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College Admissions Essay: Growing Up

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Growing Up
“Nothing is as good as it seems beforehand.” – George Eliot
This quote sums up how I feel about almost anything in life that I look forward to with anticipation. Before it happens, I envision that the event is going to be the most amazing occurrence in my life. When it comes to pass, I end up in a state of almost disappointment because the great happening that was supposed to take place wasn’t that great. I wonder why we all look forward to things with so much anticipation and then end up having blown the event out of proportion in our minds. Being grown up is definitely something that looked great beforehand, but now that I am on the brink of adulthood, I wish I could go back. From the time that I began understanding life, I always thought grownups had it better than we kids did. Adults could do just about anything that they wanted, including many things that I could not do. Who gave the orders at school, home or anywhere else? Adults, of course. Though I despised this fact at the time and still get angry with other adults now, I do understand that they knew more than I did at the time. I did not realize that they were smarter as adults then, but because they made the rules, I always wanted to be an adult. I just knew in my little kid brain that being an adult had to be amazing. I did not …show more content…
I’m gonna be able to do whatever I want!” I could be free to accomplish anything that could possibly come to mind. I could drive anywhere or buy anything I wanted. That would be life--no worries and doing anything I wanted. There was a slight problem with this epiphany of my childish mind--the fact that adults do have a lot of worries was not included in it. In my thinking, I saw the responsibilities of a child but with the abilities of an adult. My assumption was that people just automatically had money, not that I would be required to have a job and work eight hours per day in order to acquire that

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