...Illegal immigration has been a heated topic for many years now, and with a president that is completely against it, things might escalate even more over the next few years. The reason why immigrants come to the United States is easy to understand, America is the land of opportunity and everyone in the U.S. were all once immigrants when their ancestors came to this wonderful land for their own chance at the opportunity to do something great. Although, it may seem alright for immigrants coming into our country for some people, but to others even just the thought of immigrants coming to the U.S. make them cringe. This is why this topic is easy to be with or against immigrants because there are many roles that come into factor that act negatively...
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...Should They Stay or Should They Go? Illegal Immigrants Philip Shelton Carlos Rovelo Public Opinion Polling Assignment U.S.Government 2301.4423 Table of Contents Introduction Page 1 Demographics Charts Page 2-5 Data Charts Page 6-8 Summary Page 9-11 Sources Page 12 Questionnaire Page 13 Signatures Page 14-16 ------------------------------------------------- Introduction Illegal Immigration Illegal immigration has been an issue in the United States for more years than I’ve been alive. Some might even say the early settlers where the first illegal immigrants. Ever since September 11, 2001 illegal immigration has become an issue in the forefront. With Hispanics coming across the borders in large numbers, some people (myself included) are concerned with how easy it would for terrorists to enter. Being married to a Hispanic female who immigrated to this country legally as a child and having a brother-in-law who is employed by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, I have a direct attachment to this issue. I also deal with illegal immigrants as a peace officer. I have always seen those who are here illegally as a federal government issue until such time as they commit a crime. I also believe that deporting the millions of illegal immigrants here is a task that would require more resources than we have, not to mention that it would be almost impossible to complete. Amnesty for those already here who are not...
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...Debate Topic Summary Raj Master BCOM/275 March 23, 2015 Dr. O Pro Side Debate Summary The pro side debate summary related to the illegal immigrants being allowed to apply for a California driver’s license has several advantages. Our learning team discussed the pro side of this topic which has been considered a highly controversial subject. In 2013, the state California passed Bill AB60, which took effect in 2015 which allows illegal immigrants to apply for a driver’s license. According to Berman, when he signed the law last year, Gov. Jerry Brown (D) praised it as a way to show that these Californians did not have to hide. “No longer are undocumented people in the shadows,” he said. “They are alive and well and respected in the state of California.” Brown’s office also noted that the law explicitly prohibits these licenses being used for any sort of investigation or arrest based on immigration status. The new law makes California one of the 10 states, along with Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico, to give out licenses this way, according to the National Immigration Law Center. (Berman, 2015) The bill was written by Assemblyman Luis Alejo (D-Salinas). The assemblyman represents a district which is a center of the agricultural industry with a flourishing populating of illegal immigrant farm workers. According to ProCon.org, the law requires the DMV to issue a California driver's license to anyone who can satisfactorily establish California residency. If...
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...Political Issues Relating to Immigration Sandra D. Zieger SOC/315 October 20, 2014 Anita Westberry Political Issues Relating to Immigration Reaction to the immigration problem in the United States is as diverse as the people living in the country. There are common public and political opinions on immigration; there is also factual information, which alters positions. The media plays a major role in how people react to the issue of immigration in the United States of America. There is a lot of news lately with a focus on immigration and undocumented persons in the United States. Illegal immigration has been present in the United States for a long time. The first law that the United States had against persons entering the United States was against convicts or prostitutes to enter the country. From 1892 to 1954 Ellis Island admitted over 12 million legal immigrants. Now the United States has quotas on how many can migrate to the country. Illegal immigration became more of a problem being looked at in the twentieth century. Then End Illegal Immigration group states, “Today, over one million immigrants enter our country per year, while illegal alien population rows by about five hounded thousand per year” (End Illegal Immigration, April, 2011). In May of 2011, the latest version of the DREAM Act was introduced. The DREAM Act was first introduced in March 2009. This act stands for the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Acts. The Dream act would enact two...
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...constant battle of illegal immigration is a major issue in the United States that has been a constant issue for many years. The issues of illegal immigration are described as the migration of foreign citizens into the United States of America. This is done through illegal routes, such as hiding on boats porting in the United States, crossing through miles of treacherous terrain illegally to jump the borders of Mexico, and violating the agreement of a tourist visa as well as illegally boarding planes bound for the United States. It is a known fact that the men and women who enter this country do not meet the legal requirements to enter the United States from foreign countries. The research conducted will describe the issues of illegal immigration, whether the current policy is a regulatory or legislative-initiated policy, and the issue with the policy. A review of the possible constitutional violations will be described as well as if this issue or policy will affect the community, the accused, and the victims of any crimes committed by the illegal immigrants. The Issue The policy makers of the American government typically will take multiple routes in taking care of these issues before needing to develop a policy that will assist in combatting the concerns of the government. The existing immigration policies have been active for many years and for that same amount of time the policies have been questioned and scrutinized. The problems arising from illegal immigration have shown the...
Words: 1991 - Pages: 8
...Debating Citizenship Speech This bill I am presenting to you today was sponsored by Senior Senator of Louisiana, David Vitter. Bill S.60 wants to take away the education of the children of illegal immigrants. Stating right from the summary “prohibit unlawful aliens from being eligible for any postsecondary education benefit unless every citizen and national of this country is eligible to receive that benefit in no less of an amount, duration, or scope.” This bill should not be passed. Of course, the concern is understandable. This time of the century, the height for seeking equality has skyrocketed. However, using the “equality” card in these type of situations is not fair at all. What ways would a regular citizen be unable to attend postsecondary education? The most popular reason is because of money. Yet, the prices continue to go up every year. If a family of illegal immigrants can afford these ridiculously high tuitions fees for their children, or their children are working hard and getting good enough grades on their own accord then they definitely should be able to attend the school they wish to go to. Most unauthorized immigrants have a hard time finding jobs as most companies require paperwork with proof of residency. To think most of these immigrants can afford to send a child to college or university easily is almost ridiculous. So most of these children work hard at school and excel in their studies to get the scholarships they deserve. To take that all away because...
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...management team at a community hospital to write a summary on the effects of changes in population demographics on the needs and services for a selected population. The author must identify the population on which the case study will focus on the aging population, patients with a particular chronic disease, children, patients with AIDS, patients requiring long-term care, or emergency management. The author must identify the targeted population, gather data about the population demographics, and describe the general impact that changing demographics may have on the health care market. The author will discuss why and how the changes in demographics will affect health care. Two health care related challenges identified for the population is chosen. The author will also describe how a chronic disease wellness program may affect the costs for this demographic. In conclusion, the author will discuss the marketing needs or services needed for this population as well as how the chosen population can address these challenges. The population demographics that the author has chosen to write a summary on is the influence of illegal immigrations on emergency health care. Immigration reform is one of the most forming or expressing division or issues opposing the United States policymakers. The increase in the number of illegal immigrants in the United States over the last 10 years has led to conflict about the influence of illegal immigration on emergency health care. The number of possible...
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...1/26/2015 Jennifer Rainville | Immigration Control Introduction Illegal immigration is a big problem in the United States. If you ask around where you live you will get so many different views and arguments. Realistically immigration has resulted in the laws having more illegal immigrants live and work here in the United States. I have read three different articles on the pros and cons of illegal immigration. Immigration is becoming a normal thing in the United States and it shouldn’t be. Summary In the article “Let Us Give Thanks to Our Immigrants” by Rupert Murdoch, he shows some evidence to support his agreeing with illegal immigration. He shows support on how they have contributed to the education in America. Whereas in the articles “The Winners in Immigration: Public Prisons,” by Aubrey Pringle, and “Republican Views on Immigration,” by RepublicanViews.org shows support on why immigration is not good for the United States. Murdoch shows that many of the high paying jobs in the United States are held by immigrants or children of immigrants. Whereas Pringle and RepublicanViews.org shows that our government is suffering because of all the illegal immigrants in our country. Argument Murdoch is pro-immigration. He has provided evidence to show why he supports immigration. He also was an immigrant himself and all his family was from Scotland. He does state though that these days it’s hard to talk about the benefits of immigration after 9/11, because many Americans...
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...Name: Brigitte M. Jones__________ Date:_11/23/08_______________________ Persuasive Speech Outline: Topic/Title: _ Illegal Immigration Introduction: Purpose: To persuade the audience about illegal immigration. Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience about illegal immigrants wanting to better themselves and make a future for their families. Attention getter: Over the years, a dispute has arisen over the issue of illegal immigration in the United States. Although there had been an open door policy on immigration for many years before, today individuals have a different perspective on the situation. Preview statement: While the differences in the contradictory and racist immigration laws are relevant, individuals should understand that “illegal immigrants” only desire to provide for their families, as well as, give their children a future, something that is economically impossible elsewhere, specifically Mexico. Body: I. Main point #1: Many individuals would agree that racism should be prohibited. It is negative approach that only results in more controversy. The United States immigration laws are inconsistent and racist. Does that mean they should be forbidden? A. Support for #1: “The United States was created as a nation of immigrants who left Europe for political, religious, and economic reasons” (Katel 404). They wanted to better their lives in order to have hope for a future. An example of the inconsistency “[i]n the 19th century, thousands of were antisuch Chinese...
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...Immigration Reform Is Imperative John Doe University of Good Times Almost 350,000 immigrants sneak into the United States illegally each year. Typically these people immigrate to the United States in hopes of finding employment to support their families. Once here, about 70% of them will obtain employment. The jobs that illegal immigrants occupy are the lower end jobs, which hurt unemployment rates especially for the lower class. Illegal Immigrants costs the United States about 113 billion each year. These costs are spread out over our education system, medical care, judicial system, and more. The information presented in this research paper will address the seriousness of this issue. Illegal immigration has a negative impact on the United States in many ways. Immigrants have entered our country illegally and stolen millions of jobs, crippled a struggling education system, manipulated welfare programs, and drastically raised crime rates. Without immigration reform, the crippling effects of illegal immigrants will break this country. With illegal immigrants willing to work for less pay and in poor work conditions, they negatively impact employment rates. Illegal-immigration has a negative impact on the available jobs for U.S. citizens. People often protest that the illegal immigrants do the jobs that Americans don’t want to do. However, that is not the case. They are able to work for low wages and in poor conditions, where citizens must follow minimum wage...
Words: 1876 - Pages: 8
...Illegal Immigration COM 220 Illegal Immigration According to Penalver (2006), “ “During the half of The Nineteenth Century the government of the United States hoped to use its vast Western territories to pay the national debt by auctioning the lands to the highest bidders normally Northeastern settlers.” These settlers used to disappear for a while to proclaimed, trespassed the land to farm it illegally and take the soil back once the federal troops were gone until the situation became tiring and the soil was ultimately sold for ridiculous prices. Later, “on December 12, 1815, President James Madison issued a proclamation warning: uninformed or evil disposed persons, who have unlawfully taken possession of or made any settlement on the public lands forthwith to remove the reform" or face ejection by the army and criminal prosecution. But that didn't stop the settlers. In 1838, Henry Clay, expressing a widely shared sentiment, dismissed the squatters as a "lawless rabble." The 1862 Homestead Act granted free title to settlers who met the statute's five-year-residency and improvement requirements. In one of the great ironies of American history, the lawless squatters underwent a dramatic image makeover to become, in the gauzy romanticism of our collective memory, heroic settlers” Illegal immigration is an act that should be penalized by federal laws since every body should follow the standard regulations of the law. The ironic part here is that some of those people...
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...migrant sending and receiving countries; immigration policies; and cultural perceptions people in developing countries have about immigration and immigrant receiving countries. Indicate which of these you believe is the most important and second most important factors and explain why. 2-You are the newly appointed immigration advisor to the Obama administration. You have been asked to prepare a brief report for the President outlining what type of immigration admissions and control policies he should adopt in order to provide the U.S. economy with the immigrant labor it needs and reduce illegal immigration. Based on what you have learned in this class, what mix of immigration policies would you recommend and why? 3-Do the positive economic consequences of immigration outweigh its negative socioeconomic consequences for unskilled immigrants or vice versa? Think not just in terms of the wages immigrants receive, but also the type of jobs they do, the labor they provide, their long-term socioeconomic mobility, and how they are treated/perceived by mainstream American society (you do not have to necessarily focus on all these issues). This question is asking you to weigh the pros and cons of immigration for the immigrants themselves, not for American society. 4-Do you think negative public opinion toward immigrants is justified, for instance, the belief that immigration is bad for the American economy and that illegal immigration is out of control? (it may be useful to briefly...
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...taxpayers. The issue we plan to discuss is involved with the lack of regulations and standards that should be a statue for immigrants that are detained. They have very few rights, and probable cause is not even needed to enforce action. Noncitizens are very misrepresented in this country, almost 90 percent go without representation by a lawyer. Some say this happens due to the fact that detainees do not even have the simple privilege of a phone. Thus, not being able to complain about the inhumane conditions they are kept in, or to phone for a lawyer to help through the legal proceedings....
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...Sarah Fisher MSN News Pope’s immigration message draws praise, criticism from advocacy groups 9/24/2015 Summary: On Thursday Pope Francis spoke before the entire Congress to talk about the current overwhelming immigration crisis, but law makers doubt that the pontiffs speak will have a long term effect on policy regarding the asylum seekers. The pope is also seeking a serious change in the tone of the presidential debate, specifically in the case of Donald Trump, who’s known for his extreme anti-immigration comments. The pope isn’t looking for immigration reform in the sense that he wants a new want to give the 11 million illegal aliens living in the states a better way to citizenship; more that he’s calling for unlimited immigration for the asylum seekers from the Middle East. Once they come to the United States they will have to go through the same citizenship process as everyone else. Congress is run by Republicans who are primarily in favor of toughening up immigration laws and have increased deportations of illegal immigrants. However, President Obama has taken serious action to ensure that children born in the United States to illegal immigrants receive citizenship and are educated. He’s also made it so that people who came to America illegally as children can apply for citizenship and for working permits, the same applies to illegal parents of citizens living in America. Lynn Tramonte, a representative from America’s Voice, said that the efforts to aid the asylum seekers...
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...recent years, illegal immigration has been the topic of public discourse (Wucker, 2007). The public discourse is mainly due to the sensitivity of the issue of illegal immigration and the burden attributable to the resulting population explosion is placing on the governments and citizens as well as legal residents of states and counties in the United States (Martin, 2008). The recent enforcement of U. S. Department of Homeland Security (U.S. DHS) laws, which started in 2006, is working (Camarota & Jensenius, 2008) but the enforcement is not reducing illegal immigration, especially on the United States’ Southern border (Ewing, 2008). Baker et al, in a U. S. Department of Homeland Security report show, from 2006 to 2007 the illegal immigrant population increased by 4% (Baker, Hoefer, & Rytina, 2008). Illegal immigrant population is declining because of border enforcement of immigration laws (Camarota & Jensenius, 2008). The loss of jobs due to economic downturn in the country can also account for declining illegal immigrant population (Grayson, 2008). Despite the declining population of illegal immigrants due to enforcement, illegal immigration is still a challenge (Ewing, 2008). The persistence of illegal immigration on the border implies that the countermeasures in use in fighting illegal immigration on the borders appear to need revisions (Ewing, 2008). Statement of the Research Problem Statement of the Problem According to a report by US DHS on estimates of illegal immigrants...
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