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College Basketball Research Paper

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It happened in a flurry of confusing moments: an elbow to the face and chaos among the home spectators who were yelling enraged insults at the referees from the bleachers. No foul was called despite the blatant and illegal maneuver. A chorus of boos echoed through the brightly lit gymnasium as play continued, and a member of the opposing team dribbled the basketball aggressively on the shiny wooden floor. Nine girls rushed towards the visitors’ side, establishing their respective offenses and defenses, while the crowd anxiously cheered for whichever team they paid four dollars to watch in this contest that was knotted at thirty-two points apiece. All eyes were glued to the basketball except for three sets which were frozen on the tenth …show more content…
In an aggressive struggle to gain possession of a loose basketball, a flagrant elbow from the forward guarding her impacted her jaw with such force that she was knocked off her feet, and in a cruel twist of fate, she received another blow, cracking her head off the solid floor so that it created a giant bounce, neck seemingly directionless like the ball she was so motivated to grab. A concussion, no doubt, would be the diagnosis, but as my mother and I walked anxiously to interrogate the athletic trainer about her symptoms and possible treatments, we would never have predicted how deeply the brain injury would influence my sister’s life. My mother and I were beginning to quiz each other on aspects of concussions when the athletic trainer opened the door into the hallway and permitted us to enter. My sister was perched on the examination table, feet swinging as she tucked her sweaty white jersey into her shorts, geared to rush into the gymnasium and exert all her energy into playing the fourth quarter. Wide-eyed from shock, I questioned her quick recovery and was relieved when the trainer gently nudged her until she was leaning against the padded

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