Premium Essay

Children Treated Equally


Submitted By alliecali
Words 2629
Pages 11
Children Just Want to be Treated Equally
Academic Behavior Code
A. Califano
April 24, 2013

Many children and adolescents with obsessive compulsive disorder go undiagnosed. Researchers examine the possible causes and found that many children do not get diagnosed because of their lack of ability to understand and vocalize their experiences; hindering children’s abilities to maintain relationships and perform well in school. ERP is a form of treatment that has been recorded to work in many cases. In some circumstances children may not be able to handle the distress and anxiety that is associated with the repeated exposure exercises. Treatment is extremely important for those who are suffering from OCD. If not properly treated, it is expected that those people unfortunately can have a chronic and deteriorating course.
Keywords: OCD, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Children, Adolescents, ERP, Treatment, Distress, Anxiety, Diagnosis

Children Just Want to be Treated Equally

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, referred to as OCD, is a common psychiatric disorder and is one of the highest recorded in the United States. It has been estimated that OCD affects 1 in 200 young persons (Adams, 1999). This means that 3 or 4 students in an averaged sized elementary school suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder. This disorder impairs children’s abilities to function in home, school, and community settings. The American Psychiatric Association (2000) characterizes OCD as recurrent and distressing thoughts, images, or sensations (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors or mental rituals performed to neutralize anxiety associated with distressing cognitions (compulsions). As a young child, it is hard enough to have to leave your mother and or father for the first time to go to school. Those who have OCD may have even a tougher time. Is it fair to define those children

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