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Price Gouging In The United States

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The lies this country carries. The greatest country? The land of great opportunities? The place citizens of this country who believe that you can get the best things for the best price. The country where we can get the best medical care for a decent price, but throughout my years of living here, I have yet to experience any of those things, especially when it comes to the prices on not only the simplest items, but on medical equipment and supplies that many people rely on. Throughout this society there have been an economic problem that is coming a float. Prices are rising, and people are going “broke”. The epidemic problem of PRICE GOUGING is getting out of hand! Meaning when in a time of need/ desperation and a state of emergency companies …show more content…
Created by conniving business owners who saw the poopunity to gain more money for their business by temporarily increasing the price of their merchandise to sell to consumers during a time of crisis. For example: hurricane,flood, blizzars, and many more. The most common items that are used in price gouging are: gas, medication supplies and equipment, food, and water. Even handyman repairs needed by citizens where the disasters have struck are also subject to price gouging. There is numerous amount of laws that protects citizens from price gouging, yet the laws against it vary by each state. Starting from 2008, over 35 states have been initialized against price gouging. In most states, there are three criteria that plays a part on how to define price-gouging: the price limit(the maximum price that is given to each item), the essential items or services(how essential the item is to survival), and the type of natural disaster it is(the price is determined depending on certain disasters that may …show more content…
For instance Hurrican Harvey which was knows to be one of the biggest hurricanes besides Hurricane Wilma in 2005. Hurrican Harvey is described as an dangerous tropical clycone from Hurrican Katrina that inflicted about 125 millions dollards worth of damage in Texas. The impact of the storm left almost little to nothing standing up, it left numerous families homeless and in shock of what they had once called home. When trying to get back on their feet by purchasing the neccesities they had lost in the storm, many families encountered a sudden increase if inflation on almost everything. Accoring to one of the victims “ a local store was charging as much as $100 of a case of drinking water”, a typical case fo water range from 2 to no more than 5 dollars, yet the owners of the stores thought it was okay to charge needy citizens for basic neccesities. Nevertheless, this was not the only complaint, over 500 citznes complained about the rapid inflation prices that they have encountered during their time of crisis. Dan Pearson who works for the Better Bureau Business in Texas clears up the issue of the price gouging during this storm, by stating that, “You're not supposed to artificially inflate prices of things that are emergency or needed during a

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