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Child Transition Argumentative Analysis

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Maria Montessori once said, “Early childhood education is the key to the betterment of society.” The question is though, when is the early childhood education taken too far? When is there a clearly defined line in the sand showing what a child should know in their youth, compared to what they shouldn’t know? Since 2015, the issue of child transition has become a concerning issue in the United States, one of morality and legality. The question is should a child of such a young age be the face of what our worldly mission politically? Are we truly willing to end our child’s innocence for our own gains? In two completely different articles, Steven Crowder, a Conservative talk show host, and Samantha Allen, a Liberal columnist for the Daily Beast, discuss the issue of ‘child transition.’ Until the past decade, childhood was not about deciding what gender you were, but going to the park and hanging out with your friends, laughing and playing with each other until it was time to go. Childhood however, has changed immensely, …show more content…
Not by the false presence, we try to appear as to others in our own little reality. In doing so, we learn about why harming a child of their natural innocence and beauty, we are harming them from their true potential and ostracizing them from the ability of having a childhood. It is not the job of the parents to politicize children, nor force them into a transition of gender that could harm them for the rest of their begotten lives, but instead teach their children how to be disciplined, educated, respectable, and well-rounded. The solution to solving the abuse of children through child transitions and in the name of “beauty”, is through the ending of the politicization of children and letting them be kids. As long as there is politics in childhood, there shall be a fracture in American

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