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College Athlete Privileges Essay

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Put an End to Athlete Privileges Imagine you’re walking home from class and it’s starting to get dark. When you start to hear the crunch of footsteps behind you. You quicken your pace, but the smell of musky sweat keeps getting closer and closer. You turn around and standing there is the six foot three bulky quarterback from your school. Next thing you know, you are in the hospital hurt and violated, being forced to answer personal questions. This is something many women experience in their lifetime and sadly, most athlete involved situations never make it to trial. Athletes are subjected to leniency in the justice and academic systems due to their talent; however they must be held accountable for their actions as much as the average person. …show more content…
Classes are all covered by these scholarships and they don’t have to pay for any of the equipment the sport requires. Even the coaches are willing to cover up their crimes at all costs. The University of Tennessee was settling a lawsuit for 2.48 million dollars and still admits that they did nothing wrong. This lawsuit was over “a hostile sexual environment on campus by not properly investigating and punishing student athletes accused of sexual assault” (Kauffman 1). A lot of money is being spent to cover up these crimes; however, “college athletes are not worth a single cent on the open market, at least until they are eligible for the NBA or NFL draft” (Dirlam 2). If college athletes are not worth any money, then why do we keep letting the schools and the players throw money at their problems so they will disappear. What's not going to disappear is the children that are looking up to these athletes and they need to earn that …show more content…
"Closing a Case Will Not Mean Closure at Duke." New York Times, 25 Mar. 2007, p. SP3(L). Opposing Viewpoints In Context, Accessed 14 Dec. 2016.
Kauffman, Gretel. "Univ. of Tennessee settles Title IX lawsuit, but admits no wrongdoing." Christian Science Monitor, 6 July 2016. Opposing Viewpoints In Context, Accessed 14 Dec. 2016.
"Phil Sheridan: Aaron Hernandez simply violent jerk." Philadelphia Inquirer [Philadelphia, PA], 2 July 2013. Opposing Viewpoints In Context, Accessed 14 Dec. 2016.
“College Athletes and Crime: What Happens When Players Break the Law?” Thomas Reuters, 2016,
Dirlam, Zach. “ There’s No Crying in College: The Case Against Paying College Athletes.” Turner Sports and Entertainment Network, 3 April 2013,

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