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1984 Chapter 5 Summary

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Hi Class! Rachel, Alyson, Jenny, and I will be discussing Chapter 5: Newspeak Lectures, where less is more, from the novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell. First of all, we'll be discussing the important events which took place in Chapter 5 of Nineteen Eighty-Four. The chapter begins with Winston - who you should all know of; the 39-year-old who works as an editor in Records Department at the Ministry of Truth - is casually sitting in the lunchroom while Syme his friend who works in the Research Department, but now called “comrade” exclaims, (quote) “Just the man I was looking for” (unquote) (50), as he’s trying to find razor blades. While the two are talking about the ‘prisoners hanged yesterday’, readers get a clear idea of Syme’s …show more content…
Newspeak is the official language of Oceania created by The Party. The Party is the political party which limits the number of ways a person in Oceania can express themselves, making thoughtcrime nearly impossible. Thoughtcrime is the criminal act of holding unspoken beliefs or doubts that oppose or question Ingsoc, the ruling political party. Once again, everyday the language is being reduced to form a new language. Fun fact - Newspeak is divided into 3 categories; A, B, C. As a matter of fact, Syme, as we all know, is in the process of forming the Dictionary of Ingsoc’s Eleventh Edition. He reveals the destruction of words - how the great wastage is in the verbs and adjectives, but there are hundreds of nouns to get rid of as well. Syme believes that there’s no need for words like bad when you can have ungood - the exact opposite. The purpose of this is to make thoughtcrime literally impossible for the benefit of their corrupted yet secretive totalitarian government - of course, this is B.B.’s idea originally. This concept also refers to Orthodoxy which indicates to a citizen’s state of mind that accepts anything and everything that The Party proclaims throughout the dystopian

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