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Club Lambs Research Paper

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Sheep, many people when they think of sheep they usually think of big animals with wool on them. Well in the business we run, the lambs we raise are not for wool and meat. These lambs I raise have muscle, a tremendous amount of leg hair called “shag”, and they are always clipped all the way down to there skin. These lambs are called Club Lambs, and they are used for showing at fairs and enormous shows all around the states. Club lambs are not cheap, well for the favorable ones. Club lambs can run from $1,000 to $35,000, and that's just for the ones that people show. It is a risky business to get into, because of all the money spent and on the line with animals that can get sick and die the next day. The life goal for me is to be raising club lambs and farming.
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Commercial is just raising the lambs and sheep for meat and wool. When raising club lambs it’s all about genetics, and it’s matching the essential qualities with each other. Once we pick what ewes we want with certain rams we will sort them into different pastures then turn the rams out with them. Before breeding we will shear all ewes and rams and also before lambing. When we turn the rams out we put a specific paint color on there chest so when they breed a ewe we know two things when she was bred and who she was bred by certain color. While breeding is going on in the months of August and September, we prepare the lambing barn for lambing and get it ready for the next go around. During breeding season it’s the easiest time of the year for us, the basic chores giving water every day. Before turning them out to pasture for breeding we feed them tremendous amounts of corn and a feed mix to flush them. Flush it means feeding the ewes to get them to be healthy to produce more embryos. At night I take the rams out and put them in pens, the reason I do this is because the rams cost so much money I can’t risk the rams

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