...China and Japan are in somewhat of a battle politically and economically. There are several issues that continue to fuel the fires between the two countries and government behavior on both sides is not helping matters. The documentary suggests economic rivalry, territorial disputes, and the Japanese bid for a seat on the United Nations Security Council are behind the tensions. However, a seemingly larger issue is how World War II is remembered; there are two versions of history and each wants their version to be known as truth. (Taguchi) The documentary explains that accounts of World War II have always been conflicting and a Japanese textbook downplaying their involvement has ignited the Chinese youth. The Chinese remember World War II as “a war against Japanese aggression” and by their accounts Japan is the perpetrator, not the victim. (Taguchi) The Rape of Nanjing, by Chinese accounts, was six weeks of Japanese brutality. The Japanese murdered hundreds of thousands of Chinese and villages of women were raped. According to Oi, some Japanese deny the Rape of Nanjing, while others downplay it and say “it was a battlefield and people were killed”. (Oi) The saying “the winner gets to write history” is certainly relevant in this situation. Japan, playing the innocent, chooses to whitewash their actions and attempt to write history as they see fit. Although the rest of the world is taught about the Rape of Nanjing and other horrific acts perpetrated by Japanese, it...
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...China and Japan are geographically separated by the East China Sea, while the two countries are so close together, they are far apart when it comes to culture, values, and the economy. China and Japan have been at odds with each other since The Raping of Nanjing in 1937. “In December of 1937, the Japanese Imperial Army marched into China's capital city of Nanking and proceeded to murder 300,000 out of 600,000 civilians and soldiers in the city. The six weeks of carnage would become known as the Rape of Nanking and represented the single worst atrocity during the World War II era in either the European or Pacific theaters of war” (historyplace.com). The people of China felt like it was the war against Japanese aggression and not World War II. China felt like it was a personal attack because the Japanese were so cruel and evil. Till this day China feels like Japan has downplayed the senseless murders and rapes by calling them an “incident.” Thus, here it is over seventy years later and China and Japan have totally different stories of the event that took place. I will discuss how Japan’s lack of empathy towards China has fostered deep wounds for both countries. What are the primary issues that separate China and Japan? The main issues that separate China and Japan primarily “concern the way the two governments, particularly the Japanese government, look at and handle Japan's aggression against China and its other Asian neighbors, and other related issues from the War, such...
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...Trade between China and Japan is worth about $345bn (£212bn). That alone, stands as a significant portion of trade, investment, and revenue. Short-term revenue, for example would be a one-time exchange of trade whereas long-term revenue would be long-term trade obligations between two business or parties. The full terms of the obligation are usually carried out over more than one year. Some industries are heavily dependent upon long-term revenue for sustained profits and to pay for basic operating costs. Long-term revenue, however, is not simple to define because it can mean different things in different industries. [http://smallbusiness.chron.com/definition-longterm-revenue-38225.html] Let's take a look at how Japan's economy and trade as well as long-term revenue has been hit as a result of the conflict over the Diaoyu Islands. Japan has the world’s third largest economy, and is the second largest holder of US treasury bonds. It has a large impact on global commodities and energy: it is the largest importer of liquid natural gas (LNG) and third largest importer of crude oil. Despite its financial troubles, it still carries considerable weight in financial global institutions like the IMF, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization. However, Japan's economy contracted in the latest quarter, signaling that like Europe it may already be in recession, further weighing down world growth. Japan's outlook remains bleak, with most economists forecasting a further decline in...
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...dominant power. Primary Issues Between China and Japan According to the Council on Foreign relations, tensions between the two countries date to the humiliation of China in the Sino-Japanese War. These animosities surfaced in recurring cycles, often involving Chinese anger over Japan’s perceived lack of contrition for wartime crimes (Beehner & Bhattacharji, 2008). The history of World War II remains disputed, and China and Japan face challenges on how to move forward from the past. Growing tensions fueled when a Japanese history textbook distorted historical events surrounding the Nanjing Massacre. Further problems such as territorial and economic issues aggravated the relationship, including Japan’s close alliance with the United States, economic rivalry, trade frictions, and disputes over ownership of islands in the East China Sea. Recently a Chinese trawler collided with Japanese Coast Guard patrol boats near the Diaoyu Islands and resulted in a major diplomatic dispute between the two nations. The rivalry between the two countries continued, when China flexed its muscle to oppose a move to elevate Japan, into permanent membership on the United Nations Security Council. Chinese Government Extends Olive Branch Over the past four decades, Sino-Japan relations have made steady progress, only when both sides honored the agreement reached in the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship in 1978. Chinese relations with Japan during the 1980s were generally close although...
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...China and Japan Essay As oriental countries, the West often perceives China and Japan as two countries with similar politics, economics, and social norms. What many Westerners may not realize, however, is that starting in the 19th century, Japan ended its traditional isolationist policies while China sought to become isolationist, and that this distinction strongly influenced both Japan and China's political, economic, and social responses to modernization and westernization. Politically, China and Japan's reaction to Western ideas dramatically differed. When President Fillmore sent Commodore Matthew C. Perry to Japan, the ho-shogun and his advisers first resisted the visit, but finally agreed to trade with the United States upon signing the Treaty of Kanagawa in 1858. (Cohen)As a result, Western diplomats soon inundated the Land of the Rising Sun in order to persuade the nation politically, but more importantly to them, economically. The political-diplomatic, cultural-intellectual, and socio-economic relation that followed was christened the Meiji Restoration. In general, the Japanese gradually became very receptive to the concepts of democracy, liberalism, and laissez-faire, but Meiji leaders planned to remain free of Western imperialism by negotiating with Western diplomats. They did not abandon their isolationist policies of over 200 years under the Tokugawa Shogunate only to be absorbed as a European colony; instead, they wanted to learn Western military and industrialization...
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...Trade Relations of China and Japan China contains more than 5,000 years of history. This remarkably long past earns china the title of the oldest civilization in the world. The country possesses the largest population of 1.344 billion and a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of $7.318 trillion in U.S. dollars ("World bank, china," 2011). Although China has an extremely high GDP, the extremely large population is a problem since they cannot provide enough resources for the entire population. This makes it imperative for China to trade and have relations with the world around them and participate in the global economy. That being said, with there incredibly dense population, they have a labor force of 795.5 million which allow them to be very large competition for the rest of the world. Since the 1970s, China has evolved from a closed, central system to a market-orientated system that makes China the world's largest exporter. This was accomplished by the gradual liberalization of prices, fiscal decentralization, creation of a diversified banking system, the growth of stock markets, the opening to foreign trade and investment, rapid growth of private sectors, and the decrease in collective agriculture ("Index mundi: China," 2012). In the more recent years, China has once again brought back their support for state-owned enterprises (SOE) for the purposes of economic security. The restructuring of the economy and resulting in efficiency gains have brought China to be the second largest...
Words: 1889 - Pages: 8
...distance is close, their cultural differences may vary a lot, for example, China and Japan. From the graph I get on the website, the biggest cultural difference between China and Japan is on uncertainty avoidance, which is the degree to which people in a country are uncomfortable with unstructured, ambiguous, unpredictable situations. The fact that China has a comparatively low score on this dimension reflects that Chinese are adaptable and entrepreneurial, and comfortable with ambiguity. On the contrary, at 92 Japan is one of the most uncertainty avoiding countries on earth. Japanese learned to prepare themselves for any uncertain situation. This goes not only for the emergency plan and precautions for sudden natural disasters but also for every other aspects of society. On long term orientation, both China and Japan have relatively high scores. This dimension describes how every society has to maintain some links with its own past while dealing with the challenges of the present and future. Therefore, these two countries show an ability to adapt traditions easily to changed conditions, a strong propensity to save and invest, thriftiness, and perseverance in achieving results. Both on individualism and indulgence, China has very low scores and Japan has moderate scores. Low scores on these two dimensions show that Chinese people act in the interests of the group and not necessarily of themselves, and that China is a restrained society that have a tendency to cynicism and pessimism...
Words: 448 - Pages: 2
...China and Japan shared many differences in their late years. The differences between late China and Japan I will discuss are their gardens, ceramics, and painting: Gardens: China utilized the practice of cultivating man made and designed gardens that took on the appearance of a naturally occurring garden/landscape. Meanwhile the Japanese utilized Zen Gardens which were often big yards that contained sand a few large rocks instead of the usual grass and trees. The Chinese gardens were to obtain the fully natural beauty of nature in an unnatural place, while the Japanese Zen gardens were to aid in the Japanese practice of Zen Buddhism through repetitive meditative work. Ceramics: The Chinese and Japanese also had differences in their sculpting....
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...When asked to describe the differences between late Japan and China it is likely that a great deal of people will prove unable to name major defining attributes that separate the two neighboring countries in their respective cultures. While Japan and China are very similar in some ways, and throughout history have been known to borrow everything from ideologies to cuisine from each other, it is important to note that there is an insurmountable amount of differences between the two countries across the board. This essay will be focused on addressing some of these major differences within the art of the countries during their later periods starting with the Ming Dynasty of China and the Muromachi period of Japan. It was under the Ming Dynasty,...
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...Aftermath of World War II: China and Japan When it comes to the economic welfare of different countries around the world, it is dependent on events within the country or events that the country partake in. Such an example that led to changes within many countries who were part of the destructive events within it would be World War II. The end of World War II had left a trail of devastation in its path. There were many countries in turmoil and there were many countries that needed to recover and rebuild. Two countries that were influenced by the aftermath of the war greatly were China and Japan. Following the war each country had to rebuild and/or change their economic and...
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...Qing China and Tokugawa Japan Japan and China have undoubtedly had their similarities and differences in the past. However, that doesn’t change the fact that both countries are major economic powers today and amongst the most thriving nations in the world. Separated from the influence of foreign countries, Japan and China had a long time in which they could develop their own unique identity both culturally and politically, although the isolation did eventually come to an end. Both the Tokugawa and the Qing did not bring radical changes to the governments. The Qing weren’t Chinese; they came from Manchuria but adopted the traditional Chinese system. The Tokugawa also adopted some ideas of Confucianism. The Qing emperors had control whereas the emperors during the Tokugawa shogunate were just figureheads with the shoguns in control. The daimyo who...
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...| China and Japan | | SOC/335 | April 6, 2013 | | Introduction Nations around the world are ever changing and such cultures have the ability to produce scholars, businessmen, and businesswomen, and educators. It is through such perception that individuals learn of cultures and embrace the distinctions of people to understand the uniqueness of tradition, religion, and working ethnics to build interpersonal relationships among others. In this paper, the relationship between Japan and China will determine how political and economic developments effects Northeast Asia. The relationship between both countries will also present historical meaning toward Japan and China’s relationship, how the relationship changed in the 20th century, and the relationship now. Last, the paper will present Japan and China’s relationship effects on the United States and neighboring countries. Japan and China’s Relationship Affects When considering the relationship of Japan and China one has to perceive the representation of two well-educated countries who illustrates behaviors, strengths, and attitudes of long political and economic tension. However, for Northeast Asia, China, and Japan possess strong will and economic activities that produce economic and political stabilities and enhances its cultures wealth and identity. For Asia, Japan, and China are its giant, and such great incentives places China and Japan in the race of leadership in economic and political leadership...
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...The Western Exploitation of Japan, China, and India History is filled with stories of one culture influencing and exploiting other cultures. Perhaps the greatest example of this is the Western exploitation of Asia. Throughout the nineteenth century various Western powers used their might to exploit the country of Japan. Japan however was not alone in this unfair treatment; China and India were also subject to Western influence. However, the way these influences took place differed in a variety of manners. While Japan and China underwent similar events, with a forced end to isolation and unequal treaties, India was completely taken over by foreign powers. Japan was ever wary of foreign influences to its culture; since the beginning of the seventeenth century the Tokugawa Shogunate had enforced a strict isolationist policy. By the mid-ninteenth century Japan had become too valuable of an economic foothold for the West to leave be. In 1853, President Millard Fillmore sent Commodore Matthew Perry to end Japanese isolationism. When the Japanese government saw the smog-belching, technologically superior, battleships pull into the Tokyo harbor they knew they had no choice but to give into any demands the Americans made. This led to the first of many unequal treaties, the Treaty of Friendship, which opened up several ports to American trade and established an American consulate. The first consul, Townsend Harris, forced even further concessions with the Harris Treaty in 1854. This...
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...The evolution of TQM in the manufacturing sector: a comparison of current practice in Japan and China. TQM has many definitions which are influenced by individual interpretations of businesses or academics’. However for the purposes of this study TQM is defined as “the involvement of all of a company's managers and employees in making sure that its products and services are all of a high standard and exactly as designed” (Cambridge Business Online Dictionary 2012). TQM was developed and adapted by Japan after the Second World War. The development was motivated by the visits and lectures of two American management gurus: W Edwards Deming and Joseph Juran. In recognition of the former’s contributions, the Japanese, in 1950, introduced Deming Prize which is a highly prestigious quality management award. As a result of successful TQM implementation Japanese products enjoyed worldwide recognition for their unmatched superiority in quality, durability and design. It was not until the 1980s that the rest of the Western World acknowledged the role of TQM in Japan’s success and subsequently have been trying to embrace it and implement it in their businesses (Powel 1995, cited by Martinaz-Lorente et al 1998). This study aims to compare TQM implementation in Chinese manufacturing to that of Japan with Japan, understandably and unquestionably, being the bench mark and gold standard. There are four main factors which underpin and form the foundations of TQM: management leadership, measurement...
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...Outline: Introduction: 1.Background of Japan and China relationship 2. The causes of the tense relationship between Japan and China in the past ten years 2.1 The visitation of Yasukuni shrine 2.1.1 Background of Yasukuni shrine 2.1.2 Leaders of Japan and Yasukuni shrine 2.1.3Yasukuni’s international relation 2.2 The DiaoYu island incident 2.2.1 Background of DiaoYu island 2.2.2 Recent situation of DiaoYu island and its impact on economic activities 3.Effects of tense relationship between Japan and China 3.1 Negative economic effect for both countries 3.1.1 Japanese companies in China 3.1.2 Chinese workers in Japan 3.2 Economic importance 3.2.1 China as a economic partner to Japan 3.2.2 Japan as a economic partner of China 3.2.3 Japan is looking for alternative Conclusion Introduction: Background of Japan and China relationship China and Japan has been stayed in a very peaceful manner from the past 30 years. The signing of the "Sino-Japanese Joint Statement", "Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship", "Sino-Japanese Joint Declaration" built a peaceful foundation for Japan and China after World War Two.(Burns, 2000) Moreover, after Deng Xiaoping visited Japan and started his “opening-up” policy, China has opened up her economy door to Japan and the interactions of economic and culture...
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