...Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is a degenerative disease, often found in American football players, can cause individuals who suffer from the disease many mental and physical disturbances. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is a form of taupathy, which is a progressive degenerative disease found in people who have suffered a severe blow to the head. According to Brandon E. Gavett, a Ph. D writing a research paper on the effects of CTE,chronic traumatic encephalopathy is mainly found in professional competing in American football and it can also affect high school players who have played for a mere few years. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy was first recognized in the 1920’s as a disease that developed in boxers, but as the decades went by...
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...Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy CTE is a deterioration of the brain and can also be defined as a progressive neurodegenerative disease, which is caused by repetitive head trauma. CTE first came along in 1928 and was described by New Jersey medical examiner, Dr. Harrison Martland. Martland began to notice a group of related symptoms in boxers (confusion, speech problems, tremors, and slow movement). He published an article entitled “Punch Drunk,” in which he describes the boxers as, “cuckoo,” “goofy,” “cutting paper dolls,” or “slug nutty” (Journal of the American Association, 1928). Later, this was termed dementia pugilistica, which actually means dementia of a fighter. With the growth of our sports like American football, symptoms of CTE were being reported in a number of athletes other than boxers and in the 1960s, it was renamed Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. CTE has become a very popular topic because of its close association with American football, soccer hockey, boxing, and professional wrestling. Several of the affected athletes are retired, but have struggled in their late years with anger, depression, substance abuse, memory/motor disturbances, and suicide. Autopsy results from these particular athletes have proposed a link between these cognitive, emotional, and physical manifestations and CTE. In addition to athletes, soldiers have become another group of concern being that many are returning from the battlefield and have brain injuries along with blast...
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...Omalu was the first to identify, describe and name Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) as a disease entity in football players and wrestlers.It all started as when Dr. Omalu was performing an autopsy on the former Pittsburgh Steelers center Mike Webster in 2002. Dr. Omalu says Mike Webster died and suffered from cognitive and intellectual impairment, destitution, mood disorders, depression, drug abuse, and suicide attempts. Although Mike Webster brain looked completely normal Dr. Omalu conducted independent and self financed brain tissue analyses. Dr. Omalu suspected that Webster suffered from dementia pugilistica, dementia induced by repeated blows to the head a condition found previously in boxers.Dr. Omalu conducted even more tests using specialized staining and found large accumulations of tau protein...
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...us briefly through the research process. Let’s pretend that we’re all taking an ENGL 1001 class this semester and that we are required to write a paper on a current event, issue, or controversy. As part of our research for the paper, we are required to complete an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. Our instructor has informed us that we need to use 6 total sources for our annotated bibliography: * 3 must be scholarly journal articles * 3 can be a mix of popular articles, reference sources, internet sources, images, statistical sources, etc. * The information must be current, and must not have publication dates or cover dates before the year 2000 * You must cite articles in the APA style. We know that the first thing we should do as researchers is look up the topic in a reference source to gain a bit of knowledge about the topic, become familiar with the vocabulary used to write about and discuss the topic, and to start noting the cited references included in entries that will lead us to other sources of information. Our first stop is our Reference Sources. Search for Traumatic Brain Injury in Wikipedia. Ideally, in a true research situation, you would read...
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...assigned to each team. Their responsibility is to treat and evaluate players after an injury. While they claim that they only release players if they are completely free of symptoms and that also the players consent to feeling normal, the NFL should take on more responsibility with current and former players and acknowledge fact that they have knowingly allowed players to compete in games when they should have been kept on the sideline. There have been over 4100 former players who have been diagnosed with chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) which also includes illnesses like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. There have been several suicide related deaths that have left many unanswered questions. Some have even left suicide notes that requested that their brain to be researched. Additionally, medical research has been able to show connection through several studies that head injuries, especially repeated, can cause traumatic brain damage. The main point of this research paper is to argue that repeated head injuries suffered by current and former NFL players are directly related to the neurological problems and the deaths of Junior Seau, Jovan Belcher and others, while also presenting the reactive measures that are taking place to prevent future occurrences in regards to rules and equipment. Every NFL football team is assigned a medical staff that is a paid member(s) of the organization. Their sole purpose is to tend to players after they have an on the field injury during a...
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...assigned to each team. Their responsibility is to treat and evaluate players after an injury. While they claim that they only release players if they are completely free of symptoms and that also the players consent to feeling normal, the NFL should take on more responsibility with current and former players and acknowledge fact that they have knowingly allowed players to compete in games when they should have been kept on the sideline. There have been over 4100 former players who have been diagnosed with chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) which also includes illnesses like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. There have been several suicide related deaths that have left many unanswered questions. Some have even left suicide notes that requested that their brain to be researched. Additionally, medical research has been able to show connection through several studies that head injuries, especially repeated, can cause traumatic brain damage. The main point of this research paper is to argue that repeated head injuries suffered by current and former NFL players are directly related to the neurological problems and the deaths of Junior Seau, Jovan Belcher and others, while also presenting the reactive measures that are taking place to prevent future occurrences in regards to rules and equipment. Every NFL football team is assigned a medical staff that is a paid member(s) of the organization. Their sole purpose is to tend to players after they have an on the field injury during a...
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...When looking at the professional game of football over the years, it is well known that the most dominant injury is a concussion. Research has provided information on MTBI’s that have been sustained by NFL players. The problem here is that there has not been a complete understanding from entire the league (including the players); of just how these concussions can have a major impact on the players’ behavior on and off the field from a cognitive and physical state of being. The concussions in the NFL can be looked at in many different angles: (1) what drives them to still play, (2) is there a lack of understanding of the possible long-term effects and (3) if a player sustains a CTE, what are their chances of regaining their full potential. This paper will examine all of these angles and also talk about just exactly what goes on during a CTE and what motivates the behaviors that come with this MTBI, that way more precautions can be made to keep the players safe on and off the field....
Words: 502 - Pages: 3
...,“League of Denial” The NFL Concussion Crisis ave you ever taken the time to consider the consequence? Not the immediate consequence, maybe not even the short term, but the long term consequence of how we as society treat our bodies. For the NFL, its players and “Iron Mike” Webster, the consequence’s became reality on September 24th 2002 when “Iron Mike” meet Dr. Bennnet Omalu as he lay lifeless on a cold autopsy table at the Allegheny County Coroner’s Office. Concussion: a condition resulting from the stunning, damaging, or shattering effects of a hard blow; especially: a jarring injury of the brain resulting in disturbance of cerebral function and sometimes marked by permanent damage (http://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/concussion). Concussions have become more prevalent in the National Football League as awareness has risen. There are numerous cases of CTE that have resulted in permanent damage or death over the course of the last 15 years. The reality behind concussions is that there will never be a total solution to the issue, in contact sports the danger will always be there. We must continue to raise awareness and develop protective equipment to minimize the risk. Concussions are one of the leading causes of CTE among all professional athletes toady. Mike Webster retired in 1991 from the NFL and the Pittsburg Steelers after 17 years in the “pit” and made an attempt at a normal life, a short time into this journey it became apparent that “Iron Mike”...
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...against concussions that cause the brain to bounce, shake and rotate back and forth hitting against the wall of the human skull as a result of frequent football tackles that appear harmless to those watching the sport. To ensure the message hits home, I would bring up examples of their favourite former NFL players such as Hall of Famer Mike Webster who actually suffered neurological effects of playing the sport. It is important to highlight the most severe consequences first, which is that playing football can cause severe trauma to the brain as a result of multiple concussions that these athletes regularly experience. This trauma starts to destroy the integrity of the brain cells, causing a degenerative brain disease known as Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). High levels of CTE in a football player’s brain can result in memory loss, agitation and even increased anger management issues. It can also cause death, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS). This neurological trauma affects your ability to regulate your own emotions. You would likely feel more depressed and experience loss of short term memory and increased confusion...
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...out, or just could be a commercial you have seen on television. Wherever you are in the United States I can guarantee that you have some kind of affiliation with some kind of sport. As of the year 2013 studies show that “sixty percent of our children between the ages of five years of age and eighteen years of age play some kind of sport outside of school activities”, and if you think about how much sixty percent of our child population in the United States is, that is a lot of kids. Now think about how many of those parents think about there children having the potential for a brain traumatic injury, I would guess that statistic is probably quite a bit lower than ten percent, no study to my knowledge has been done for this. So I am writing this paper to make parents aware of what is currently surrounding issues around brain traumatic injuries and I’ll let you be the judge of the outcome and research I have found. When we think about sports or sporting events, we tend to think about our favorite players, teams, teams we don’t like, competition and hard-hitting action. Concussions In Sports 3 Do we ever step back and look at the bigger picture outside of what...
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...BMC Neurology (2001) 1:3 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2377/1/3 BMC Neurology (2001) 1:3 Research article Traumatic brain injury as a risk factor for Alzheimer disease. Comparison of two retrospective autopsy cohorts with evaluation of ApoE genotype Address: 1L.Boltzmann Institute of Clinical Neurobiology, Baumgartner Hoehe 1, B-Bldg., A-1140 Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Neuropathology, University of Munster School of Medicine, Munster, Germany and 3Cognitive Neuropharmacology Unit, H.M. Jackson Foundation, Bethesda, Md, USA E-mail: Kurt A Jellinger* - kurt.jellinger@univie.ac.at; Werner Paulus - werner.paulus@uni-muenster.de; Christian Wrocklage - christian.wrocklage@uni-muenster.de; Irene Litvan - ilitvan@dvhip.org *Corresponding author Kurt A Jellinger*1, Werner Paulus2, Christian Wrocklage2 and Irene Litvan3 Published: 30 July 2001 BMC Neurology 2001, 1:3 This article is available from: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2377/1/3 Received: 29 June 2001 Accepted: 30 July 2001 © 2001 Jellinger et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. Verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in any medium for any non-commercial purpose, provided this notice is preserved along with the article's original URL. For commercial use, contact info@biomedcentral.com Abstract Background and Purpose: The impact of traumatic brain injury (TBI) on the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease (AD) is still controversial. The aim of our retrospective autopsy study...
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...In 2015, 271 concussions occurred in the NFL which is the highest number of concussions in NFL history. Concussions can have serious effects on players including death. While the diagnoses of concussions in the NFL has increased so has the awareness and research which may account for the increased incidence of NFL players with concussions. This paper will examine the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, effects and strategies for prevention of concussions. This paper will show that a concussion is one of the worst injuries an athlete can receive. A concussion is when there’s an impact to the head and the brain impacts the skull. People can obtain a concussion from a blow to the body. Most people believe that the brain is attached to...
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...takes place while the mother is awake and made numb from the waist down by either a spinal or epidural anesthetic. In emergency situations, a general anesthetic is used and the mother is put to sleep and is unconscious for the procedure. CDs were originally used to save the life of the mother, save the life of the baby or when a vaginal delivery wasn’t possible. Since the birth of CDs, they are now performed for more than just saving the baby’s or the mother’s life. “Cesarean delivery is the most frequently performed surgical procedure in the United States” (Campbell, 2011, p. 310). Women are choosing medically elective cesarean deliveries (MECDs) for a variety of reasons including fear of pain and the unknown, convenience, previous traumatic birth experiences, past abuse and wanting to have their...
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...“A concussion is a traumatic brain injury caused by a bump, blow or jolt that can change the way the brain normally works” (Stich). Anyone can obtain a concussion no matter what activity they participate in or if they simply do not participate in anything. A concussion can happen anywhere and everywhere and happens much more than people think. People have gotten concussions while working and even while doing nothing. One of the most common sports to receive a concussion in would include football. “Teens who pay high school sports are four times more likely to come down with a concussion today than they were a decade ago” (Jio). Many football players in the NFL have received concussions and many of them have the disease called Chronic Traumatic...
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...played at a faster pace and players are becoming larger, and intelligent (Wharton, 2011). While the sport of football can be stressful, competitive, entertaining and enjoyable, it also poses a dangerous threat of injury. One of the more common injuries within playing or watching football are concussions. Over the past few years concussions have become a more serious endangerment to those who play, from new evidence we have seen on the effects on the brain and how it can affect a player’s future. The purpose of this project is to investigate the current status of football and concussions in finding a solution to reducing head trauma in players as it pertains to the following areas: overall safety for the players, NFL culture, equipment, research efforts, and the future of football. According to CBS Sports (2011), more than 61% of former players have experienced concussions during their time in the league. The first section will discuss on what concussions are, what cause them to occur, what symptoms may be brought...
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