides with the letter of the week. Snack time began at 10:25am. After snack, a second circle time took place, a few dance songs to end the day with. The kids that were well behaved earned stickers to go home with. At 10:45am, pick up time was in effect. b) Ethan has a very hard time focusing and participating in class throughout the entire day. He did well with the puzzle tabletop activities, not so much with the books. Circle time was a challenge for him. He refuses to listen to any authority figure and would rather sit and lay his head down on whichever aide was working with him for the day. The aides took him for a walk around the classroom building to kill time through the singing and dancing for he does not enjoy it. He calms down a bit once Mrs. Jones goes over the date, etc. Potty try he listened very well and was relaxed. During outside however was a different story. He is very dangerous to others on the playground. He likes to bite, kick or hit if another student does something he doesn’t like or gets in his way. The aides have to wear gloves to protect themselves from his attempt at harming others. It takes about 10-15 minutes to calm him down. Once back inside, he does well behaving during centers though he cannot focus on work for much longer than three to five minutes at a time. Its very hard getting him to focus on work and once he can zero in on the activity he will complete it very well. The aides or teacher reward him with two minutes of playtime with a small tabletop activity, such as small toy dinosaurs or silly putty. In the play centers, he gets very excited playing with the other kids that sometimes he gets too worked up and will lose control of his actions and will hit because he’s excited. He is very good at apologizing for what he did. Another walk is taken place during story and share time. Mrs. Jones let me know that if he brings a share toy it is usually a dinosaur even though share items are supposed to follow along with the letter of the week. To make sure he isn’t upset by not getting to share his toy, he is allowed to share anyways. Snack time is easy for him. He asked for more of the snack every day I was there to observe. One of the aides told me he absolutely loves string cheese, a snack they have most often. Second circle time called for another walk and pick up time was hard because he will throw a tantrum, scream and kick because he doesn’t want to be picked up. c) Ethan’s fixation is on dinosaurs so he will only talk about these when you ask him a question. He knows plenty of dinosaur names and will say “Stegosaurus,” or “T-Rex” over and over again. The T-Rex is his favorite. He loves to make a mistake and then say “Oh sorry, sorry,” two to three times, with a big smile on his face. When threatened with time out, he will scream, “No take a break!” He never talked much while I was there observing, if he was talking it was mumbled and a bunch of words that didn’t make sense. d) Mrs. Jones has quite a few accommodations for Ethan, a few I’ve mentioned before. He has an aide working with just him specifically for the whole three hours. Walks are taken when he needs to calm down or when he can’t focus in class. He has a bin full of goal driven tasks and toys for him to play with during a literacy or math center. e) Ethan was very interesting to watch over the nine hours I observed him. Though he seemed difficult to work with, the aides, teachers and parents all seem to love and care for him aside from his troubled personality. Physically, he is very strong for a four year old and is growing at what seems to be a faster rate than other preschoolers in his class. Cognitively, he is very smart and is determined to always get his way. When he is older, I have a feeling he will be a very smart kid, with a bit of a sass to him. Socially and emotionally he is awkward, but what preschooler isn’t at their age? He seems to have a hard time talking to others because they’re all so afraid of him and his reputation on the playground. When he’s older, things should calm down a bit and he’ll make some great friends.

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