...Standard Fruit Company in Nicaragua specialized in banana production and export business. Its’ long standing history was however tainted when it suffered calamities due to volcanic eruptions, earthquake, inflation and effects of the revolution during the 1970s. The new Senior Vice President and General Manager was tasked to reach mutually satisfactory agreements with the new government headed by Sandinistas who spearheaded the revolution. During the start of Standard Fruit’s (Standard, for brevity) operations, its base was Honduras in the 1950s and they bought fruit from Ecuadorian growers who established their farms in Costa Rica. Rapid expansion followed in the 1960s and they became prosperous enough, supplying 20% of the European market in 1973. They also engaged in vertical integration--- from production to distribution, marketing and processing of banana products. Food operations made up 80% of their corporate revenues. External Analysis Following are opportunities: * Nicaraguan government’s incentive package for foreign investments like Standard Fruit to include duty-free imports and partial exemptions from municipal taxes * Find entirely new group of producers to counter negative attitudes among Chinandega’s landowners * Expansion of the operation or markets to geographical areas to the north, south and east other than the West Coast for an opportunity to create new avenues of revenue. Following are threats: * Spread of both Sigatoka and Panama diseases...
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...HBS Case Study- “Frasier” Tamika Hernandez Khadijah Holley Course Number: 0204 – 689-102 Negotiation for the Business Professional The Art of Persuasion & Negotiations November 18, 2014 Professor: Neil Halloran Frasier Case Study 1) Who are the parties to the “Frasier” negotiation, and what are their interests? How can the various parties influence the negotiation process and its outcome? The parties involved in the Frasier negotiations are; Paramount Television Group, National Broadcasting Company (NBC), and the actor Kelsey Grammer (Owner) . Marc Graboff (ExecutiveVice President) led the NBC negotiation team which included Scott Sassa (President of NBC West Coast) and Jeff Zucker (President of NBC entertainment). Kerry McCluggage (Paramount’s Chairman) led the negotiation team for Paramount and was sometimes joined by Gary Hart, president of Paramount. 2) What are NBC’s BATNAs? What are Paramount’s BATNAs? Of these BATNAs, which is the best option for each entity? NBC had two BATNA’s: keep Frasier regardless of the increased cost (take a financial hit) in hopes to keep it as a “tent pole” to draw in its viewers to the new shows line-ups after Frasier, or buy a comparable comedy show from another network (such as Dharma and Greg) that will bring in the same audience group 18 to 49. The only downfall was that could cause a bidding war that could increase programming expenses. Paramount’s BATNA’s were to either sell the sitcom to CBS (sister...
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...Erik H. Shirreffs Professor Harris IHR 380 17 March 2015 Effect of West Coast Port Gridlock From May 12, 2014 until February 20, 2015, the Pacific Maritime Association was in negotiations with the International Longshore and Warehouse Union in an attempt to come to an agreement on a new contract, which will keep the west coast port facilities in operation. The Pacific Maritime Association represents 72 cargo carriers, terminal operators and stevedores that operate 29 major U.S. ports spanning the west coast from Washington to Southern California (Pacific). The International Longshore and Warehouse Union represents approximately 42,000 members, which includes the 20,000 West Coast dockworkers that process over 340 million tons of cargo per year. This cargo represents over 12.5 percent of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product. The contract in dispute between the Pacific Maritime Association and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union expired on July 1, 2014. Since that time, the port facilities had continued to operate without a contract, but as time passed, pressure from both sides increased in order to reach an agreement. The Pacific Maritime Association claimed that the International Longshore and Warehouse Union had been engaged in a work slow-down that had increased the congestion at west coast port facilities. Although other factors such as increased holiday shipping demands and a shortage of trucks and trailers contributed to the congestion, according...
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...help of other aviators and expanded to other types of types of services such as transport of foods. Later on under the name of American Airways, Lindberg acquired and organized other small airlines. The small airlines were mostly independent carries and they all were branded under American Airways. Throughout the decades AA participated in the development of our current mail systems and play important parts in the American conflicts such as World War II, where AA turned their fleet to the military, Air Transport Command, to include their air crews. AA has been always been reinventing itself offering new services, keeping itself with aviation technology and by introducing new customer services. It innovated with services like magnetronic reservoir to keep track of available seats. AA was the first to offer nonstop transcontinental service and later on the first to offer coast-to-coast jet service. They also introduced a Family Plan to give discount air fares to traveling families. AA attention to customer service introduces the first flight attendant college and the AADVANTAGE travel awards program. AA was the first airline to use electronic ticketing and it was one of the first airlines to go use online ticketing. Currently, AA operates a fleet of more than 600 hundreds aircrafts, is one of the largest airlines in the world with international and domestic routes, with revenues of more than 22 billions of dollars annually. Transport Workers Union – Air Transport Division Background ...
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...Somalia The pirates in the coast of Somalia came to activity at the start of 2003. The main reason that provoked local Somalis to start attacking foreign cargo ships was the civil war that broke out in 1991. The Somali Civil War leads to an unstable government that lacked on authority, leadership and control to stop the rising attacks between local groups. From there, Somalia went on downhill; its population decreased over two thirds from 1991 to 2011 and by 2008, the United Nations estimated that nearly 3.2 million Somalis were dependent on food aid for survival. These pirates had nothing to live fro before attacking the ships. They started hijacking the ships in look of money and valued good, however, by the first assaults they realized that the cargo in the ships was of no use for them and there wasn’t sufficient money for pirates to benefit from it. Leading them to start capturing the employers and asking for ransoms. They often worked implicitly with fundamentalist Islamic groups to provide additional on-shore security and protection for a fee. Somali’s pirates attack using small groups on speedboats that approach merchant vessel and launch hooks to climb aboard without being detected. Once on board they use small agile weapons such as AK-47’s assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades to capture the crew. Once they have taken full control of the cargo ship, they direct it near the coast from where they will conduct the negotiations. Martin Anderson should negotiate...
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...dollar higher, you'd do the deal. If you're the buyer, it's the maximum price you'd pay, and you'd be indifferent to doing the deal at that price point. Again, if it's a dollar higher, you walk; if a dollar lower, you'd take the deal. ZOPA (ZONE OF POSSIBLE AGREEMENT) = When the parties are "in the same ballpark" with respect to terms and pricing. Final Assignment We're going to analyze a real, albeit slightly older, deal here from the perspective of the main players (and there are several). Hopefully those players (at least their companies) and the property is familiar to you; this deal negotiation took place in 2001. The case in question is on the Harvard Business School Press site; access it (at a cost of $3.95) using this link. Here are the topics I want you to address in your analysis of this deal negotiation; I'm going to introduce into our work here a couple of new-ish concepts (although they were touched on in Getting to Yes) that I want you to explore on your own. I will include a definition for them in RESOURCES, but make sure you understand what they mean before you attempt to address. So here are the...
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... The Japanese has been negotiating for the handshaking to happen with the goal of striking a mutually satisfactory deal. Key words: handshake, conflict management, negotiation, collaboration. The current tension between China and Japan over disputed islands in East China Sea has been a cause of concern by political and economic leaders in the Southeast and East Asia Regions. However, the tension could be lessened by nonverbal gestures and niceties as asserted by Katie Shonk in her Harvard-published article on November 5th, 2014 entitled “For Conflict Resolution in Asia, A Simple Handshake Could Go Far” (Shonk, 2014). A simple but significant gesture, a handshake between Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Chinese President Xi Jinping is what the Japanese officials hope will happen during the regional economic summit in Beijing scheduled this month. There are two major factors that have caused the strain in the relationship between the two countries. First is the refusal of Xi to meet with Abe. It was surmised that “Xi would not engaged in formal talks unless Abe promised to stop visiting a shrine to Japan’s war dead that offends many Chinese haunted by Japanese World War II atrocities”. Second, tension escalated when Abe’s predecessor purchased a disputed band of islands off the coast of Japan. This prompted China to send paramilitary ships and aircraft to the waters near the uninhabited islands. Japan, in-turn launched its own...
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...transformation by the maturing the industrial economy, development of mass agriculture, rapid growth of big business, and a rise of national labor unions and conflicts. During the industrial revolution there was a particular interest in service-based businesses, such as transportation systems, banking, communication, an increased volume of manufactured goods. In 1907, two very young entrepreneurs, Claude Ryan and Jim Casey, created what would be known now as the world’s largest package delivery service. Teamsters are the largest diverse union in America. In 1903, Teamster merger of the two leading association (Teamster, 2013). The Unions are known as the advocate of service drivers and warehouse workers. Consisting of approximately 1.4 million members that are public defenders for those that are under their contract. Once a contract is agreed-upon and signed, all Union workers are required to enforce it. Under a Teamster’s contract it guarantees decent wages and benefits, retirement, health coverage, job security, and paid time off. Ron Carey rose as president in the early 20th century and he was greatly supported by Teamster Democratic Union. Teamster Democratic Union...
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...Desperate Air From: Modern Business Law, Third Edition, Dunfee et al. (McGraw-Hill) Desperate Air Corporation (DAC) flies routes along the U.S. East Coast. DAC acquired a number of hotels and undeveloped properties five years ago as part of a short-lived diversification strategy. DAC has recently experienced substantial losses, has a negative cash flow, and bankruptcy looms as a possibility unless high labor costs can be reduced and consumer confidence restored. Benton Williams has just been brought in as CEO to revitalize DAC. Williams began by cutting back on middle management positions and by placing a one-year moratorium on hiring MBAs. Middle managers terminated by DAC and other airlines have had a tough time finding equivalent jobs. DAC owns a large underdeveloped ocean front property on the east coast of Florida. Williams directed George Nash, DAC's Vice President of Real Estate, to find a buyer for the property in order to generate badly needed cash. After some effort, Nash identified Fledgling industries, a relatively new developer of retirement villas as a good prospect. Fledgling is interested in finding a property on which it could build a complex of high rise retirement condos featuring elaborate walking trails and outside recreational facilities. DAC had conducted a full environment audit of the property 6 months previously and had discovered no problems with the property. A copy of the report was given to the Fledgling representative who also walked...
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...he built small boats and traded among the Massachusetts islands, as his father had done for many years. He shipped aboard a whaler owned by the prominent Rotch family, Quaker merchants and whalers of New Bedford. During the American Revolution, he served on a privateer and often participated in running...
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...highly developed system of customary law. Instead they set out to degrade Aboriginal cultures and deny the existence of custodial ownership of the land (Newbury, 1999, p. 25). Over the next two hundred years, the government would introduce a number of policies that would continue this destructive ideal and aim to control Indigenous people, including their culture, beliefs and movements across the country. Although these policies had a major effect on Indigenous people there are many stories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people resisting the European invasion. Captain James Cook landed on the east coast of Australia, specifically in Botany Bay, home of the Eora people and claimed possession under the doctrine of ‘terra nullius’. British law at the time stated that Britain could only take possession of another country if it was not inhabited or through negotiation or war. The British ignored these laws, invading and settling on Aboriginal land (NSW Education and Communities, 2013, para. 1). British settlers went about removing trees, reducing availability of food and other resources, brought in livestock which contaminated the waterways and forced the Indigenous peoples off their spiritual land. Many settlers also used violent force to eliminate the Indigenous population and dispossess them of their land. Settlement of Australia occurred at different rates. For example the Eora people took the brunt of the initial invasion while those communities further inland,...
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...between 2002 and 2011, as measured by chocolate product consumption (ICCO cocoa market review Jan 2012). Increased standard of living in India and China is increasing the demand for chocolate products, which used to be considered an elite luxury item. The massive population in these countries is driving up the demand for chocolate and increase the price of cocoa. Between the years 2002 and 2012 the growth of consumption of chocolate products has been varying between 15 – 20 per cent annually. 1.2. Status in Africa The general world’s and UN’s attention is targeting to act against child slavery and general working conditions in African nations. The recent examples from West Africa are suggesting the situation is improving, but Ivory Coast example from 2009-2010 demonstrates the fact that the majority of world’s cocoa is produced in unstably ran nations where human rights are not respected and general stability is poor. When workers in Africa will receive proper wages and working conditions, African production costs will increase, and raise cocoa prices. 2.13 Crop and Harvest The crops which are smaller than expected in cocoa producing countries will lower the supply of chocolate. World chocolate consumption is increasing, so the price of cocoa increases. Destructive diseases, such as black pod disease, and adverse weather patterns have plagued cocoa yields in Africa for the past 15 years, losing growers $700 million annually. (www.foodnavigator.com/Product-Categorie...
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...Chinese market entry strategy for the Turner’s Ice Cream Introduction This report sets out to analyse the selected UK ice cream manufacturer – the Turner’s strategy to entry to China’s ice cream market. It uses SWOT analysis approach analyses the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The report has identified a general marketing entry strategy which will help the company developing new market effectively. It contents the introduction of the Turner’s company in brief, the Chinese ice cream market, the SWOT analysis and the suggested marketing entry strategy. The Turner’s Ice Cream in brief The Turner’s Ice Cream was founded in 1950. Two years later, “Verona” rang of flavoured ice cream was introduced. By 1960, the company had over 30 outlets along the south coast of England, and by 1988, there were 250 Turners’ shops around the UK. The company has recently launched a franchise option, and there are now 14 franchisees operating near key tourist centres in England, Scotland, and Wales. Turner’s ice cream has justifiable acquired a high quality, upmarket image, and the company has continued to emphasise traditional values, traditional products, and traditional ingredients. From 2004 to 2006, the company’s sales stood at around 1.5 m GBP, trading profit reached 1.1 m GBP. The company’s profile looks OK, but there is no doubt that times are getting harder. The UK ice cream market previously is dominated by three large players – Walls, Lyons, and...
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...environment, long work shifts, child labor, and low/minimal wages. Nike’s move of partnering with factories abroad was an innovative trend to save money for the company as well as make their shareholders wealthier. In turn it made Nike billions, but the global ethical downside cost the brand much scrutiny. Nike forgot something; the majority of it’s consumers purchasing their products have ethical values. Once the public was made aware of the “sweatshop” type conditions in which their product was being produced, Nike’s bottom line was negatively affected. As a result, top-level business decisions had to be reevaluated, particularly outsourcing. Employment labor laws globally are quite different than in the U.S. For U.S. based companies who partner with third-world companies to save money, they must take a stand to make sure they are doing it the right way – the ethical way. Outsourcing may be the new trend to save money for the parent company, but all aspects of outsourcing must be considered and continuously audited – especially for brand protection. Outsourcing abroad can be successful if done correctly and can certainly help global economics. The most important consideration is the ethical treatment and welfare of people. U.S. companies must...
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...company would not transfer its operations abroad, AMC closed nine mines over a five-year period, firing over 5,000 United Mine Workers. Only one surface mine and one underground mine were left operational in the US, with plans to close both by 2003. AMC was one of the leading coal mining companies in the United States for the previous half century, with coal holdings of over 1.3 billion short tons and revenues of nearly US $1 billion. Worldwide, AMC enjoyed a reputation of providing high quality coal, reliable delivery, and excellent service. Before the shift to Colombia, AMC was one of the top 300 largest private companies in the United States. The company had also begun diversifying into real estate developments on both the US east and west coasts. Colombia provided numerous advantages for AMC. First, the country’s low wages provided a much cheaper labor force in comparison to the high hourly salaries of the US mine workers. Wages for Colombian mine workers, for example, ranged from $500 to $1,000 a month, while US mine workers received over $3,000 monthly plus benefits. Moreover, the company would also not have to contend with the burdensome labor restrictions of the US mine union, such as limited working hours and mandatory safety conditions. By the early 1990s, AMC’s CEO stated that the costly labor restrictions and high wages in the US severely impeded the company’s growth prospects. Colombian union membership, however, was minimal but rising. Workers were willing to endure much...
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