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My Dog Team Research Paper

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The key to a well oiled team is a mix of diverse personalities. Each person who belongs to an organization must blend together well and do their part to better themselves as a whole. There are a million types of teams, from football to dog racing and everything inbetween. My dog team consists of four fantastic athletes, each of which have their own spunky personalities. Boss, a man of wisdom, is the eldest of all the others. Monster, who will cuddle people to death, is also a vicious licker. Cinno (Ch-EEN-Oh), the wild child, is the one who always wreaks havoc on everything. Last but not least, D.O.G (Dee-Oh-Gee), the youngest and smartest dog on the team. Every team needs someone to lead them, typically the oldest or the one with the most …show more content…
No matter how badly a race went, Monster is always the first to jump up on me, wrapping his paws around my waist, as if he is pulling me in for a hug. That is exactly how he received his name, when he was just a pup he would jump on my six year old brother, Johnathon. When Johnathon would tell my mom why he had scratches on his arm, he would say “That Monster jumped on me again,” ever since then the name stuck. Nevertheless, I know Monster never meant to hurt Johnathon. He was just trying to devour his face with kisses. Before every race, I have to pet Monster at least ten different times which is the only way he runs consistently well. Also, I can not spend more time with another dog because he becomes jealous and gives me the cold shoulder until I make it up to him with a good ear scratching. But, I do not mind spending a little extra time with him because he is not nearly as unruly as some of the other …show more content…
D.O.G meets the requirements of being named the rookie. He takes the time to watch and learn from the older, more experienced dogs. I know he does this because when we are by the truck, before a race, if another dog stretches out, D.O.G will replicate them. Although he has many things to learn, I can tell he is willing to apply the time and is trying his best to become one of the top sled dogs we have. D.O.G is blessed with the gift of knowledge, he can figure out any problem that is set in front of him. Whether it be attempting to pick a treat up from the ground to slipping out of his collar just to greet the dogs in the truck nearby. Every team needs a rookie that works their way to the top and passes the traditions to younger people as they work their way up to the

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