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College Admissions Essay: Growing Up In High School

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I was a weird kid and I did a lot of weird things (like breaking into my neighbor's house for a Little Debbie snack cake), but growing up in College Station, Texas will do that to you. College Station is the epitome of a college town so when you’re under drinking age really all there is to do is go to school and play sports (it is Texas after all). My sport of choice was volleyball, I played for a total of 6 years, four of which were spent on a national touring team. I also played throughout middle school and soon became my coach’s favorite because I brought treats to practice and during our very first game I served 22 points in a row. Not to toot my own horn here, but I was really good, like considering college scholarships at twelve years old good. Needless to say, my coaches were very disappointed when I told them I was moving to LA to become an actor.
Acting was something I was introduced to by my fifth grade drama teacher, Ms. Amestoy. I quickly fell in love with the idea of being able to entertain and make people laugh. My family found a local LA talent scout in Texas and we, being my brothers and I, began …show more content…
After about a year it started to fizzle out then I booked a role in a movie that my brother was in. The movie Boychoir (starring Dustin Hoffman, Kathy Bates, and my brother Garrett) wasn’t exactly a smash hit, but it took us to Toronto, Montreal, and Tokyo for film festivals! After filming my two scenes for Boychoir I returned home and realized I didn’t want to act, but more importantly I realized that I didn’t want all of my success to be from riding off the coattails of my brother. The main reason I had gotten roles in the past was because my brother was already attached and my dad was somehow able to get me on the project as well. I know I should have been grateful for any opportunity to work on my “craft”, but if I was going to be successful (in any field) I wanted it to be because of my hard

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