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Buying A Car Analysis

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The first step in the process of buying a car is figuring out which body type you like. A teenager would normally go for a minivan to incorporate his four wild kids. When picking out a new car what condition the car is in is also part of the process. The most ideal condition is a rusted car so you won't have to worry about taking your time and parking it trying not to get scratches and dents into a door.

Or when you're backing out of the driveway about to hit the mailbox because do I have to pay to get it repainted if it doesn't have any paint on it. Once you found the car that you want when move on to the second step which is the actual buying of the car. When you buy a car you always want to get it for the cheapest price possible. In most cases if it's your first car your parents are paying for it. …show more content…
This is the best part of buying a car the negotiation. Whenever you negotiate never come strong at the person you have to come smooth as a sailboat starting really low . If you're buying a new car which most people won't be the price should usually start at $100,000 if you want to impress somebody but for you Cheapskates out there I'll cut you some slack and let you off at $85,000.

But for those of you people who can afford a new car as a first car you want to start low estimate the value of the car and use that as a maximum number that you're going to offer. When negotiating for a used car is the same method as buying a new car start low and go up. When you're buying a used car your idea about you should probably be about $200 maximum. Now I know what you're thinking you can't even buy a Power Wheels car for $200 but trust me as an experienced car salesman all that the car salesman wants is to sell the

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