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Colonization Of North America Essay

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Britain in some cases required the land to maintain her influence over the world. Britain needed land so their population could spread out. The motherland experienced a severely populated country and could not fully sustain such a high amount of people on the island. The nation also desired the resources that America would offer. Britain needed to have a great amount of resources to sustain its influence upon the world. During the time of Britain’s colonization of America the small island experienced was dense and grossly overpopulated. The wealthy kingdom experienced a population around three to five million people during the time of colonization (Wrigley). This amount of people although spread out still left the country in a very populated …show more content…
The life for the peasants was difficult because “the landlords were attempting to reimpose the unsustainable practices on the poor” (Crouch). Clearly the landlords of Britain forced the peasants out of the motherland due to the unfeasible cost of living they inflicted upon the poor. The impoverished people needed to escape the high cost of living in England and thus moved to the newly discovered continent of North America during over the course of the colonization period. The impoverished people of Britain also became attracted to America due to some of the apparent opportunities available in the newly found continent. Many people became attracted to America specifically New England because of the “healthy climate, small widespread villages, and an abundant food supply resulted in the lowest death rate and the highest birth rate of any of the colonies” (Smith). The new land provided the immigrants of Britain with higher standards of living that they had not experienced back in Britain. The new land provided some with great standards of living previously never experienced

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