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Communicating for Distance Education


Submitted By sschaumleffel1
Words 284
Pages 2
Part 1
Communicating for Distance Education
I don’t want to scare you, but I got into an accident today. I’m fine, though. I’m just a little shaken up. I was pulling out of the Subway parking lot around the corner from work, and within 10 seconds of pulling out onto US 19, someone drove straight into the back of my car. The guy that hit me, hit me so hard that he pushed me into the car in front of me. I immediately jumped out of the car, started screaming and yelling at the guy that hit me, and then just sat down on the sidewalk because I didn’t know if I had any damage done to me. The paramedics came to check me out. All is well.

To whom it may concern, On February 1st, 2013, I was rear-ended by a gentleman in a Toyota pick-up on US Highway 19 near the exit to Clearwater beach. I made a right turn onto US 19. Approximately 300 feet after making the right turn, the late model Toyota pick-up rear-ended me, resulting in me hitting the vehicle in front of me. I then drove a block up to the Steak & Shake restaurant and proceeded to call 911. A sheriff showed up to take statements from all three people that were involved in the accident (myself, the gentleman that hit me, and the woman I got pushed into). Ten minutes after calling 911, paramedics came to check on my vitals. All vitals were fine and I was released. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at (555)555-5555.
Policy Number: Very respectfully,

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