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Childcare Level 2 Unit 4


Submitted By sr200
Words 1673
Pages 7
Unit 4- Children and play
D1 (Identify 3 different setting where children might play) and D2 (State the typical age range and the stage of play of the children who might play in the setting) * Park * Garden * School
The typical age range for children to play in a park is from 3-6 years. Children at the lower end of the age range are likely to be at the associative play stage this is when two or more children actively play together without formal organisation, group directions, group interaction, or a define goal.
The typical age range for children to play in a garden is from 2-4 years. Children at the lower end of the age range will likely to be at parallel play, this is when children play alongside of each other but with very little communication. Children will be playing with similar object, side by side but hardly any interaction.
The typical age range for children to play in a day nursery is from 6months onwards. Children at this age range will likely to be solitary play; this is play where the child plays independently without the consideration of what other children around them are doing.
D3 (Describe 1 type of play that would take place in each setting.) and D4 (Describe one type of activity or experience in which children might demonstrate each type of play)
A type of play that may take place at the local park is fantasy play. This is when children pretend to play a role that has not happened yet. An example of fantasy play in the local park may occur when a child is on a play ship and the child is pretending to be a pirate, turning the ships wheel.
A type of play that may occur in a garden is physical play. This is when the child takes part in activities that are physical movements to allow children to use their energy and it also gives them a chance to develop their gross and fine motor skills, learn new things and socialise. An

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