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Chris Hedges Analysis

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If given the choice to be yourself and never succeed in life or to be a made up persona in order to succeed, many would choose success over genuinity. Some of the most politically accomplished men and women can be appropriately accused of such choice. Chris Hedges, author of the Empire of Illusion, sites “The most essential skill in political theater and a consumer culture is artifice. Political leaders, who use the tools of mass propaganda to create a sense of faux intimacy with citizens, no longer need to be competent, sincere or honest. They only need to appear to have these qualities. ” I agree with Chris Hedges’ claims . When reflecting on past presidential candidates of America’s election, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton …show more content…
Bill Clinton was sworn into office in 1993 as the 42nd president of the United States. Clinton was able to “appear” as a man with all the qualifications for representing the American people, including but not limited to being “competent, sincere and honest.” It wasn’t until his second term of presidency that his true colors started to show. In 1998 these qualifications would be severely questioned and challenged. After being accused of having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern at the time, Bill Clinton lied, under oath, that these allegations were false. A man representing the American people, was caught in a lie that would evidently be the downfall of his presidency. Bill Clinton was able to use artifice to portray himself as everything Americans wanted, including being honest and genuine. The use of artifice concealed that he was deep down dishonest for selfish reasons, and not the man who should’ve had the honor of being America’s president for two …show more content…
President Donald Trump does not stray far from these patterns of artifice. Donald Trump used mass propaganda such as red hats that said ‘Make America Great Again,” and chanting “Build The Wall!” to promote locking down on illegal immigration. The scarlet red and blunt ideals of keeping immigrants out, sparked a fire and deep passion within the American people. By appealing to this emotion, Trump was able to fuel his campaign off the energy of the people. Surprisingly, Trump beat Clinton in the presidential election. Similar to his peers, Trump was under fire for promoting racism, sexual assault and disrespecting women, infidelity, and homophobia ism. These accusations have not yet been the downfall of Trump. Regardless, by appealing to emotion using massive propaganda, Trump was able to clench the presidential nominee position, with absolutely no political

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