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Chronic Bronchitis Case Study Answers

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Twenty questions that ask to the patient while taking subjective details
1. How are you today? Is it ok for you to speed some time answer my questions?
2. Any complains that you are like to share with me regarding your health problem?
3. Can you tell me when is the problem start? Is it occur suddenly or it already last for long time?
4. It usually occurs during day or night? How frequent it occur?
5. Do you have difficulty in breathing? Usually the difficulty happens during breath in or breathes out?
6. Do you feel breathlessness in daily activities such as climbing up the stairs, walking, combing hair or dressing?
7. Is the breathing difficulty happening during in certain session or climate? Are you feel difficulty in breathing when exposure to dust or chemicals?
8. Are you coughing? Is there sputum produce? What colour the sputum is? Is it blood …show more content…
Lung growth
Abnormal lung growth causes the COPD to occur. Baby who are born too early are more prone to have COPD. This is because baby born too early may not has a well develop respiration system. Thus, chance for them to get COPD in later life is higher.

Explain the problems you identify in OPD patients
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder is mainly contributed by 2 different types of diseases that are chronic bronchitis and emphysema. The symptoms of OPD are:
1. Dyspnea
Dyspnea means shortness of breath. Patient who are suffering COPD initially feel dyspnea when doing physical activities such as strenuous exercise and climbing up the stairs. As the disease progresses, dyspnea is occur frequently even doing some simple head and arm activities such as dressing, combing and bathing1. Thus, this will reduce the interest of the patient in doing outdoor activity.

2. Coughing
Long term cough is one of the symptoms of COPD. It helps to eliminate the sputum out. Coughing initially may be intermittent, but when the disease progress, coughing may present daily and throughout the day1.

3. Sputum

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