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Combat Helmet Research Paper

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Obviously, the most important role of combat helmets is to protect a person’s head from injury. In the modern world, this includes a variety of threats including gunshot wounds, blunt force trauma and airborne accidents. Nonetheless, the secondary role of ballistic helmets as a platform for equipment such as cameras and communications gear cannot be overstated.

This brings us to the next consideration, which is the different helmet systems used by emergency responders, defense forces and industrial personnel operating in high performance environments.

1. The United States Marine Corps

The United States Marine Corps or USMC is the branch of the United States Armed Forces that provides force projection to rapidly deploy task forces on land, …show more content…
The service participates in conflicts worldwide, representing a major land-based offensive and defensive force. The current combat helmet of the United States Army is the Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH), introduced on the battlefield in 2003 by PEO Soldier to replace the PASGT helmet. It was designed based on the requirements of the service for impact and other protective performances. The helmet is lighter than its predecessor and features a pre-drilled night vision goggle hole in addition to an improved 4-point retention and pad …show more content…
Like with ground law enforcement, every mission and duty position here is different calling for a broad array of helmet shells to suit the range of missions and combat operations. One of the protective combat helmets used by the United States Special Forces is the Modular Integrated Communications Helmet. It utilizes several innovative features including a more advanced type of aramid synthetic fiber for better protection, a 4-point retention system and an extremely comfortable fit.

5. Private security companies

The MICH helmets have also become popular with private security companies for the same key benefits over PASGT including the reduced weight, improved modularity and increased situational awareness. By definition, a private security company in the United States is an independent organization providing armed combat and security services similar to those of the military and police force but on a smaller scale.

Third party capability upgrades can be added to a helmet system include:

1. Additional eye and face protection to attenuate blunt trauma and ballistic threats

2. Suspension and retention systems to enhance security and comfort

3. Component mounts for head borne

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