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Class Essay


Submitted By gordon1085
Words 446
Pages 2
Assignment 4.1
Chapter 5 pg 135-138
2. Identify the addressing mode for each of the following?
9. Which register are allowed to be used for indicated addressing mode when accessing data in RAM?
20. Write a program to generate a square wave with 75% duty cycle on bit P1.5.
29. What bit addresses are assigned to the TCON register? 88H
30. What bit address are assigned to register A? 0E0H
31. What bit address are assigned to resister B? 0F0H
45. The byte address assigned to the SFR are REGISTERS to ADDRESSES
61. What addressing mode is used to access the upper 128 bytes of RAM in the 8052? DIRECT MODE
66. Which registers can be used to access the upper 128 bytes of RAM in the 8052?

Chapter 6 pg. 174-178 1) a) AC=1 and CY= 0
b) AC= 2 and CY= 2
c) AC=0 and CY= 0
d) AC= 2 and CY= 1
e) AC=0 and CY=0
f) CY=1 and AC=1

9. Write a program to add 897F9AH to 34BC48H and save the result in RAM memory locations stating at 40H. CLR C MOV
12. Show how to perform 77 x 34 in the 8051. 77 x 34 in 8051 = MOV A, #77
MOV B, #34

13. Show how to perform 77 / 3 in the 8051. 77/3 in 8051 = MOV A, #77
MOV B, #3
14. True or False. The MUL and DIV instructions work on an y register of the 8051. FALSE
16. Show how the following are represented by the assembler.
(a) 16) a) -23 = E9H
b) 12 = 12H
c) -28 = E4H
d) 6FH = 6FH
e) -128 = 80H
f) 127 = 7FH
24. Find the contents of register A after each of the following instruction. A
(A) MOV A, #65H (B) MOV A, #70H (C) MOV A, #95H ANL A, #76H ORL A, #6BH XRL A, #0AAH
(D) MOV A, #5DH (F) MOV A, #6AH (G) MOV A, #37H MOV R3, #78H MOV R4, #6EH ORL A, #26H
41. Find check sum byte for the following ASCII message: “Hello” checksum “HELLO” = 53H

44. Give three reasons you should write your programs in modules.
1) Use modules in other applications
2) Troubleshooting
3) Testing
45. Must be ASCII to display

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