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Class Subcultures And Education Summary

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Also, there is difference in educational attainment between people from different social groups and this reflects the studies of CCCS. A book by C N Trueman on “Class subcultures and Education” suggests that subcultures and the values of social class influence performance in the educational system which can be argue is relevant to educational system in 21st century. Poor geographical environment of educational institutions reflects the working class groups who have access to lack of opportunities in education and higher employment. However, student finance can be seen an opportunity for working class to obtain higher class education but employment opportunity can be limited. Herbert H. Hyman is an American sociologist claimed that lower class value system conducts ‘a self-imposed barrier to an improved position’ (Hyman, 1967) and one can argue this reflects today’s contemporary British society where lower class are given opportunity to obtain a degree, however their identity creation by the their class can cause barriers such as lack of access …show more content…
Also, he argues that middle class employment tend to offer advancement in income and status such as further training to achieve higher position, however working class obtain earning quickly but lack of opportunity to improve their income and conditions (1970, sugarman). This leads to lack of control over the future and also, the working class tend to emphasise collectivism rather individualism (Sugerman, 1970). One the other side, one can argue that this statement is outdated as this does not apply to today’s contemporary British society which is more about individualism and individuals are provided with

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