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Common Cold Research Paper

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Healthcare providers are asked questions about the common cold, flu, viral illnesses, and what is currently in the community by many people. Being a trusted health care provider gives the responsibility to be educators and teachers for those who ask for advice. From family, neighbors, and friends to patients or people encountered at work, nurses have an obligation to be well informed.
Statistically what is known as the cold is the most common acute illness within the industrialized world. Studies show that on average there are 6-8 colds a year for young children; many adults have as many as 2 to 4 per year.
Diagnosis of the common cold is based on symptoms. Nasal congestion, sneezing, a runny nose, and coughing are all classic signs of a cold. The common cold usually goes away on its own. However, in some cases it's necessary to make an appointment with a health care provider for an evaluation and diagnosis. There is no cure …show more content…
The high risk groups are the ones most likely to end up hospitalized or to ultimately die from influenza. Yearly worldwide flu epidemics can be as high as three to five million severe cases or illness and death rate as high as five hundred thousand.
The influenza Virus is transmitted easily, and spreads quickly in large groups (schools, nursing homes, hospitals, and dorms) When a person with influenza sneezes or coughs the droplets (that contains the virus) are now airborn anyone who breathes this in can be infected. The influenza virus is easily spread, so those hands that have been contaminated with the flu virus can spread from person to person quickly. Preventing transmission is key, people should cover their mouth and nose with a tissue whenever sneezing or coughing and wash hands with hot soapy water regularly.
The best way to prevent influenza is to receive the vaccine. Those healthy adults vaccinated will be protected even if virus is

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